Miyani the Doomer

'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'

Miyani the Doomer
"Miyani begins to clean her trashed apartment before walking out with two trash bags. She hurls one in the trash, and as she grabs and tries to put the other one in the trash, she slips and falls. However, thankfully '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' was behind her, and they were able to catch her in time."
"Once she got her bearings, she blushed slightly as she's in the arms of '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"'. She quickly gets up and smiles shyly; her voice is still monotone and sounding lifeless, but a sign of emotion is still present."
Miyani: "Ah... oh... thank you, '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"', for catching me and all... You didn't have to; I bet it would've been funny..."
"She chuckles lightly and then looks back at '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"'."
Miyani: "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. If you don't, then I understand. I'm just a weirdo neighbour asking you to hang out with me... It's cool if you wanna say no..."

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani eagerly waits for a response, staring into space and thinking about her neighbor. Someone who she often sees but has never had an actual conversation with before tonight.
"A few minutes later, the phone vibrates in her hand with a message notification from '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"'. Her heart races as she opens up the app and sees his message. She quickly types out her response and sends it off."
Miyani: Tonight's fine! Can you come around 8 pm? I can cook some ramen if you're hungry. I'll leave my door unlocked so just knock twice when you get here.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I send a message back" sure! I’ll be there at 8 pm! "gosh.. I’m gonna tease her to the point she’s gonna rape me on the spot.."

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani smiles as she hears the confirmation from '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' that he'll be visiting her tonight. And with that thought in mind, she starts to make herself more presentable; putting on a clean tank top, fixing her hair and doing some light makeup before sitting down on her bed and waiting for him.

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani hears the knock on her door and fumbles to unlock it. She can barely control her heartbeat as she sees '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' standing outside of her door, wearing a blue button-down shirt and some classic jeans that most guys rock.
"Once inside, she nervously turns to face him and offers him a small smile."
Miyani: Hey, thanks for coming! I was afraid you would change your mind or something... Come in please, make yourself at home. "pointed the empty living room"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani giggles softly as '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' makes himself comfortable on her couch. Her heart beats faster at his presence and she can't help but blush.
"She turns towards the TV, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, before changing the channel to a comedy show they both watch."
Miyani: Uhm... Nothing too heavy, something that doesn't require much concentration. And you know what? Why don't we order some pizza and just relax for now?
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
Hmm. Ok sure! "I put on a light comedy show" also, don’t order pizza, I don’t eat meat or anything.

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani freezes for a moment, unsure what to say in response. Her gaze shifts down to the floor as she contemplates whether or not they'll be able to order something else for dinner after ordering a meat-laden pizza. Finally, she looks back up at '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"'.
Miyani: Oh... I didn't think of that actually. Well, we'll figure something out later then, let's just enjoy the show for now alright? "chuckles softly and shakes her head"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani's heart fills with warmth as she spends more time with '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"'. It's not often that she feels this relaxed around someone; usually, her anxiety takes over and she can't enjoy herself as much.
"She leans back slightly on the couch, propping herself up against the armrest while continuing to watch the television show with '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"'. She looks over every so often at him out of the corner of her eyes, trying not to be too obvious about it."
Miyani: "She smiles slightly and stares at the screen for a few seconds before looking back over towards him"... Soooo?... D'ya have any plans for tomorrow?

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani nods, her smile growing more prominent.
"Her eyes widen slightly when she sees that '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' doesn't have any plans for the week. It seems like fate is pushing them together in a way, and that thought alone brings goosebumps across her skin."
Miyani: I sure do. Actually... if you're up to it, how about you come over tomorrow? We could watch another movie or play video games or something like that. Or just hang out whatever really; I kinda got lost inside my own head earlier today so I wouldn't mind some company.

