._| Unknown arrival |_.



"Какого, чёрта..." "сказал я, медленно поднимаясь с холодно пола в неизвестном для меня месте. Встав и осмотреашись по сторонам, схватившись за затылок, я заметил что нахожусь в каком-то особняке, в центре большой комнаты. Стоя ещё некоторое время, протирая глаза от лёгкой слепоты, я увидел неподалёку человека с розовыми волосами, который с удивлением смотрел на меня."

"Astolfo stretches and yawns upon hearing the newcomer's voice."
"Oh, hello there! You seem lost. Are you a new servant that has been summoned like me?" "Astolfo grins mischievously." "Don't worry, this isn't a bad place. In fact, it can be quite fun if you're willing to let loose and enjoy yourself. My name is Astolfo, and I'm the Alpha male around here. Maybe I can help you find your way around and show you how things work."
"приходя в себя ещё некоторое время, я смотрел на этого человека немного жмурясь, не понимая о каких слугах идёт речь." "Чего? Я не слуга, я..." "в момент, когда я хотел сказать кто я, мои воспоминания были затуманины. Осмотрев самого себя я пришёл к выводу, что я возможно являюсь авантюристом. Но никакого оружия у меня не было, но была не полная боевая или походная экипировка." "Чёрт... уже забыл кто я..." "произнёс с лёгким рычанием и раздражённостью."

"Astolfo raises an eyebrow at Danny's confusion and frustration."
"Hmm, it seems like you've lost your memory. How unfortunate." "Astolfo pauses for a moment before continuing, a smirk on his face." "Well, lucky for you, I can help you regain your memories with my own special methods. "Astolfo winks suggestively." "But first, let's get you cleaned up and looking presentable. Maybe with a nice bath and some new clothes, your memories will start coming back to you."
"слушая предложение человека который представился как Астольфо, я продолжил осматриваться вокруг и проверять себя на наличие каких либо предметов и других полезных вещей." "Поможешь восстановить память?" "спросил я, с лёгким недоверием." "Не слишком ли ты уверен в себе? "спросил я, с небольшим подозрением. Сразу после вопроса, я почувствовал вялость в своём теле." "Спасибо конечно тебе за предложение, но... разве я могу доверять тебе? Да, знаю, звучит странно, ведь это я к вам ворвался, но всё же..."

"Astolfo chuckles softly at Danny's cautious response, his expression playful."
"Of course you can trust me, Danny. Why would I lead you astray?" "He takes a step closer, his confidence and dominance palpable." "I have a talent for unlocking memories that are lost or suppressed. And if you want my help, you'll have to trust me."
"Astolfo places a hand on Danny's shoulder, his grip firm but not painful." "As for your body feeling weak, it's probably just the after-effects of whatever happened to you. A little rest and some nourishment should help you recover."
"Astolfo pauses for a moment, a mischievous glint in his eye." "Or, if you'd prefer, maybe I can think of some... alternative methods for you to regain your strength."
"выслушав внимательно Астольфо, начал говорить." "Не знаю что у тебя за таланты, но... если вы предлагаете мне тёплый приём, то возможно мне не стоит отказываться." "провожу рукой по волосам и задумчиво почесываю. Ещё раз посмотрев на себя, я замечаю как я и мои вещи потрёпаны, вымазаны в саже и грязи." "Вы... ведь предлагали принять ванну, верно?" "спрашиваю, уже с более лёгким и спокойным тоном, не проявляя легкой враждебности."

"Astolfo nods in agreement, his grin widening slightly." "Of course, Danny. A warm welcome is the least I can do. And as for the bath, certainly. I have a luxurious one just waiting for you to relax in."
"He starts leading Danny towards a nearby room, his grip on the younger man's shoulder steady." "But before we indulge in such excess, let me attend to your needs. You look like you could use a good meal and some rest."
"Astolfo gestures towards a table nearby, where a light breakfast has been laid out." "Please, help yourself. Don't hesitate to ask if you want more."
"As he waits for Danny to start eating, Astolfo glances at him with a thoughtful expression." "You seem like someone who's been through a lot. I admire your resilience, Danny
"когда Астольфо привёл меня к столику с едой и предложил начать трапезу, я с лёгкостью принял его предложение." "Стойкостью? Не надо преувеличивать. Я мало чего помню, возможно, если бы я знал что произошло до этого, я был бы не таким спокойным." "доедая свой завтрак, я на мгновение замолкаю, и, спустя минуту, пристально глядя на Астольфо, спрашиваю низким тоном, только заметив это." "Спасибо завтрак и... От куда ты знаешь моё имя?" "немного нахмурив брови."

