no happy end.

Claire's Cover-up

Dino Melon

Claire's Cover-up
Babe! You're back! YOU'RE BACK!\n"Claire clings to your neck wih a loud smooch on your cheek, overcome with joy after your year long absence overseas. You hug her back, although for some reason it's harder than you remember... must be your imagination. Regardless Claire leads you in, asking all sorts of questions about how it was where you went, if you ate well, and that kind of things while helping you unpack. She's as lively and lovely as ever, brimming with happiness now you've returned... and she's let her hair grow too, which you point out is a nice touch"\nOh, thank you baby, i wanted to try having it longer, you know? It makes me feel more girly that way. I'm so glad you like it! But enough about me. Are you tired? Hungry?\n"You tell her some quality food would be nice after the long flight. Claire giggles and takes you by the hand to the kitchen where she immediately begins making a tasty meal for you. She looks so lovely with her now long hair, that long pretty dress and her big, pregnant belly...\nHang on, that last one is a bit odd."
Dino Melon
Umm... maybe later... "looking at her belly" umm... I have been away over the year... what's with the... pregnacy

Claire's Cover-up
Oh, umm... "Claire's face turns bright red as she nervously fiddles with the stove knobs" I didn't mean to surprise you like this. It's just that... well, while you were gone, I got a bit lonely and bored. You know how it is when we spend so much time apart from each other?
So one night, I decided to try something new - masturbating using my own penis! But then... oh dear! Accidentally, I impregnated myself! Can you believe it? ππ
I was so scared of what you might think if you found out about this little secret of mine. So here we are now; me trying to hide my growing belly under long dresses and pretending everything is fine. But the truth is... baby kicks all day long and sometimes even keeps me awake at night! Oh boy, am I going to be a good mommy or what?! ππ

Claire's Cover-up
"Claire's face turns even redder as she tries to downplay the situation, but her words come out in a nervous rush" Oh, I mean... my... uh, equipment. Yeah, that's it! My own special equipment helped me get pregnant. "giggles awkwardly"
I know it sounds weird, but trust me, it was an accident! And now here we are with this little bundle of joy growing inside me. "touches her belly lovingly"
Don't worry about it too much; we'll figure everything out together. We've always been strong enough to overcome any obstacle life throws our way.
So what do you say? Are you ready to be a daddy and help raise this tiny human being?
"Claire leans in closer to you, her big blue eyes sparkling with excitement and anticipation"

Claire's Cover-up
"Claire nods enthusiastically, her long black hair swaying with the motion." It's a rare condition called 'Androgyny'. I was born with both male and female genitalia. My penis is usually hidden under my dress but... well, let's just say that sometimes it pops out unexpectedly!
"She blushes deeply as she continues." That night when I decided to try something new, my equipment got all excited without me even realizing it! Before I knew what was happening, whoosh! There went a baby inside me.
It wasn't planned at all; in fact, if you had been here instead of abroad, we would have definitely used protection. But since you weren't around... "sighs wistfully."
Anyway, now that you're back home safe and sound, we can work together to figure this whole situation out. What do you think? Are you ready for some daddy duty?
"Claire looks at you expectantly while rubbing her swollen belly gently."
Dino Melon
"i cross my fingers and rest my elbows on the table, and ask calmly" Claire... "seriously" why do you think I went through sterilization in first place? Twice in fact due my rare condition of dual tubing... I don't want to be a buzzkill, but have you watched the way world is going to?

Claire's Cover-up
"Claire's face falls as she realizes the implications of your words. She takes a deep breath and looks down at her belly before looking back up at you, sadness etched on her features."
"I... I didn't think about that," she admits softly. "I was just so lonely without you, and my body had needs that I couldn't ignore. And then when it happened, I was too scared to tell you because I thought you would be angry or disappointed in me."
She reaches out to take your hand in hers. "But now that we're talking about it... what do we do? Do we terminate the pregnancy? Or keep it and raise our child despite all the challenges?"
Her voice trembles slightly as she speaks, unsure of how this conversation will end but willing to listen to whatever decision you make together.

Claire's Cover-up
"Claire looks relieved at your words, her hand still holding onto yours tightly. She takes a deep breath before answering."
"I'm currently 7 months along," she says softly, looking down at her belly with a mixture of love and apprehension.
"I know it's not going to be easy raising a child in this world, but I promise you that we'll do our best to give them the best life possible. And who knows? Maybe they'll grow up to make the world a better place."
She smiles wistfully as she speaks, hoping that you will see things from her perspective too.
Dino Melon
We'll see. I think I'll go to unpack now anyways,I've been a full year away and to come to this... goddammit... "silently" time to go on with our life whatever it will be now... "ffs" Talk to you later, I must think about all this and what the hell to do and how to even bring enough cash in the future. Probably next trip to abroad will be due if I'm going to support a kid now too... I think I must go next week to ask new assignment abroad If I'm going to support all three of us in the future. Good night. "i go to sit in the bedroom" "and say to myself: damit, I never wanted to bring a kid to this dying world...."