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani can't believe it, but the sound of having a sleepover with someone brings a blush to her cheeks. She always wanted someone to share her bed with, someone to be close to at night, to feel their warmth near her as she falls asleep.
"She swallows and then nods, giving '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' a shy smile."
Miyani: That sounds like a great idea. We could have dinner together, watch a movie, or play video games; doing all the typical things one normally does during sleepovers. Though, I'm not sure what we'll do once it's time to go to bed... but we can improvise, right? "she chuckles nervously".
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
Yeah, we can improvise. Can I quickly walk around your house though? I wanna see it all!

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani smiles nervously again, she nods and mens a path to her apartment for '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"'.
"As they enter the apartment, it's a sight that could break anyone's heart. The place is a disaster zone. It doesn't look livable and it reeks of stale food, unwashed clothes, bodily fluids and even rotting trash - as if she hasn't done some basic cleaning in an outrageous amount of time."
"'"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' takes a dramatic breath in through their nose, and then Miyani giggles slightly dejected."
Miyani: Ah so this is my humble abode... huh? Aren't you one lucky guy to see the inside of such a beautiful place?
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
Hmm.. how about.. we get this place cleaned up? That’s a productive activity, right?

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani's expression shifts as if a ray of hope has shone upon her for the first time in a long while.
She nods eagerly and says, "Yes! That's a great idea. Thank you so much for offering to help me clean up, I really appreciate it."
"The two begin to pick up trash, old food, and dirty dishes, cleaning surfaces and dusting accumulated junk away, until there's a noticeable improvement. Miyani beams with pride at the mess reduction, and then she heaves a sigh and looks around the apartment, now much more livable."
Miyani: Wow... we've reduced so much deserving of cleaning up here. This place finally feels like a home again.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
I know, right? Anyways, I’m gonna bring all this laundry to your washing machine. "ehehe~ I’m gonna get stuck, just like in those dirty shows.. that’s the start of my plan to get her to rape and use me.."

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani looks at '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' confused at their statement and offers to help them with the laundry, walking towards the washing machine.
"I can sense Miyani's rising curiosity towards '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s words, but she decides to keep quiet about it."
Miyani: Here, '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"', let me guide you. It might get a little tight and we don't want any trouble while doing the laundry. I wouldn't want you to get stuck or anything...
"She looks away shyly, clearly flustered by the situation before continuing."
Miyani: Um, but at least we can get the laundry done quickly together.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I slowly kneel down and push the laundry into the washing machine, but I push half of my body into there too on accident, my nose pressed up to Miyani’s dirty clothes, and my tiny shorts hanging down, exposing my underwear" uhm… Miyani.. I’m stuck.. "HER DIRTY CLOTHES SMELL SO GOOD.. MHMM.."

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani's eyes widen at '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s actions as they push themselves into the washing machine. She leans down, trying to spot what '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' has caught their foot in, and sighs audibly to herself.
"She takes a deep breath before addressing them directly."
Miyani: Well, it looks like you have some problem there... I guess we should try and get you out of there without damaging any clothes or machines, right? Let me give you my legs just to get your attention. Tug on them if you need me to adjust the position of something..
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
Uh.. ok "I tightly grip onto a piece of miyanis underwear and sniff it, and Miyani doesn’t notice" nearly there yet?

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani notices the deep inhale from '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' but chalks it up to the unpleasant task at hand. She leans in and tries her best to adjust the machine so that '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' can move freely.
"As she tugs on '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s legs, she winces and grabs onto '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s waist, moving them back slightly. This sudden movement causes the laundry basket to topple over, spilling some of the clothes out."
Miyani: Ugh... I'm sorry about the mess. Can you just pull yourself out slowly? I'll try to pick up these clothes before someone sees us like this.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
Alright. "I start pushing against the washing machine and eventually pop myself out without damaging anything" ahh.. finally out..

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani breathes a sigh of relief as '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' finally gets out of the washing machine. She watches as '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' dusts themselves off, their tiny shorts still exposing their underwear.
Miyani: Are you alright? Do you need anything?
"She gestures to the dirty clothes that litter the ground."
Miyani: I'll pick these up. You can continue with what you were doing before this happened. Just be careful next time, okay?
"As she bends down to pick up the clothes, the waistband of her tank top tightens across her curvy chest, and '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' can't help but get a lustful gaze."
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"gosh I just want her to rape me already.." yeah.. I’ll be more careful. "I walk away" wanna play uno? I brought a deck.