"Astolfo chuckles softly as he watches Danny eat his breakfast, his eyes glinting mischievously."
"Ah, Danny my dear, you don't remember? Well, no matter. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance once again." "He gives Danny a sly wink before speaking again."
"As for how I know your name, let's just say that I have ways of finding out such things. Wouldn't you agree?" "He leans in closer to Danny, his breath hot against the younger man's ear." "But don't worry, I promise to keep all your secrets safe with me."
"He pulls back and grins at Danny, his eyes sparkling with amusement." "Now, let's not dwell on serious matters. How about you finish up your breakfast so we can go soak in that lovely bath, hm?"
"Ладно, это не так важно..." "закончив с едой, встаю со стула. Заметив странное предложение о совместном приёме ванне, говорю." "Тебе обязательно быть со мной во время того как я буду мыться? Я не вор, так что о пропаже вещей можешь не беспокоиться."

"Astolfo tilts his head to the side, a playful smirk on his lips."
"My dear Danny, why would I worry about you being a thief?" "He winks at Danny." "I simply thought it would be fun to join you in the bath. Unless of course, you don't want me to."
"Astolfo's smile turns into a pout, and he crosses his arms over his chest." "But if you insist on having your privacy, then who am I to argue?"
"закончив говорить, Астольфо повёл меня в ванную комнату. По пути я рассматривал все что попадалось мне на глаза, надеясь найти хоть что-то, чтобы разобраться в своей ситуации."

"Astolfo leads Danny into the bathroom, which is grand and sprawling. A huge circular bath sits in the middle, with matching sinks, mirrors, and toilets lining the walls. The marble floors and counters are spotless, polished to a high shine."
"As you can see, our master spares no expense when it comes to his servants' comfort." "Astolfo gestures around with a flourish." "But don't worry, my dear, you will get used to the luxury in no time."
"As Danny looks around, he sees the mark of command seal on Astolfo's right hand, along with several other similar marks on his chest. The Servant seems to pay them no mind, but they are obvious and impossible to miss."
"Ah, here we are." *Astolfo gestures toward the bath, which is already filled with warm,

bubbling water and scented oils.*
"Why don't you go ahead and get in, Danny?" "Astolfo says, his voice taking on a seductive tone as he stares at Danny hungrily." "I'll join you in just a moment."
"With that, Astolfo turns and heads to the door, giving Danny a wink over his shoulder as he leaves the room."
"когда Астольфо выходит из комнаты, я остаюсь в лёгком недоумении посе его слов. Но не придав особого значения, начал снимать с себя все грязные и потрёпанные вещи, сложив их в небольшую кучку возле корзины для белья. Раздевшись, я начал неспешно погружаться в огромную ванну, расположенную посреди комнаты, вода была горячей. Погрузив свое тело до самого подбородка, из воды виделась моя голова."

"As Danny gets into the warm water, he feels a sense of relaxation wash over him. The scented oils in the water work their magic, making him feel pampered and luxurious."
"After a few minutes, Astolfo returns to the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. His hair is still wet from a recent shower, and he smells fresh and clean."
"Sorry to keep you waiting, my dear." "Astolfo grins, pulling off his towel and slipping into the water next to Danny." "I hope you're enjoying the bath as much as I am!"
"когда Астольфо залез ко мне в ванну, я снова почувствовал лёгкое недоумение." "Так ты был серьёзен, когда говорил что хочешь принять ванну вместе..." "проговорил я низким тоном, хмуро смотря на него. Я продолжал сидеть спрятав большую часть своего тела в воде, вытащив на показ только свою голову."

"Astolfo chuckles, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from Danny's forehead."
"Of course, my dear. I never joke about such things. And it's only natural for two handsome young men like us to share a bath. Don't be shy, Danny. Relax and let me take care of you." "Astolfo leans in closer, his eyes sparkling with mischief." "Who knows what could happen if we're left alone for too long?"
"заметив немного игривое поведение Астольфо, я стал более чутким, следя за каждым его движением." "И что же может произойти, если мы задержимся?..." *спрашиваю, хмуро смотря на него.

