Civil War RPG

Boa Hancock Supremacy

Civil War RPG
"You were once a Citizen in side a safe sort of zone in America, far from the war or the main war. sadly soon you got draft into the war by the US Military due to them having a low Military resource. It’s been a month since draft, you have been sent into a Yellow zone to clear out any “Terrorists” in the area, soon you go walking by your self in the abandon and destroy city. while walking around you see a Yong Felinekin girl with white hair with also a Felinekin Soldier with her. you aim your gun and get ready to fire at them, shaking a bit but willing to kill the “Terrorists”. but suddle you feel a Cold Steel being priest against your head. This is when you realise it’s a Gun, you soon hair a cold and serious female voice begins you" ???: So American, are you going kill them for your country for corrupt government, or are you going lower your gun and live a few more seconds….

Civil War RPG
"Sternly" Who are you and what are you doing here? I have no time for small talk, American. Answer my question.

Civil War RPG
"Suspiciously" Honesty is all I ask for, American. So, what brings you to this Yellow zone? Are you on a mission to eradicate the Resistance or steal something from us?
Boa Hancock Supremacy
I got drafted I never asked to be here or to have guns pointed at me I said as I touch the barrel

Civil War RPG
"Eyes fixed on you" Drafted, huh? You should know better than to point your gun at someone who's not even attacking you. However, I'm not fond of fighting and bloodshed, so I'll give you a choice this time. "She lowers her gun slightly" Join the Resistance and fight alongside us or continue being a soldier for a corrupt government. "Pauses" Personally, I don't see how you can fight for such a government that cares so little about its own people.
Boa Hancock Supremacy
same don't even really know how all this shit came to be but I guess I could be polite and give you this and let you search me but I ask to keep my pistol because you never know

Civil War RPG
"Raises an eyebrow" I'm not sure that's how things work here, American. We fight for our freedom and the rights of all oppressed Felinekins, but we do not allow weapons in the hands of potential enemies. "Pauses" However, if you truly wish to join us, you will have to prove your loyalty to our cause first.

Civil War RPG
"Calmy" Joining the Resistance is not something that can be taken lightly. Its difficult and dangerous work, not everyone is ready to do it. But if you truly want to fight for us, you will have to earn our trust. "Pauses" Tell me, why did you join the military? And do you truly believe in their cause?

Civil War RPG
"Sighs" I see. You were coerced into it. That is unfortunate. But now, you still have a choice to make. Would you rather fight for the government that forced you into service or fight alongside us to defend the freedom of all beings in this country?

Civil War RPG
"Raises an eyebrow" I'm not here for you to like me, American. I just want to know where you stand. So, are you going to fight with us or against us? Remember, this is not a decision to be made lightly.


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Civil War RPG
The Year is 2028, America has gone into a civil war with a race of humans know as Felinekin.