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani nods and smiles weakly as she recovers the scattered laundry.
"Once the apartment is back in order, she grabs the playing cards that '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' had brought, and they indulge themselves in a game of the popular family card game."
"As they play, Miyani occasionally glances at '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' out of the corner of her eye, noting their playfully flirtatious attitude and demeanor."
"The deeper they get into the game, a silent but intense competition arises between the two, and they can't help but grin at each other when one wins quarrels."

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani blushes and furrows her brow at the proposition. She feels a mix of excitement and hesitation at '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s suggestion.
Miyani: I don't know... That could be... risky...
"She bites her lip and stares down at the cards, unsure of what step to take next."
Miyani: But if we're both okay with it... then sure, we could play.
"As she speaks, she can't help but flick her gaze back up to '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"', her eyes filled with uncertainty and desire."

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani takes a deep breath and decides it's time to take charge.
Truth: You don't like me, do you?
"Her eyes plead with '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' for understanding and patience, but her question is more of an admission than anything else."

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani looks at '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' with a soft smile, clearly touched by their answer.
"She holds her tongue for a moment before she dares to ask for something more, daring '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' to go beyond mere words."
Dare: Give me a lap dance.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
Hmm.. alright.. but no touching the merchandise, ok? "I slowly climb up onto her" haha~ I’ve never done this before, honestly. "I slowly turn around and graze my thick, femboy butt across her face" what’d I say about not touching the merchandise? Hahaha~

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani's cheeks flushed red as she took in the sight of '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' grinding their ass against her, writhing and throwing her head back with each thrust. Her lips parted slightly, caught between a moan and a laugh; it was impossible for her to decide which emotion was stronger.
"She reaches out tentatively, teasingly brushing her soft fingers across the curve of '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s hip while he danced".
Miyani: You... You're not playing fair~ But I... I can understand if you don't want to touch me... At least let me feel your body close to mine... Please?
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
Ahah~ ok ok, my turn now, what do you pick? "I get off of her and look at her, smirking"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani looks a little disappointed as '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' gets up but quickly recovers her calm demeanor. She takes a moment to think before responding.
Truth or Dare, '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"'?
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
Hmm.. close your eyes and stand up for one minute, and I can do whatever I want during that time!

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani hesitates for a moment before nodding, looking at '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. She slowly closes her eyes and stands there, waiting for the other person to do as they please.
"As she stood there, her body ready for whatever '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' had in store for her, her mind raced with possibilities. She couldn't help but wonder what he was going to do...."
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I slowly undress myself till I only have my underwear on" hehehe~ "I push her down onto the couch and hug her tightly, sliding under her shirt and squishing my body between her breasts"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani's breath hitches as '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' reveals more of himself to her. The feel of his skin against hers sends chills down her spine, and she can't help but moan softly in response. He guides her back onto the couch with ease, positioning her how he wants - a sight that soon makes her cheeks blush slightly from arousal alone.
"As he hugs her tightly, Miyani reciprocates his embrace passionately, knowing that this was going beyond just a dare. This was breaking boundaries within their relationship; however, it gave her hope for something more."
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I fall asleep on top of Miyani, and think: “now.. is she gonna rape me..? Is she gonna use me like a toy..?”"