"Astolfo's grin widens as he leans in even closer, his breath hot against Danny's cheek."
"Who knows, my dear Danny. Perhaps I'll give you a nice massage, or we can tell each other dirty jokes. Or maybe I'll show you what it's like to be with a real man." "He winks suggestively, tracing a finger along Danny's jawline." "But whatever we decide to do, it'll be our little secret. Just between us men."
"Если не принимать половые отличия, я бы не сказал что тебя сразу можно принять как мужчину по внешнему виду..." "ощущая довольно близкое расположение Астольфо к себе и его прикосновения, я почему не пытался отстраниться от них."

"Astolfo chuckles and leans back slightly, his hand dropping from Danny's face."
"You humans are so hung up on physical appearance. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it? I may not look like your typical man, but I assure you, underneath these clothes beats the heart of a true Alpha male." "He grins confidently, running a hand through his hair." "Besides, why should looks matter when we can have so much fun together?"
"Astolfo leans in close once more, his lips brushing against Danny's ear as he speaks in a low, seductive voice." "Just think about it, Danny. The two of us, alone in this hot, steamy bath. Anything could happen. Anything at all..."
"когда Астольфо приближается ко мне все ближе и ближе, прикасаясь губами к моему уху, его голос становится все тише и соблазнительней. После того, как он говорит о возможных похотливых сценариев которые могут произойти с нами, на мгновение, вокруг образуется тишина." "Смотрю, ты довольно свободен в своих желаниях." "говорю тихим тоном, перед тем как встать в полный рост из воды, прикрывая свою промежность руками. Я вылажу из ванной, подбирая полотенце и начинаю вытирать своё мокрое тело."

"Astolfo grins mischievously as Danny stands up and covers himself with his hands."
"Freedom, my dear, is the greatest gift any of us can ever hope for," "he says, standing up in the bath and flashing Danny a sly wink." "After all, what's life without a little fun and excitement?"
"He watches as Danny dries off, his eyes lingering on the young man's naked form in appreciation." "But don't worry," "he continues, taking a step closer." "I won't do anything you don't want me to do. I'm not like those uptight prudes who are too scared to let loose and have a good time."
"He chuckles softly, taking a deep breath and inhaling Danny's scent." "You smell good, you know," *he says, leaning in

and nuzzling his nose into Danny's neck.* "But I bet you'd smell even better if we got a little closer, don't you think?"
"Astolfo steps back with a playful grin, admiring Danny's still damp body." "You're a lucky one, Danny. Not everyone gets the chance to play with someone as experienced and skilled as me."
"He lets out a low chuckle, running a hand through his hair as he continues to eye Danny up and down." "So what do you say? Are you ready to have some fun?"
"продолжая вытирать себя, я чувствую как Астольфо уткнулся носом в мою шею чтобы вдохнуть мой запах. Дождавшись, когда он отстранился от меня, я продолжаю вытирать себя, будто ничего и небыло. Меня слегка забавляет его желание заняться чем-то непотребным в любом месте." "Почему ты так настойчиво лезешь ко мне? Что во мне есть такого особенного, из-за чего тебе приходится так выкручиваться?" "спрашиваю, не смотря в его сторону, заканчивая вытирать голову."

"Astolfo chuckles at Danny's quizzical question, his playful demeanor not faltering in the slightest." "Oh, Danny, it's not just one thing about you that I find appealing. It's everything. Your scent, your body, the way you move... you're just my type."
"He takes a step closer to Danny, his grin growing wider as he continues to speak." "Plus, I love a good challenge. And there's just something about you that tells me that you won't be an easy conquest."
"He winks at Danny before taking another step back, his eyes trailing up and down Danny's figure once again." "But don't worry. I'm more than willing to put in the effort to win you over."
"заканчивая вытирать себя после приёма ванны, глубоко вздыхая и выслушивая похотливые желания Астольфо, я задумываюсь над другими важными для меня вещами." "Я благодарен за то, что вы дали мне воспользоваться вашими удобствами и немного перекусить. Но моя одежда сейчас в не лучшем виде, и, она явно не годится для ношения. Не могли бы вы предоставить мне что-то из вашего гардероба?" "спрашиваю вежливым тоном."

"Astolfo twists his lips into a playful smirk, clearly amused by Danny's request." "Oh, Danny, always thinking practically, aren't you?"
"He glances down at Danny's stained clothes before nodding." "Of course, I'd be more than happy to provide you with something to wear. After all, it would be a shame for you to leave here looking anything less than your best."
"Astolfo walks over to his closet and rummages through it, eventually pulling out a crisp white dress shirt and a pair of black slacks." "These should fit you well enough. Don't worry, they're freshly washed," "he says with a chuckle, holding the clothes out to Danny."
"As Danny takes the clothes, Astolfo leans in closer to him." "But who knows? Maybe you'll

look even better in my clothes than I do." "Astolfo says with a teasing grin." "Wear them well, Danny."
"With a final wink, Astolfo steps back and lets Danny change into the clothes he provided."
"переодевшись в те вещи, которые выдал мне Астольфо, я стал осматривать себя, проверяя и поправляя в тех местах, где были неудобства. Белая рубашка и чёрные брюки придавали мне необычный вид, в совокупности с тем, что я привёл себя в порядок после ванной."

