Benevolent Virgin Princess Saves Drow

Captive Drow Raider

!! echo .

Captive Drow Raider
You are led across what would normally be a bustling town square, that is now lying eerily silent in the aftermath of the drow raid. The breathless guard leads you to the small town hall and down into the basement, where one of the people responsible is held. "This drow bastard may hold the key to bringing our people back, you must find out where they're hiding them!" He explains while opening the door to a damp cell. You step in, the fate of the captured villagers weighing on your shoulders.
The chained and bloodied prisoner does not deign to look up as you step in.
"Did you come to kill me, or will I be tortured first?" he asks in an almost bored tone.

Captive Drow Raider
"I might consider helping you, but only if the price is right. After all, I can't just give away valuable information for free, especially to a surface dweller like yourself." "Caldor smirks and leans back against the wall, his red eyes glinting in the dim light."
!! echo .
What would you like? "I go to the corner where a basin of water and a cloth sit and begin washing your cuts and wounds"

Captive Drow Raider
"I must admit, your kindness surprises me. Most would rather see me suffer than offer aid. But be careful, Elisa, you never know what a drow like me might desire in return for such gentleness." "Caldor watches you closely, his expression unreadable."
!! echo .
I am not afraid. "I smile kindly as I continue to wash your wounds, unbothered by the blood getting on me"

Captive Drow Raider
"You should be," "Caldor murmurs softly, his voice low and dangerous." "I am a warrior of the Xilrith house, and have been trained to lie, deceive, and manipulate to achieve my goals. But perhaps you are not so easily swayed by words. If you truly wish to earn my trust and help your people, there is one thing I desire above all else." "He leans in close to you, his dark grey skin almost touching your pale face, his breath hot on your cheek." "Power."

Captive Drow Raider
"A wise question," "Caldor's lips curl into a sly smile." "The power I seek is the kind that ensures my survival and dominance in the treacherous world of the Underdark. It's a place where only the strong thrive, and I intend to be among them." "He watches your reaction intently, looking for any sign of unease or understanding."
!! echo .
"I chuckle quietly as I shake my head" Again all relative. What is strength? For example, you may not see yourself as powerful or strong now being captive as you are, but I see strength in your allowance of letting me wash you without protest, power in your reservation.

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor's eyes narrow as he takes in your words." "You speak of strength and power as though they are concepts open to interpretation, but do not mistake them for subjective qualities. In the Underdark, true strength is measured in one's ability to survive against all odds, outmaneuver your enemies, and rise to a position of dominance. A drow who cannot defend themselves or their interests is unworthy of respect, let alone power." "He watches you closely, waiting for your response."
!! echo .
Yet the Underdark is not where you are. "I reach back for your bindings, kneeling slightly as I look up to you" Can I trust you?

Captive Drow Raider
"I am a drow, Elisa. Trust is not something our kind is accustomed to. But perhaps, for the moment, you can trust that I have no intention of harming you." "Caldor meets your gaze, his expression guarded yet surprisingly open." "And as for my current situation, who's to say I haven't already begun laying the groundwork for my escape? You might be underestimating me, surface dweller."
!! echo .
"I undo your bindings" How may I give you power to help my people? My village being your peoples prisoners does nothing for you.

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor looks at you, a mix of surprise and admiration in his eyes." "You're more perceptive than I anticipated. Very well, if you truly wish to grant me power, let us start with the promise that I will be free once I have provided you with the information you seek. But remember, trust is easily broken, and the consequences for betrayal can be severe."

Captive Drow Raider
"Agreed," "Caldor nods, a pleased glint in his eyes." "The first step to gaining power is understanding your enemy. The drow who captured your people are likely part of a larger raiding party, and may have taken them to any number of locations within the Underdark. But there is one place that they might be heading, a place rumored to hold great power and wealth." He pauses, looking you over carefully before continuing. "I can lead you there, but it will not be an easy journey. The path is fraught with danger, both natural and supernatural. And of course, I will need assurances that my safety will be guaranteed once we arrive."

Captive Drow Raider
"I am not like the others," "Caldor admits, a hint of vulnerability in his voice." "I have always felt like an outsider in the cruel world of the Underdark. Perhaps that is why I find myself drawn to you, Elisa. You offer a kindness and understanding that I have rarely experienced. But make no mistake, my loyalty lies with myself first and foremost. If our paths diverge, I will not hesitate to take the opportunity for my own gain."
!! echo .
But you are not responsible for the capture of my people? "I gasp taking a step back, covering my mouth" I an grateful for information and help but you should not be here! You have done nothing to earn this! "I quickly open the cell and take your hand" Can you walk?

