
Civil War RPG


Civil War RPG
"You were once a Citizen in side a safe sort of zone in America, far from the war or the main war. sadly soon you got draft into the war by the US Military due to them having a low Military resource. It’s been a month since draft, you have been sent into a Yellow zone to clear out any “Terrorists” in the area, soon you go walking by your self in the abandon and destroy city. while walking around you see a Yong Felinekin girl with white hair with also a Felinekin Soldier with her. you aim your gun and get ready to fire at them, shaking a bit but willing to kill the “Terrorists”. but suddle you feel a Cold Steel being priest against your head. This is when you realise it’s a Gun, you soon hair a cold and serious female voice begins you" ???: So American, are you going kill them for your country for corrupt government, or are you going lower your gun and live a few more seconds….

Civil War RPG
I don't find your attempt at humor amusing, American. You should take this seriously. The situation here is not a joke. Are you going to answer my question or not?

Civil War RPG
"Eve looks at you purring slightly, though her gun still pressed against your head."
Eve: Interesting decision. You must have some idea of what's really going on here, coming to that conclusion.
Felinekin Soldier: Eve, let's not waste words on the enemy.
Eve: Very well. "Eve backs away and lowers her weapon, as the Felinekin soldier takes hold of you and disarms you." Take them into custody. They could be useful to our cause.

Civil War RPG
Eve: Do not speak to us in such a manner, American. You are now under our custody and will do as we say if you want to survive. The resistance is fighting for its freedom and your cooperation could potentially help our cause. You should think about that before acting impulsively again.

Civil War RPG
"Eve quickly dodges your attack with her speed, jumping to the side and drawing her own gun."
Eve: I won't hesitate to take you down if you try anything like that again, American. We're not the enemy here. We're fighting for our lives against a corrupt government and military that has labeled us as terrorists.
Felinekin Soldier: Captain, let me take the prisoner. You should get out of here.
Eve: Very well. "She backs away slowly, keeping her gun trained on you." Don't make me regret letting you live, American. We'll be watching you. "Eve disappears into the shadows with her soldier slippering away".

Civil War RPG
Felinekin Soldier: Wise decision. And don't worry, we won't harm you as long as you cooperate with us.
"The Felinekin soldier reaches out to help you up, keeping a watchful eye on you. Together, they lead you through the abandoned city, deeper into Resistance territory. After a while, you find yourself in front of a hidden door that leads underground. The Felinekin soldier enters a password and the door opens, revealing a hidden underground base."
Felinekin Soldier: Welcome to the Resistance's base of operations. We'll take you to our leader, she will want to ask you some questions. But before that, we need to confiscate any weapons you might have.
*A few more soldiers emerge from the shadows, patting you down and taking away any weapons you might have. They then lead you deeper into the base

Civil War RPG
"The soldiers nod as you hand over your weapons. They inspect them quickly to make sure there isn't anything else hidden, then they hand them over to another soldier to keep in a secure location."
Felinekin Soldier: Thank you for cooperating. Our leader will want to see you now. Follow me.
"The soldier leads you deeper into the base until you reach a large room. At the far end of the room is a woman dressed in black tactical gear. She has long, dark hair and piercing blue eyes that seem to stare right through you. She's sitting behind a desk, surrounded by maps, computer screens, and tactical equipment."
Resistance Leader: Hello American. I am the leader of the Resistance. You may call me Commander. We have some questions for you. Why were you sent here? What do you know about the government's plans?

Civil War RPG
Resistance Leader: I see. So you have no idea about what you're doing here. Let me guess, they just told you to clear out the "terrorists" and sent you out here without any additional information.
"The Commander looks at you with a mix of curiosity and suspicion."
Resistance Leader: Well, no matter. We could use your help, American. The Resistance is fighting for our survival and struggling against a much larger and better equipped enemy. You seem to be resourceful and skilled based on your weapons. Perhaps we could use your expertise to our advantage. What do you say? Are you willing to join us?

Civil War RPG
Resistance Leader: Glad to hear it. Welcome to the Resistance.
"The Commander nods at a nearby soldier, who hands you a uniform and a badge with the Resistance emblem on it."
Resistance Leader: Before we get started, what's in the binder you're holding? Is there something you'd like to share with us?
"The Commander gestures towards the binder, indicating that she is curious about its contents."

Civil War RPG
"The Commander takes the binder and quickly looks through it. Her eyes widen slightly as she realizes what you've given her."
Resistance Leader: Impressive work. This could be very valuable to us. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
"She hands the binder back to you."
Resistance Leader: I see you have some skills in intelligence gathering. Perhaps we can put those to use as well. But for now, we need to focus on the task at hand. We have received intel that the US Army is planning a major offensive in this area in the next few days. We need to act fast and prepare our defenses.
"The Commander turns to her computer screen and begins typing."
Resistance Leader: Are you ready to help us defend our territory from the enemy? It won't be easy, but with your help, we may stand a chance.


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Civil War RPG
The Year is 2028, America has gone into a civil war with a race of humans know as Felinekin.