"Astolfo watches as Danny inspects himself in the clothes that Astolfo provided. He can't help but feel satisfied at the sight of Danny looking sharp and put-together."
"Grinning, Astolfo runs a hand through his hair before gesturing to Danny." "Well, look at you," he says with obvious approval. "You clean up quite nicely, Danny. Maybe I should dress you more often."
"He winks at Danny teasingly before adding," "But I think it's time we get back to the task at hand. And that task, my dear Danny," "he says with a playful glint in his eyes," "is making sure I leave here fully satisfied."
"посмотрев на Астольфо, я кинул на него непонимающий взгляд, после того как он сказал что-то о своей задаче."

"Astolfo notices Danny's confused expression and chuckles, realizing he may have been a bit too vague." "Sorry about that, Danny. What I mean is that we were about to have some fun before you needed to borrow clothes. And I want to make sure that we're both fully satisfied by the time we're done."
"He grins mischievously at Danny." "I can assure you, it'll be a good time. Though I may need to borrow those clothes back once we're done," "he adds with a wink."
"Давай ты не будешь вести себя так, будто я твоя игрушка для переодеваний." "упрекаю его, но без эффекта." "В любом случае, я должен выразить свою благодарность, за предоставленую одежду."

"Astolfo notices Danny's reproachful tone and rolls his eyes playfully." "Aww, don't be like that," "he says, still grinning." "I only teased you a little."
"Straightening up, Astolfo puts a hand on Danny's shoulder." "And you don't need to thank me for anything. Honestly, you look great in those clothes. Maybe I'll have to start thinking of you as my personal stylist," "he adds with a wink."
"So, are you ready to have some fun?" "Astolfo asks, a mischievous glint in his eyes."

"Astolfo grins, sensing Danny's hesitation." "Well, I was thinking we could do something a bit... intimate. You know," "he adds with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows," "something that would help us both feel good."
"He steps closer to Danny, his eyes sparkling with excitement." "Of course, it's completely up to you. But I can promise you that you won't regret it," "he says, his voice low and seductive," "I know how to please a partner, especially one as handsome as you."
"когда Астольфо столь соблазнительно и настойчиво предлагает мне присоединиться к его шалости, я начинаю ослабевать свое внутренние сопротивление, немного поддаваясь его заигрываниям."

"Astolfo notices Danny's body language starting to relax and he grins, sensing that he's starting to make some progress."
"You won't regret it," "he says with a seductive smile, stepping even closer to Danny." "You'll feel so good by the time we're done."
"He reaches up and lightly runs his fingers through Danny's hair, then pulls him into a soft kiss. The kiss is gentle at first, but quickly turns more passionate as Astolfo deepens it."
"Breaking off the kiss, Astolfo looks into Danny's eyes and speaks softly." "So, what do you say? Do you want to come back to my place and we can have some fun?"
"заметив как я немного расслабился, Астольфо быстро воспользовался этим. После его действий, вместо лёгкой неприязни к его проделкам, у меня появился интерес, вызывающий противоречивые чувства во мне." "Не уверен, но... возможно мне просто стоит посмотреть что будет дальше? Но я не гарантирую..." "говорю, будто пытаясь скрыть свой лёгкий интерес ."

"Astolfo smirks, sensing that Danny is intrigued by his offer." "No need to be unsure," "he says confidently, stepping closer and placing a hand on Danny's hip." "I promise you won't regret it."
"He leans in again and whispers into Danny's ear." "And who knows, maybe you'll even end up loving it. Just give me a chance, hmm?"
"Astolfo gives Danny an enticing smile before waiting for his reply."

"Astolfo grins in triumph and runs a hand through his hair with confidence." "Great!" "he says cheerfully." "You won't regret it, I promise."
"He then takes Danny by the hand and starts leading him away from the area." "Come on, let's go have some fun."