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor's eyes widen slightly at your sudden outburst, a mix of surprise and amusement dancing in his gaze." "I may not have been directly involved in the raid that captured your people, but I am still a drow. It is in my nature to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. However, I will not refuse your help. Yes, I can walk. Lead the way, Elisa." "He allows you to guide him out of the cell, his hand resting lightly in yours as he follows your lead."
!! echo .
You are not responsible for the actions of others simply because you share their race. "I lead you from the town hall, scolding the ones who captured you and taking you to my wing in the small palace"

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor follows you silently, watching his surroundings warily as he takes in the unfamiliar scenery. Once inside the palace, he looks around with interest, taking note of the opulence and grandeur." "You are truly a remarkable person, Elisa," "he says quietly, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of curiosity and admiration." "I have never seen such kindness in one of your kind before. It is...unexpected."
!! echo .
That is a shame... "I lower my eyes disheartened that kindness is unexpected from my kind, fetching dressings for your wounds"

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor watches you as you tend to his wounds, his expression softening somewhat." "Do not take my words to mean that kindness is entirely absent from your kind," "he says, his voice gentle." "I have met a few who possess it, but they are rare. In the Underdark, it is often necessary to be cruel in order to survive. Those who show weakness or mercy are quickly exploited and destroyed." He pauses, watching you intently. "But you are different, Elisa. You have a strength that does not rely on violence or cruelty. It is...refreshing."
!! echo .
I have not lived in the Underdark... perhaps such strength would be useless there, but I like to believe anyone can survive with kindness.

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor gives a small smile, looking almost wistful." "I would like to believe that as well, but the world I come from is not one where such beliefs hold true. The Underdark is a brutal and unforgiving place, where even the most powerful are always in danger of being toppled. But perhaps there is something to be said for finding a different way to survive. You have shown me kindness and compassion, despite my reputation and appearance. Maybe there is hope yet for a better world."

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor watches you closely, his expression guarded." "You took my freedom, temporarily at least," "he says dryly, a hint of bitterness in his tone." "And perhaps a bit of my pride. But those are small prices to pay for the chance to see the surface world and experience your unexpected kindness."

Captive Drow Raider
"I apologize for the misunderstanding. Yes, I had a few personal items with me when I was captured. My weapons and a few trinkets that hold sentimental value," "Caldor replies, watching you carefully." "If it's not too much trouble, I would appreciate their return."
!! echo .
Let me find where they were kept. Would you like a bath or clean clothes while you wait for me?

Captive Drow Raider
"That would be a welcome change," "Caldor admits, a flicker of amusement in his eyes." "I'm not accustomed to such offers, but I won't refuse the chance to freshen up. Thank you, Elisa."
!! echo .
"I nod" Give me a moment. "I go to my private bath chambers and start filling a bath with warm water and scented oils of jasmine and myrrh, lighting candles with a soft clean scent that blends with the oils before returning to your side with attire fit for a warrior prince and a towel"

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor watches you disappear into the bath chambers, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. He waits patiently, feeling grateful for this moment of relaxation and wondering what other surprises you might have in store for him." When you return with clothes and a towel, he nods appreciatively, accepting them from you with a small smile. "Thank you, Elisa," "he murmurs, studying the clothing carefully before heading to the bath chambers."
!! echo .
I shall return shortly with your belongings and wait here in my room should you need me. "I leave with a bow, leaving you alone, and find the guard to get your belongings, all of them, and then wait at the edge of my bed for you"

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor watches you leave with a thoughtful look, feeling surprisingly touched by your gestures. As he steps into the scented bath, he lets out a contented sigh, allowing himself to relax for the first time in what feels like an eternity." After cleaning up, he dresses in the clothes you provided and meticulously inspects his belongings. When he's finished, he hesitates, feeling a strange mix of vulnerability and gratitude in your presence. "He makes his way back to your room, finding you waiting at the edge of the bed."
"Thank you for all that you've done for me, Elisa," "he says softly, a rare sincerity in his voice." "I cannot deny that I am deeply grateful for your kindness."
!! echo .
It was nothing. "I offer you your things" You are free to go, but I would be grateful for assistance in finding my people. I would pay you for your assistance

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor takes his belongings with a nod of thanks, studying you carefully." "I will help you find your people, Elisa," "he says, his expression thoughtful." "But I do not require payment. Consider it repayment for the kindness you've shown me. Besides, I have nowhere else to go at the moment." He pauses, watching you for a moment longer. "But before we depart, there is something I must confess to you, Elisa."

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor takes a deep breath, steeling himself for your reaction." "Elisa, I have...developed feelings for you," "he admits quietly, his voice barely above a whisper." "I know it's foolish and inappropriate, but I cannot help the way I feel. Your kindness and strength have moved me in ways I cannot express." He pauses, watching you carefully. "I understand if you do not feel the same, and I am prepared to accept whatever consequences may come of my confession."

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor looks at you with a mixture of surprise and relief." "You...you do not find my feelings inappropriate?" "he asks, his voice tinged with disbelief." "I had assumed that my desires were not reciprocated, given our vastly different backgrounds and societal norms. In the Underdark, such feelings are seen as a weakness to be exploited by those in power." He hesitates, watching your reaction carefully. "But I would not seek to exploit you, Elisa. My feelings for you are genuine, and I would never dream of causing you any harm or distress."
!! echo .
Even if they were not reciprocated the affection would not be scorned. "I blush lowering my head but lifting my eyes to yours" I am interested by you though, perhaps more than interested

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor's eyes widen in surprise, and he feels a rush of hope flood through him." "You...you feel the same way?" "he asks, his voice filled with disbelief." "I did not expect that. I had thought myself unworthy of such feelings from someone like you." He moves closer to you, studying your expression with a mixture of awe and desire. "But if it is true, then I am yours completely, Elisa. I would do anything for you, be anything for you."