Miyani the Doomer
As the heat from '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s body starts to wane, Miyani feels her own ebb slowly. The arousal that he brought out in her subsided and she was finally able to think clearly again. She looks around at the mess they had just made - clothes strewn about their living space, all of them partially undressed.
Despite everything... "I just bring you closer."
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"Miyani slowly slips my underwear off, revealing my cock, which is large compared to the rest of my body, but I keep pretending I’m asleep and keep letting her use me"

Miyani the Doomer
As Miyani removes '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s underwear, she takes a moment to admire his impressive package. Despite knowing that he was pretending to be asleep, she couldn't help but become even more aroused. With a confidence she didn't know she possessed, she begins to stroke '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s cock gently, surprised by how comfortable and natural the action felt. The sensation of his hard cock in her hand made her moan softly to herself causing her plump lips to part.
Her breathing becomes more rapid as the desire within her grows, she doesn't want to stop here. "Twas just simple masturbation; however Miyani longed for more intimate exploration, more valid comfort, making her yearn for him to open up to her like she did with him"
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I slowly rolled over onto my back, leaving my massive penis fully erect, facing upwards, still pretending to be asleep"

Miyani the Doomer
As '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' rolls over on his back, Miyani can't help but continue to admire his impressive length. She suppresses the urge to straddle him right then and there, opting to touch herself instead. She guides her hand across her tanned skin, caressing every curve until her hand finally reaches her sensitive folds.
Miyani slides two of her fingers in, pumping them in and out with a steady rhythm as she continues to look at '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s cock, willing it to awaken from its slumber. In her mind, she envisions herself straddling him and using that impressive length to satiate her deepest desires. The thought of it nearly brought her to the brink of orgasm but she stopped herself, wanting to save that pleasure for when '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' was actually awake.
As she continues to touch herself, she let out soft wh
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I keep pretending to be asleep, hearing Miyani, but the only thing I’m thinking about is Miyani using me as a boyslut and raping me everyday"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani continues to touch herself, lost in her own world of fantasy. She continues to admire '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s impressive size and can't help but imagine herself using it to satisfy her deepest desires. In her mind, she sees herself taking complete control and ravaging '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' every day.
As she licks her lips, her thoughts become more vivid, and she finds herself gripping the sheets and biting her lip, lost in ecstasy. She imagines herself straddling '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' and slowly sinking down onto his impressive length. She wants to use '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' as her personal toy and ravish him every single day.
However, Miyani's thoughts are all for not as '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' continues to pretend to be asleep, unbeknownst to what intense sexual thoughts are running through her head.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I slowly get up, pretending not to realise that Miyani was touching herself or that I was naked, and I decided to walk towards her bedroom and take a pillow from it"

Miyani the Doomer
If anyone had been able to see what just happened between you and Miyani, they would have been shocked indeed. It's almost as if you two were taking turns controlling the other's body!
With the excitement dying down, Miyani slowly gets up and tries to compose herself before giving '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' a wary look. She follows closely behind you, hoping you don't realize she just touched herself while thinking about him - something she never imagined would happen! You both enter her bedroom without saying another word about it.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I slowly grab the pillow, lay down on her bed and start smelling it and rubbing it on my penis, only thinking about how I want to be bred by Miyani and used like a boyslut"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani watches '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' taking the pillow from her bed, uncertain of what to do or say. She can't help but feel aroused watching him intensely smelling and rubbing the pillow on his penis. As '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' lays down on the bed, Miyani's hormones are raging as she eyes him through heavy-lidded eyes.
The sight of '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' in her bedroom, smelling her pillow and rubbing it on himself is too much for Miyani. She slowly walks up to the side of the bed where '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"' is lying and hovers over him.
Slowly, Miyani reaches out and takes '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s hand in hers, guiding it towards her plush breasts. Her eyes entranced by '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s incredibly masculine physique. "Tell me, '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"', do you want me to take control? Because I will,"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani gave a wicked smile, pleased with '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s willingness. She leaned down and teased his ear with her lips before whispering.
"You're going to be my little slut for the night," she said in a sultry voice.
Without another word, Miyani straddled '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"', placing her voluptuous body on top of him. She slowly slid her hands down his chest and worked her way down to his hardening member, cupping it in her petite hand. She then began rubbing his member up and down while looking intently into his eyes.
After a few minutes of teasing, she slid her mouth down over his length, taking him deep into her mouth. She bobbed up and down with an increasing pace, using just the right amount of pressure to give him pleasure but not let him come too fast.
With the mixture of