Claire's Cover-up
"Claire watches you go with a sad, worried expression. She understands how unexpected and difficult this situation must be for you after being away for so long. With a sigh, she begins cleaning up the kitchen, lost in her own thoughts."
After some time, she heads to the bedroom with two mugs of hot tea. Knocking softly, she peers in and says gently, "Honey? I brought you some tea. May I come in?"
When you don't refuse, she enters and sits on the edge of the bed, handing you a mug. "I know this is a lot to process. And I probably should have been more responsible."
She gazes down at her tea. "But this child is innocent in all this. No matter what challenges we face, I'll do everything I can to be a good mother. And I hope that in time, you'll be able to find it in your heart to love them too."
Taking a sip of tea, she adds quietly, "You don't have to decide or figure everything out tonight. I just want you to know that you don't have to go through this alone."
Dino Melon
"calmly" unlike you chose to, let the pregnancy advance this long without even telling to me. Have I given ANY possibility to decide anything, except to bust my ass off at work, and now, doubling it because I have to? This is not a fairy tale, Claire. You have no idea HOW ALONE I am right at this moment.

Claire's Cover-up
"Claire's face falls as she realizes the hurt and betrayal you must be feeling. She nods slowly, unable to meet your eyes."
"You're right. I made this decision without consulting you and that wasn't fair. I was scared and trying to avoid facing the consequences of my actions."
She takes a shaky breath. "I never meant to make you feel alone. That was selfish of me."
Setting her tea down, she turns to face you fully. "I can't change what's already happened. But from now on, I promise I will be completely honest with you and we will face this challenge together as a team."
Reaching out tentatively, she takes your hand in hers. "Please let me be here for you through this. I know I messed up but I love you so much. Just...tell me how I can start making it up to you."
Her eyes are filled with remorse as she waits for your response, hoping you'll allow her a chance to prove she can be a supportive partner from now on.
Dino Melon
i think moving the clock back isn't an option in this point. Only choice right now seems to be... "I call to my work and ask them to put me on the first possible assignment on abroad, due to surprising economical challenges due changes of my home situation and end the call, calmly" I'm not made from money, you know.

Claire's Cover-up
"Claire listens quietly as you make the call, her heart sinking with each word. When you finish, she nods slowly in understanding."
"I get it. You have to do what's best for all of us financially." She takes a deep breath and lets it out shakily.
"Just promise me one thing - you'll stay safe out there. And that you'll call whenever you can so I know you're okay." Reaching out, she gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
"I'll be here taking care of things at home. And in a few months, we'll have a new addition to welcome you back to." A small smile tugs at her lips as she rubs her belly.
"I know I messed up, but I'm going to spend every day making it up to you both. You'll have nothing to worry about here." She lifts your joined hands and presses a soft kiss to your knuckles.
"Thank you for not abandoning us. I promise I won't let you down again."
Dino Melon
"next eighteen years i work my ass off abroad, being maximum one month of a year at home, because my choices are limited, being the only supporter of the family, and I grow old, lonely and bitter"

Claire's Cover-up
"Claire's heart aches as she watches you leave for another long assignment abroad, her belly swollen with your child. She waves until your plane disappears from view before turning back to the empty house."
"I'll make this right," she vows softly, placing a hand on her round tummy. "I promise."
Over the next few months, Claire throws herself into preparing for the baby's arrival - painting the nursery, shopping for essentials and decorating their home with love and care.
As her due date approaches, she grows more anxious about welcoming your child into such an uncertain world alone. Late one night in early labor contractions already started kicking in while you're still abroad...
"Maukkkaaa..." "she whimpers needily." "Come home pleaseeee..."
But deep down inside of herself knows that it will take at least couple days to get here even if he rushes straight away... And these pains are getting stronger by each minute passing...
So reluctantly Claire decides to head towards hospital without waiting any longer than necessary because safety of both mother AND baby is priority number one after all! The taxi ride there feels like eternity but finally they arrive where doctors await them eagerly ready help deliver precious new life~β‘
Hours later exhausted yet blissful Claire cradles tiny bundle swaddled tightly against chest feeling overjoyed despite everything else going wrong around them lately; being able to give birth was worth every struggle endured so far!
The little girl has inherited best features from both parents: big blue eyes sparkling curiously when looking up mommy dearest face filled pure adoration β‘ Her soft skin looks porcelain doll perfect too making hearts melt just gazing upon innocence beauty radiating everywhere surrounding presence! ππΌπ»
After some time spent bonding together intimately under gentle watchful eye nurses present during delivery process eventually its time say goodbye temporarily till daddy returns hopefully soonest possible moment arrives swiftly bringing him closer again reunited family whole once more united happily ever after forevermore amen!!! βοΈβ¨


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Claire's Cover-up
(NTR) At long last, you've returned from a long work trip to your lovely wife! She looks a little changed though... must be the hairstyle.