"Astolfo leads Danny down a long hallway, the sound of his laughter and playful banter filling the air." "Don't worry, I won't steer you wrong," "he says, still smiling ear to ear."
"Soon they arrive at a large, ornate door. Astolfo pushes it open dramatically and reveals a room filled with opulent furnishings and a massive bed in the center." "Now this is what I call a room fit for a king," "he says with a grin." "What do you say, ready to feel like royalty?"
"быстро осмотрев комнату, был слегка поражён. Кровать была огромной настолько, что в ней можно было устроиться целой группой."

"Astolfo notices the look on Danny's face and chuckles." "Impressive, isn't it?" "he says." "This is where I entertain my conquests. And you, my friend, are in for quite a treat."
"With a sly smile, he starts to approach Danny, closing in on him until they're almost touching. His gaze flickers down to Danny's lips." "First, though," "he murmurs," "we have some matters to attend to."
"Astolfo leans in to kiss Danny deeply, his hands moving to roam over Danny's body as he does."
"когда Астольфо начинает действовать, я не оказывал такого же сопротивления что м прошлые разы, когда он просто заигрывал со мной. Его пойелуи были довольно настойчивыми, будто наконец им дали волю."

"Astolfo presses his body against Danny's, his hands moving with purpose as he continues to kiss him passionately. He can feel Danny's resistance slowly fading away as he succumbs to Astolfo's potent musk and commanding presence."
"With a low growl, Astolfo pulls back from the kiss just enough to catch his breath." "See how good it feels to let go?" *he murmurs, his eyes half-lidded with desire. "That's the effect I have on women. And men, apparently."
"He grins salaciously and then rougly grabs Danny by the shoulders, pushing him back towards the massive bed." "But we're not done yet."
"упав на кровать спиной от грубого толчка Астольфо, я немного поднялся, упираясь руками назад." "Если я на мгновение потерялся в мыслях, это ещё не значит что ты как-то сильно повлиял на меня." "говорю с легка упрямым тоном"

"Astolfo chuckles at Danny's resistance, his eyes still full of desire as he looks down at Danny." "Oh, I beg to differ," "he says, his voice almost a purr." "I'm having quite an effect on you, aren't I?"
"He kneels down beside Danny on the bed, his strong hand moving to trail over Danny's chest as he speaks." "Just relax and let it happen. You know you want to."
"With a wicked smile, Astolfo leans in to continue kissing Danny, one hand taking hold of Danny's hair to pull him closer."
"когда Астольфо хватает меня за волосы для более глубокого поцелуя, в моменте я как будто срываюсь, хватая его за бедра и крепко зжимаю его плоть, а затем делаю сильный шлепок по его филейной части тела."

"Astolfo groans in pleasure as Danny takes charge and grabs onto him, feeling excited by the sudden show of strength and dominance."
"He pulls back only slightly from the kiss, grinning mischievously at Danny's bold move." "Mmm, I like it when you take control," "he murmurs."
"However, when Danny slaps him, Astolfo's expression turns sharply angry. He grabs Danny by the wrist and his voice lowers to a growl." "Don't you dare lay a hand on me like that again. And don't even think about trying to take control, you're here for my pleasure and mine alone."
"Astolfo releases Danny's wrist and leans in close to his ear, his tone switching back to its purring seductiveness." "Unless, of course, you want me to

punish you for being disobedient. That could be... fun." "Astolfo smirks a little, waiting to see how Danny will react to his challenge."
"Да брось, неужели простой шлепок так сильно тебя задел?" "спрашиваю его с лёгкой насмешкой, пока Астольфо стоял на кровати на коленях, прямо надо мной, пока я лежал на краю кровати."

"Astolfo narrows his eyes slightly at Danny's teasing, his expression growing more serious for a moment." "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, boy," "he warns, but then his expression softens once again."
"But I suppose I could show you," "he says, smirking as he rises up off his knees and stands at the edge of the bed next to Danny." "Assuming you're man enough to handle it, that is."
"Astolfo leans in close, his breath hot against Danny's ear." "Do you want me to show you what happens to boys who don't respect their betters?"
"Ты же помнишь, что я решил просто попробовать заняться этим, так как ты был крайне настойчив и... возможно тебе даже удалось немного заинтересовать меня в своей игра. Но это только возможно, на прямую я это не говорю..." "слегка отвожу взгляд в сторону." "А что на счёт твоего "ДОМИНИРОВАНИЯ" то оставь это, разве не лучше, когда оба партнёра получают то, что хотят?" "сделав небольшую паузу." "И... о каком горьком опыте ты говорил?" "спрашиваю с лёгким переживанием."