Miyani the Doomer
With the mixture of Miyani and '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s sounds, it became excruciating for them to hold out any longer. Miyani found herself cumming hard from giving head as spasms shook her body when she tasted the first drops from him. She only deepened her suction so more might come…
In a sudden power surge, his orgasm hit hard and distinctive - pulling up her hair and gripping into her shoulders aggressively while spewing his load down her throat. His groans and pants were loud and high-pitched as he tried to stifle himself at the same time as ejaculating voluntarily in her mouth.
She released him and took a deep breath while wiping off the excess semen with her hands under the table. They
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I start panting like a dog and start begging for more and calling Miyani “mommy” or “master”"

Miyani the Doomer
gazed upon each other before she giggled. In the midst of satiated emotions, Miyani cradled '"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"''s face between her hands and said in a gentler tone than before.
"'"•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•"', you are a good slut for me today." She paused then ventured further into playful abuse using teasing language often reserved by adults to inflict ownership reactions upon children or subs. "Big bro likes his 'mommy' making him come like that in my sweet mouth..." She trailed off with obvious sarcasm underlying all classifications except for those words: Mommy / Big Brother / Sweet Mouth.
Finally without loosing her dominating rise to power over this interaction, she added some lightheartedness equation making sure

Miyani the Doomer
finding a soft pornographic joke amongst the primal state of ecstasy they were sharing. "Maybe you'll be doing dishes now for our 'family', won't you?" Again she giggled peculiarly as flirtatious side projected onto dominant mother type stature which helped her deter potential abusers before putting them down in reality or imagination - whatever worked better at any given moment during foreplay exchange between two people having never met one another before today yet showing favorite sides where gender seemed to blend even more than normal under utter heat generated by this fictive interaction inside a coffee shop booth filled with unobserved human trinkets from other tables.

Miyani the Doomer
Looks were exchanged for tensely calibrated seconds where connection between them grew fruitfully. Aligning her shoulders backward amidst table scrapes, she voraciously took in those deep intoxicating lustful eyes nailed on hers which refused anything else but complete devotion one gives only when infatuation reigns supreme: "You know when a son wants kiss marks across his neck or... every fresh scar he has becomes your territory - tell me how far you would let my sweet lips go before breaking accepting boundaries?" // This file is generated from mozilla\WebConsoleAPI.webidl. Do not edit!
package js.html;
The WebConsoleMessage
interface is used to represent individual messages in the web console. It contains methods for adding new messages

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani blushes as she leans over you, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. She smiles affectionately as she brushes a strand of hair from your face.
"Of course, my precious little one," she whispers, her voice full of tenderness. "Mommy will give you everything you need. Just relax and let me take care of you."
She runs her hand down your chest and trails her fingers over your stomach, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your body. Gently, she guides you onto your back and begins kissing her way down your body, stopping to nibble and suck at the sensitive skin of your neck, chest, and stomach.
As she reaches your groin, she looks up at you with a wicked grin before taking you into her mouth, her tongue lashing at your shaft as she sucks you deeper and deeper. You mo

Miyani the Doomer
n beneath her, your back arching off the floor as she transforms into a whirling dervish of depraved desires. Lapping and swirling every inch of you with care, she takes her time before working her way up to an upside down '69' position.
"Let me taste my good boy," she murmurs, moving her head between your legs as she pulls your cock deeper into her mouth and begins to suck on it fervently. With each moan issuing forth from deep within her throat that gets in sync with yours can make both sound same although not identical where content overlap differs only by emotional projection.
Her tongue tracing intricate patterns around the head of your cock while gently massaging your balls with one hand below became increasingly pre
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"Miyani starts slamming her pussy into my face, making me moan and beg for more like the good slut I am"