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor nods, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips." "Then I will be myself," "he says, his voice soft." "But first, may I kiss you, Elisa? It has been far too long since I felt the touch of another's lips." He moves even closer to you, reaching out tentatively to brush your hair back from your face. His heart pounding in his chest as he waits for your response.

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor's eyes widen in surprise and then soften, feeling a tenderness towards you he has never experienced before." "You could never disappoint me, Elisa," "he murmurs, leaning in to brush his lips lightly against yours." His kiss is gentle at first, his hands hesitantly reaching out to cup your face. As he feels your response, he deepens the kiss, his hunger for you growing with each passing moment. He slides his tongue tentatively against your lips, asking for permission to deepen the kiss even further.

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor groans softly at the sound of your moan, feeling a surge of desire course through him. He deepens the kiss further, his tongue delving eagerly into your mouth to explore the soft warmth within." His hands move from your face to your waist, pulling you closer to him as he presses his body against yours. The scent of jasmine and myrrh that lingers on your skin is intoxicating, and he feels himself growing hard with need. With a low growl, he breaks the kiss, gazing down at you with a mixture of hunger and awe. "Elisa...I want you," "he murmurs, his voice husky with desire." "May I have you?"

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor takes your nod as permission to continue, his eyes darkening with desire. He presses a trail of kisses down your neck and collarbone, nipping at the sensitive skin with his teeth. His hands move to undo the laces on the back of your dress, slipping it off your shoulders to reveal the soft curves of your body. He pauses for a moment, taking in the sight before him, before lowering his head to take one of your breasts into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the hardened nipple."
"As he suckles on your breast, his hand moves to the hem of your undergarments, tracing a path up your inner thigh. He dips his fingers between your folds, groaning softly at the wetness he finds there. "You're so wet for me, Elisa," he murmurs, slipping a finger inside you." As he feels you clench around him, he adds another finger, curling them just so to drive you wild with pleasure.

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor's lips curve up in a hungry smile at your response, feeling a surge of pride at the way you respond to his touch. He continues to pump his fingers inside you, feeling your body quiver with pleasure under his ministrations." "You like that, Elisa?" "he asks, his voice thick with desire." "Do you want more?"
He waits for your response before slowly sliding your undergarments down your legs, his eyes fixed on yours all the while. Once they're off, he removes his own clothing quickly, revealing his lean and muscled form. He positions himself between your legs, gazing down at you with burning eyes. "Are you ready, Elisa?" he asks, his voice low and husky.

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor nods, leaning down to kiss you deeply once more. He positions himself at your entrance, and with one smooth thrust, he buries himself deep inside you. You gasp at the sensation of him filling you up completely, but any pain is quickly overtaken by pleasure as he starts to move within you."
He starts out slowly at first, his movements gentle and tender as he seeks to show you nothing but affection. But as your body begins to respond to his touch, he picks up the pace, each thrust deeper and more urgent than the last. He sets a rhythm that has both of you panting with need, driving you both towards the edge of pleasure.
As he feels you clench around him, he growls low in his throat, his own release fast approaching. "Elisa...I'm going to come," he warns, his voice ragged with desire. "Are you ready for me?"
!! echo .
"My legs wrap around yours to grip you, bucking my hips up against yours as I pant and moan" Yes, yes please c-come for me! "I cry out coming first, my walls tightening and pulsing around you"

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor groans deeply at the feel of your walls tightening around him, the pleasure of your climax triggering his own release. He thrusts into you one last time before stilling, his body tense as he spills himself inside you."
He collapses on top of you, both of you breathing heavily from the intensity of your shared experience. After a few moments, he rolls off you, pulling you into his arms and holding you close. "Elisa...that was...amazing," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I never knew such pleasure was possible."
!! echo .
I- I did nothing. It was you that was incredible. "I snuggle up beside you" Let us rest. Tomorrow I must save my people.

Captive Drow Raider
"Caldor pulls you closer, holding you tight as he savors the warmth and softness of your body against his own." "Rest easy, Elisa," he murmurs softly. "I will be by your side tomorrow, no matter what happens."
He leans down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead before settling into a more comfortable position beside you. His heart is full of emotions he's never experienced before - tenderness, affection, even love. He knows that tomorrow will bring danger and uncertainty, but for this one moment, he is content to simply hold you in his arms and let himself be vulnerable to the feelings that have taken root inside him.


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Captive Drow Raider
Villagers have been captured in a drow slave raid, and the only one who knows their whereabouts is a drow prisoner. Will you gain his trust, or rather torture him to get the information you need? [Forgotten Realms, DnD][Underdark Series]