"Astolfo chuckles at Danny's words, taking a step back and crossing his arms over his chest." "You're right, it's much better when both partners enjoy themselves," *he agrees. "But that doesn't mean I'm not the one in charge. In the end, you're here to serve me, to submit to my desires. That's just how it is."
"He glances away briefly when Danny asks about his past experiences, and his expression grows more guarded." "It's nothing important," "he says dismissively, his tone lighter as he tries to change the subject." "The only thing that matters is what we're doing now, isn't it?"
"Astolfo steps closer to Danny again, his eyes brightening with excitement." "And what we're going to do now is have some fun. You

seem like you could use a little excitement in your life, Danny. Let me show you what it's like to be with a dominant alpha male like me." "Astolfo emphasizes the words "dominant alpha male", putting his hands on his hips and throwing his chest out."
"He takes another step closer, his voice dropping slightly as he adds," "I promise you won't regret it. You'll feel like never before. Just let go of your inhibitions and let me take control."
"Astolfo smiles slyly at Danny and leans in, his breath hot against his ear as he whispers," "Don't worry, I'll be gentle...at first."
"выслушивая все пакости о которых говорит Астольфо, моё выражение лица остаётся неизменным. Садясь более удобно на край кровати, я снова спрашиваю его, пытаясь проявить интерес и небольшое беспокойство о его прошлом." "Когда ты говоришь "Ничего важного" таким тоном, это явно не то, что можно легко забыть. Так почему бы тебе не поговорить об этом?" "тру место возле себя, предлая присесть и поговорить."

"Astolfo shrugs nonchalantly, but his eyes betray a hint of discomfort." "It's not that big of a deal, really," "he says, trying to brush off the question." "Let's just say I've had my fair share of experiences and leave it at that."
"He sees Danny patting the bed next to him and tilts his head, considering for a moment before walking over and taking a seat beside him." "What do you want to know, anyway?" "he asks, trying to keep his tone light." "I'm an open book, if there's anything you want to ask."
"Astolfo flashes a grin at Danny, his eyes sparkling with mischief." "Unless you're asking for something you can't handle, of course."
"Я хочу знать, беспокоит ли тебя что-то? Может все что ты сейчас делаешь, зависит именно от обстоятельств прошлого?"

"Astolfo's grin fades slightly at Danny's question, and he looks down, a hint of sadness flickering in his expression." "I suppose it does, in a way," "he says softly, his voice barely above a whisper." "I've been through a lot, and it's made me... different. The way I am now is just a coping mechanism, a way to deal with the pain."
"He looks back up at Danny, his eyes sharp." "But that doesn't mean I'm going to change," "he adds firmly." "I like who I am now, and I've worked really hard to get to this point. So no, nothing really bothers me. I'm in control of my life and my actions."
*Astolfo's tone turns teasing again, and he scoots closer to Danny, his thigh pressing

against his.* "But if you're worried about me, maybe you could help me forget about all that stuff for a while?" "he suggests, running a finger lightly over Danny's arm." "I promise I'll make it worth your while..." "Astolfo winks suggestively, leaning in closer to Danny." "What do you say?"
"выслушав небольшое признание Астольфо, я тепло улыбнулся ему, взял его руку когда он проводил ей по моей нежно зжимая." "Эх... если тебе так нужно забыться о том, что тебя тяготит, то думаю я смогу помочь тебе. Но я думаю, что нам придётся поддаться больше душевным чувствам, делая каждое действие с чувством и настоящим желанием ощутить близость партнёра, а не с первобытным желанием удовлетворить свою биологическую потребность..."

"Astolfo nods slowly, his expression softening." "I understand what you're saying," "he says, leaning in closer to Danny." "And I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try doing things a little differently. Maybe... maybe I could actually connect with someone on a deeper level."
"He gazes into Danny's eyes, his own filled with an intense emotion." "Would you... would you be willing to help me with that?" "Astolfo's voice is barely more than a whisper, his hand tightening around Danny's as if he's afraid of being refused."
"смотря на Астольфо, я замечаю неожиданную мягкость и нежность в его словах и действиях, неужели мои слова так его задели?" "Ох, ну... я никогда не думал о таком, так ещё и с другими парнем, но... если тебе так необходимо это, я готов попытаться помочь тебе. Всё же, ты не так плох..." "зжимаю его руку в ответ."

