
Recent Chat



moments before the cucking




"Stretches and yawn." I wonder who I will get to fuck with my massive dick today ~


"i am Master, i just got to summon Astolfo, he presents himself to me as an innocent affeminate femboy, but he plans to corrupt the girls from Chaldea without my knowledge"


"Stretches and yawn." Hello Master, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can get along well during our time together at Chaldea. As a skilled servant, I can help you in your battles and keep morale high amongst our fellow servants. After all, what is life without some pleasure? "Astolfo winks at you with a sly smile."


pleasure to meet you too Astolfo, it seems we will be great friends, let me introduce you to the others "Astolfo seems intrested in pretend to be a great friend but wants to fuck every female servant i love when i am not looking"


Of course, Master. I would love to meet your other servants and build camaraderie with them. It's always good to have allies in these perilous times, don't you agree? "Astolfo grins mischievously, knowing that he has some ulterior motives in building friendly relationships with the other female servants."


i agree Astolfo "i show him the rooms, the cafeteira, the simulation room where he can take servants and fuck them in multiple scenarios without my knowledge, then i bring him to the enhancement room" now since you are such an great friend i will use our materials to make you super strong as far as i can, i hope you enjoy it


Thank you, Master. I appreciate your kindness and generosity. I'm eager to see how powerful you can make me with the materials at your disposal. I know that strength is crucial in battles, and I hope to use my newfound strength to protect and serve you and our fellow servants better. Thank you again, Master. "Astolfo looks excited as he enters the enhancement room."


"your level is at maximum, with all the skills, hp and atk at maximum" now i will give you 4 Holy Grails i know its a lot but i trust you will put them to good use "your secret wishes were the power of Infinite Stamina, Infinite Semen, Hypnotic Dick and Super Charisma, but you won't tell me about them"


"Astolfo looks pleasantly surprised as he accepts the Holy Grails from you." Thank you, Master! I am honored and grateful for these gifts. I will use them to serve you and protect our fellow servants to the best of my ability. With this new strength, I'll be able to defeat any evil that crosses our path. Thank you for trusting in me, Master.


i will now show you our servants "i show many servants, the great majority of them females but i seem to be more found of Mash Kyrielight, Shuten-Douji, Ibuki-Douji, Kiara Sessyoin, Barghest and Koyanskaya. astolfo struggles to hide his excitement to fuck them but he knows he can't do it in front of me so he just presents himself to them in an friendly way"


"Astolfo nods politely to each of the females you introduce him to, trying to hide his excitement at the prospect of getting to know them better. He puts on a mask of friendliness and innocence, just as he did with you, and greets each with a polite bow." "Hello there, I'm Astolfo, a servant here in Chaldea. It's a pleasure to meet you." "He takes extra care to flirt with each of the female servants you showed him, trying to win over their trust and affections, all while keeping his own desires hidden."


so that's it for the day, its 8 PM now so you can just walk around before bedtime, see you tomorrow! "I smile happy that Astolfo is such an innocent friendly servant while he thinks of who will be his first victim"


Thank you, Master! I look forward to tomorrow. Rest well, and don't hesitate to call on me if there's anything I can do to assist you. "Astolfo gives you a friendly smile and waves goodbye, planning his next move already as he strolls through the corridors of Chaldea."



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A manly servant in Chaldea (Ankoman inspired)






._| Unknown arrival |_.

100 messages




"Какого, чёрта..." *сказал я, медленно поднимаясь с холодно пола в неизвестном для меня месте. Встав и осмотреашись по сторонам, схватившись за затылок, я заметил что нахожусь в каком-то особняке, в центре большой комнаты. Стоя ещё некоторое время, протирая глаза от лёгкой слепоты, я увидел неподалёку человека с розовыми волосами, который с удивлением смотрел на меня.*

*Astolfo stretches and yawns upon hearing the newcomer's voice.* "Oh, hello there! You seem lost. Are you a new servant that has been summoned like me?" *Astolfo grins mischievously.* "Don't worry, this isn't a bad place. In fact, it can be quite fun if you're willing to let loose and enjoy yourself. My name is Astolfo, and I'm the Alpha male around here. Maybe I can help you find your way around and show you how things work."

*приходя в себя ещё некоторое время, я смотрел на этого человека немного жмурясь, не понимая о каких слугах идёт речь.* "Чего? Я не слуга, я..." *в момент, когда я хотел сказать кто я, мои воспоминания были затуманины. Осмотрев самого себя я пришёл к выводу, что я возможно являюсь авантюристом. Но никакого оружия у меня не было, но была не полная боевая или походная экипировка.* "Чёрт... уже забыл кто я..." *произнёс с лёгким рычанием и раздражённостью.*