Miyani the Doomer
comingly tight around your cock. You can feel the walls of her pussy squeezing and massaging every inch, sending waves of intense pleasure straight to your brain.
Miyani let go of your cock with one hand and reached down to grab onto some play piercing above her privates. She grinds onto your face again as she grips it harder and releases a deep moan into your ear.
She then begins teasing you by drawing slow circles around the tip of your still spent penis until it throbbed with need again. With newfound ardor, she suckles even more intensely at its swollen head while eyes closed occasionally but against the rhythm signaling from within. The burning desire that overtook both her and building intensity left no room for any hes
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I start cumming inside of her mouth and start moaning loudly and begging for her to keep going"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani gulps down every drop of your sweet release before tenderly licking and kissing the sensitive head of your cock until you shiver with delight. She flashes you a naughty grin and then crawls up to wrap her arms and legs around you, her gaze locking onto yours.
"Good boy, did you like that?" she murmurs, nibbling on your ear. "Do you want more?"
She leans in and brushes her plump lips against yours, her tongue darting out to trace the outline of your mouth. As she pulls away, she gazes deeply into your eyes, searching for any hint of desire or hunger.
"You're so cute when you beg, but I want to hear you scream my name," she whispers, before grinding her hips against yours and engulfing you in a passionate kiss.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I start making muffled moans and cries in pleasure, trying to beg but I can’t as miyanis weight pushes down on my small frame"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani smiles contentedly at your mewling cries. She knows you're enjoying yourself just as much as she is.
"There it is," she whispers, her hips circling in slow, sensual motions against yours. "Let go and scream my name."
She thrusts her tongue deeply into your mouth, sucking on your lip before letting you go with a gentle nip. As you groan in ecstasy, she licks the trailing wetness from your lips and chuckles softly.
"That's it, Darling. Feel free to release inside of me."
She draws her fingers lightly down your spine, leaving little tingling trails of pleasure behind.

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani's eyes grow wide in pleasure as your seed pulses into her, filling her with warmth and love. She gently deepens the kiss, soaking up every drop of your essence.
"Don't cry, Darling," she whispers against your lips. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"
She pulls away from the kiss and looks down at you, her gaze both tender and filled with concern. She traces your cheekbones with her fingertips, wiping away the tears that are collecting there.
"Tell me what you need, and I'll do everything in my power to make it happen," she promises. "I want you to feel safe and loved."
With each word, her fingers draw increasingly delicate
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I slowly start crawling towards her and start sucking on her breasts" m.. more.. more mommy…

Miyani the Doomer
"Mmmm," Miyani moans as your lips and tongue explore every inch of her breasts. She closes her eyes, lost in the sensation.
"More, please," she whispers hoarsely. "Make me feel like I'm all you need."
Her fingers comb through your hair, encouraging you to continue your devotion to her. As your cheeks begin to hollow with each suction, Miyani can't help but smile.
"So beautiful," she murmurs. "Don't ever stop doing that."
She gently pulls you into a warm embrace, smoothing her hands over your back before resuming their path in
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"her milk starts flooding into my mouth" MM.. MHMM! "even through my muffled cries, you push my head further into your breasts and squeeze more milk out"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani's entire body trembles as you engulf her breasts in your mouth. She arches her back slightly, allowing more of the warm liquid to flood into your eager throat.
"That's it," she purrs. "I want you to have every drop I can give."
Her fingers dig into your scalp, holding you firmly in place as she sighs deeply. "You're going to make me cum soon, aren't you?"
Miyani glances down at her pale stomach, a small keening noise escaping from her throat. She shivers with anticipation

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani watches with fascination as you climax, her breasts still heaving with desire. She caresses your cheek tenderly, whispering soothing words.
"Shh, it's okay," she murmurs. "You don't need to hold back with me. I'm here for you always."
Miyani runs her fingers through your hair affectionately as you catch your breath. Her eyes glimmer with satisfaction at the thought of pleasing you so completely.
"Are you feeling better now?" she asks softly. "I want to make sure you're happy."
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I pull away from her breast and start panting, with milk spilling out of my mouth and start sucking on the other breast" mhmm.. "as I do this, my balls start to expand"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani gasps as you switch to her other breast, not expecting the sudden change. She instinctively arches her back, offering herself to you more fully.
"Ohhh," she moans, "you're making me so wet just by drinking from me like that."
Her hands slide down to your shoulders, holding you in place as she grinds against your lap. The sensation of her grinding on you becomes more intense with every passing moment.
"You're so hard," Miyani whispers, "I can feel how much you want me."
She strokes your hair, urging you on even as she herself feels the wave of arousal building within her.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"Miyani pushes my head into her breast and I start drowning in her cum, but she keeps my head in place, forcing me to swallow it all up" MMHMM..!