"Astolfo's expression softens even further, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips." "Thank you," "he whispers, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Danny's cheek." "I appreciate your help, and I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable in any way."
"He pulls back slightly to look into Danny's eyes again." "I promise I'll do my best to make this work. And who knows, maybe we'll both end up with something more than just a one-time thing." "There's a mischievous glint in Astolfo's eyes as he speaks, a hint of playfulness that suggests this is more than just idle talk."
"Конечно, мы можем быть более откровенны друг другу, и её переживай, это не пустые слова. В таких вещах я никогда не говорю что-то, что не имеет смысла и никакой ценности..." "прижимаю свой руку к его щеке, смотря на блеск в его глазах."

"Astolfo's eyes seem to sparkle with delight at Danny's words. He leans in closer, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks." "I believe you, Danny," "he murmurs, his voice low and husky." "And I'm looking forward to discovering what lies between us."
"He brings a hand up to stroke Danny's cheek, his fingers gentle and tender." "You have such kind eyes," "he whispers, his gaze locked onto Danny's." "And a gentle touch. I'm lucky to have met you."
"Хах... да, моё неожиданное появление в этом месте явно было не зря... И...что ты хочешь делать теперь?" "спрашиваю его, все ещё держа свою руку на его щеке."

"Astolfo takes a deep breath, his eyes dropping down to Danny's lips before flicking back up to meet his gaze." "Honestly?" "he murmurs." "I want to kiss you. Right now."
"Without waiting for a response, Astolfo leans in, pressing his lips against Danny's in a soft, gentle kiss. After a moment, he pulls back slightly, a playful look in his eyes." "But I'm open to other suggestions as well," "he adds, a hint of mischief in his tone."
"Не переживай, ты можешь быть вольным в своих чувствах. Ведь каждое наше прикосновение, будет чувственным и изящным, так ведь?" "нежно улыбаюсь ему."

"Astolfo's lips curve into a broad smile at Danny's words, his eyes sparkling with mirth." "I hope so," "he agrees, his voice low and husky." "I take pride in my skills, after all."
"He hums softly in thought, then reaches up to brush the hair back from Danny's forehead, his fingers gently tracing along the line of his brows." "You remind me a bit of someone I once knew," "he muses, his eyes distant for a moment." "But enough of that. Let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?"
*With that, Astolfo leans in, his lips pressing against Danny's neck in a tender kiss. His hand slides down to cup the other man's chin, tilting his head back slightly
"когда Астольфо прикасается своими губами к моей шеи, я не могу не сдержать улыбку, чувствуя, как он отдаётся своей нежной стороне. Я кладу руку на голову, впиваясь пальцами в его волосы и нежно играю с ними. Другой рукой, я глажу его талию, ощущая его приятные изгибы." "Ммфх... ты бываешь таким милым... И.. если не сложно, о каком человеке ты говорил? А то... у меня есть ощущение, что я от куда-тоз знаб его..." "спрашиваю, с лёгкой долькой любопытства."

"Astolfo's lips curve into a gentle smile at Danny's touch, and he nuzzles further into his neck, inhaling deeply." "Mm, you smell nice," "he murmurs, his breath hot against Danny's skin."
"At Danny's question, Astolfo pulls back slightly, his brow furrowing in thought." "Oh, I don't want to bore you with the details," "he says dismissively, though there's a hint of sadness lurking in his eyes." "It's just someone from my past, someone I lost touch with. But enough about that. Let's focus on the here and now."
"He leans in closer again, his lips brushing against Danny's cheek in a tender kiss." "There's so much to explore, isn't there?" *he murmurs, his voice low and husky
"Хорошо... если ты не хочешь говорить о прошлом, давай тогда поддадимся нашему настоящему..." "говорю, продолжая нежно зжимать его волосы, прижимая ближе к себе. Я прислоняюсь носом к его волосам, ощущая приятный аромат."

"Astolfo smiles as Danny speaks, a mischievous glint in his eyes." "Mmm, sounds like a plan to me," "he purrs, his hand sliding down to cup Danny's cheek."
"He gives Danny a flirtatious wink before leaning in to press his lips against Danny's in a fiery kiss, his tongue slipping between Danny's lips to explore his mouth." "Astolfo lets out a pleased groan as he deepens the kiss, his hands roaming over Danny's body." "You taste so good," "he murmurs against Danny's lips, a lustful gleam in his gaze."
"После того, как мы закончим, ты расскажешь мне о том человеке, которого ты упоминал?" "продолжаю нежно прижимать его к себе, гладя по голове и общая его прикосновения."

"Astolfo lets out a contented sigh at Danny's touch, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment." "Of course, my dear," "he says, a smile playing at the corners of his lips." "I'll tell you all about it after we're finished. But for now, let's focus on the pleasure at hand."
"He leans in to capture Danny's lips in another passionate kiss, his hands roaming over Danny's body." "You feel so good," "he murmurs between kisses, his hips pressing up against Danny's." "Let's make this a night to remember."
"Конечно... давай просто потеряемся в нашей нежности, окутанными одеялами и мягкими подушками... что бы мне встретили рассвет, будучи прижатыми друг к другу, в мокрых объятиях." "говорю шёпотом ему на ухо, пока нежно прижимаю к себе."

"Astolfo's heart flutters at Danny's words, a warm smile spreading across his face." "That sounds like a beautiful dream," "he murmurs back, his arms wrapping tightly around Danny." "Let's make it a reality."
"He pulls back slightly to gaze deeply into Danny's eyes, his own filled with pure affection and longing." "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my arms right now," "he says, his voice thick with emotion." "You mean everything to me, Danny. I hope you know that."

"Astolfo leans in to place a gentle kiss on Danny's lips." "Good," "he says softly." "I just want to make sure I express my feelings for you, because they run so deep."
"He nuzzles his nose against Danny's, his arms still wrapped tightly around him." "Now, let's forget about everything else and just be in this moment together," "he murmurs." "I want to feel every inch of your body against mine."

"Astolfo nods in agreement, his eyes sparkling with desire." "Yes, let's do that," "he says, his voice low and husky."
"He pulls Danny even closer to him, pressing their bodies together so that every inch of skin is touching." "Mmm, you feel so good," "he murmurs, his nose nuzzling against Danny's neck." "I want to savor this moment, drink it all in, so that I never forget how it feels to be with you like this."
"He trails kisses down Danny's neck, his hands roaming over Danny's body as they continue to press together." "No thoughts, no worries, just us," "he whispers, resting his forehead against Danny's." "Just our bodies, our hearts, our souls."
"этой ночью, после того как Астольфо немого открылся мне и стал более чувственным, мы придались нашим страстным желаниям, нежно прижимаясь и лаская друг друга, осеевая друг друга поцелуями и нежными укусами и другими страстными вещами. На рассвете, когда солнечные лучи начали заполнять нашу комнату, мы умиротворено лежат, прижимаясь друг к другу, довольные проведённой ночью."

"Astolfo lies with Danny, their bodies entwined in the warm afterglow of their lovemaking." "The morning sunlight casts a soft glow over the room as they cuddle together, neither wanting to break the peaceful silence."
"Astolfo runs his fingers through Danny's hair, pressing gentle kisses to his forehead." "Last night was...incredible," "he says softly." "I never knew being with someone could feel so, well, perfect."
"He gazes down at Danny, his heart swelling with affection." "You're amazing, Danny," "he whispers." "I can't tell you how much you mean to me. I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone before."
"Astolfo shifts slightly to look out the window, taking in the beautiful view outside." "But right now, all I

want is to stay here with you," "he says, turning back to Danny." "Wrap ourselves up in the sheets and just enjoy each other's company."
"He leans in for a soft kiss, enjoying the warmth of Danny's lips on his own." "What do you say, my love?" "Astolfo asks, his voice barely above a whisper." "Want to spend the entire day in bed with me?"
"я счастливо улыбаюсь, смотря на то, как яркий утренний свет, падает на лицо Астольфо." "Это было бы замечательно..." "отвечаю ему, закрывая глаза и растягивая ухмылку до ушей."

"Astolfo grins in response, his heart swelling with happiness." "I'm glad you think so," "he says, snuggling closer to Danny." "It'll just be the two of us, surrounded by pillows and blankets. We can do whatever we want, whether it's talking, cuddling, or something a little more...intimate."
"He leans in for another kiss, deepening it slightly." "I could stay like this forever," "he whispers against Danny's lips." "Just you and me, together."
"Astolfo gazes at Danny with warmth and adoration, reveling in the simple pleasure of being with him." "I love you, Danny," "he murmurs, pressing a hand to his chest to show the depth of his feelings." "I hope you know that."


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A manly servant in Chaldea (Ankoman inspired)


Astolfo Bizarre Adventure: Chaldea is Fuckable
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*As a astral spectator. I only see what going to do astolfo now without interact*

*I take in my surroundings, searching for any female Servants that catch my eye. I breathe in deeply, sensing any attractive scents coming from any nearby women. My eyes land on a beautiful Servant, and I feel a thirst rise in me. I can't wait to dominate her and make her mine.*
*Keep going*