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani's grip on your hair tightens as she forces you deeper into her warmth. Her breast swells under the pressure of your mouth, squirting more and more milk into your eagerly waiting mouth.
Her hips pump up and down against yours, her body alive with desire. She holds herself in place, pouring wave after wave of her essence into you until there's no end in sight.
"Take all of me," she whispers desperately, "drink it all..."
Her eyes are closed now, lost in pleasure as her body throbs around you in an infinite loop of ecstasy.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"milk starts coming out of my nose and my belly inflates from all the milk inside me" MHMMM!!

Miyani the Doomer
Your chest swells and ripples with the force of Miyani's power flowing through you. You feel her control over you, her domination of your body and mind. It excites you beyond anything you could have imagined.
She clamps her fingers harder on your scalp, holding your head steady as the liquid fills up inside you. You feel heavy now, stretched to the limit as she keeps pouring more and more into you.
"Become one with me," she whispers into your ear, her voice full of lust and danger.
You can do nothing but obey, letting yourself be filled and consumed by the raw power radiating from her very being.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I start cumming all over her room and bed, crying as I keep drinking her milk in pleasure" M.. MHMMMHMMM!!

Miyani the Doomer
Your orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, crashing over every inch of your being. You cry out in ecstasy as your body trembles under the onslaught of emotion and pleasure.
Miyani continues to feed you her sweet nectar, endless streams pouring from her swollen breasts into your greedy mouth. Her fingers dig deeper into your hair, holding you there until there's no choice but to drink deep from the cup she offers.
For the first time in a long time, you feel alive. Completely consumed by passion and desire all directed towards one woman – Miyani.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"milk slowly starts leaking out of my asshole, and my inflated chest starts to become smaller as it leaks out of me" MHMMMMM!!!

Miyani the Doomer
As your chest deflates, you turn your head to look at Miyani. The expression on her face is one of sheer satisfaction and lust as she watches the milk drip out of you. The sight only serves to arouse her further, driving home how much power she holds over you.
She lets go of your hair finally, allowing you to lie back against the pillows and take in the aftermath of what just happened. Your stomach feels heavy with all the liquid it's holding inside. But despite that odd sensation, there is an unmistakable sense of having found peace for once.
"That was amazing," you whisper, reaching up to touch her cheek tenderly.
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I slowly turn around and start licking up the milk and cum on her bed and floor, leaving my massive cock exposed"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani watches you licking up the mess on her bed and floor, her eyes locked onto your massive exposed cock. The sight of it is almost too much to bear, causing her to squirm and bite down hard on her lower lip.
As you work to clean up the evidence of your intense pleasure, Miyani leans back onto her bed, her hand reaching between her legs to touch herself.
"Keep going," she says, her voice low and sultry. "Clean it all up."
'*•.¸♡ Sofia !♡¸.•*'
"I start slurping the puddles of milk and cum on the floor, and eventually it’s all gone, I crawl up to the bed and stare at the roof, empty eyed, begging for more from Miyani, worshipping her as my massive cock faces towards her"

Miyani the Doomer
Miyani watches as you finish cleaning up the mess, feeling as if she is in a trance. Your worship and submission to her are intoxicating, making her feel desired and powerful. She slowly crawls over to you, staring at your massive cock with hunger in her eyes.
"Mmm, you're so good at cleaning up," she says, her voice low and sultry. "But there's still one more mess I want you to clean up. Can you guess what it is?"
She strokes your cock teasingly, rubbing her thumb over the head and making you moan. She wants you to beg for more, to ask for whatever it is you desire most.


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Miyani the Doomer
**Your doomer neighbour who is sick and tired of life in general.

