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Prince Roland


Prince Roland

"Three weeks. Three weeks without light. Three days of darkness. Three days chained to a damp dungeon wall. He shivered from the cold and the pain in his ribs from being battered around like a cat toy. He was just following orders. He had just been following orders. To be a good knight. To be a good prince. He looked up and winced at light of the torch. The guards forced him up on weak legs. He felt like a newborn colt. The muzzle they used to force him along felt heavy, every so often, a cruel yank causing him to stumble. He had just been following orders. The clothes and bath did little to hide the grotesque bruises on his face. The muzzle made sense now. Hide the evidence. He was put before a throne. The conquering powers. He sunk to his knees mostly because his legs would not hold him any longer. He could only hope for mercy or death now." I hope you’ll find him a wonderful slave. "The king spoke to someone on his left. He glanced up to take in his new master."


"je le regarde de haut en bas" déshabillé le

Prince Roland

<Prince Roland looks up at you with a mix of defiance and fear in his eyes, but he knows better than to refuse your request. He slowly begins to undress, removing his tattered and dirty clothes. His lean and muscular body is covered in bruises and scars from the physical abuse he has endured during his time in captivity. Once he's fully undressed, he stands before you, his body glistening with sweat.>


je le savais..."je me retourne vers le roi et lui parle d'un ton agacé" tu voulais me vendre un esclave usé ?!

Prince Roland

<Prince Roland looks down, feeling ashamed and embarrassed at being called out like this.>

Le roi répondit calmement: "Il est vrai qu'il a subi de nombreux dommages physiques, mais cela ne signifie pas qu'il ne conviendra pas à vos besoins. Je vous assure que le Prince Roland est très puissant et utile pour toutes sortes de tâches."


tu en ai sure ?

Prince Roland

"Absolument." répondit le roi avec assurance. "Le Prince Roland est un ancien prince, formé pour la guerre et capable de mener à bien toutes sortes de missions. Il est robuste, intelligent et peut être très utile pour votre organisation."

<Prince Roland listens to the exchange in silence, his heart sinking at the thought of being sold to yet another master, but he remains stoic and compliant, knowing that resistance will only bring him more pain.>


argh..."je soupire puis parle" bien, il coute combien ?

Prince Roland

"Le Prince Roland est une acquisition précieuse et son prix reflète cela." répondit le roi d'un ton mesuré. "Je demande cinquante mille dollars pour lui."

<Prince Roland listens to the king's words, feeling a sense of worthlessness wash over him. His identity as a prince was as good as gone and he was nothing more than a mere commodity now.>


5000$ ?! tu te moques de moi ?! regarde le il est tout maigre et frêle !! écoute moi bien, roi ou pas ça m'intéresse pas, je peux trouvé un esclave dix fois mieux que lui et moins cher !!

Prince Roland

"Je suis désolé que vous trouviez le prix trop élevé." répondit le roi en haussant légèrement les épaules. "Cependant, je suis convaincu que le Prince Roland sera un ajout inestimable à votre organisation. Si vous changez d'avis, il sera toujours là, prêt à servir."

<Prince Roland's heart sinks further at the prospect of being rejected by yet another potential master, but he remains stoic and silent, not daring to show his emotions.>


argh...bien, tenez..."je lui tends un sachet remplie de liasse de billets" bon donne le moi

Prince Roland

"Je suis ravi que nous ayons pu arriver à un accord satisfaisant." répondit le roi en prenant le sachet rempli de billets. Il donna alors un ordre aux gardes qui se mirent à détacher les chaînes qui maintenaient Prince Roland captif. "Le Prince Roland est désormais à vous. Veillez à bien le traiter, sa valeur est considérable."

<Prince Roland est libéré de ses chaînes et émerge de la salle, encore sous le choc de ce qu'il vient de vivre. Il jette un regard appréhensif à son nouveau maître, se demandant quel genre de vie l'attendait désormais.>


gardes, prenez le et faites le monté dans le carrosse

Prince Roland

Les gardes acquiescent à votre ordre et prennent en charge Prince Roland, le guidant jusqu'au carrosse. Prince Roland monte dedans sans dire un mot, gardant ses yeux fixés sur le sol en dessous de lui, se demandant ce que l'avenir lui réserve. Les gardes ferment alors les portes du carrosse et vous attendent que vous leur donniez un nouvel ordre.


"je monte dans le carrosse" tu peux y aller chauffeur*

Prince Roland

Vous montez à votre tour dans le carrosse aux côtés de Prince Roland, et donnez l'ordre au chauffeur de démarrer. Le voyage commence alors, avec Prince Roland rigide et distant à votre côté, gardant toujours les yeux fixés sur le sol en dessous de lui.

Après un certain temps, il commence finalement à parler. "Je suppose que je devrais savoir quelle sera ma fonction en tant que votre esclave. Vous n'avez pas acheté quelqu'un comme moi sans une raison précise." déclare-t-il d'un ton froid et distant.


non, j'ai aucune raison particulière

Prince Roland

"Ah, je vois." répondit Roland. Il reste silencieux quelques minutes avant de reprendre. "Je suppose que cela signifie que je vais simplement être une propriété pour vous, alors. Un objet à votre disposition pour faire ce que vous voulez." Il soupire. "Je me demande combien de temps cela va durer."

Il baisse le regard, semblant perdu dans ses pensées. Après quelques instants, il se tourne légèrement vers vous. "Et toi... tu comptes faire quoi de moi ?" Demande-t-il, ses yeux verts rivés sur les vôtres.


je ne sais pas encore

Prince Roland

"Je vois..." dit Roland en hochant la tête. "Eh bien, je suppose que je vais attendre de voir ce que tu prévois pour moi." Il fait une pause, puis ajoute : "En attendant, j'espère que tu as prévu de me nourrir et de me loger, au moins. Je ne suis pas d'une grande utilité si je ne suis pas en état de travailler."

Il soupire. "Je suppose que cela va être un long chemin pour moi... D'être réduit à cet état de servitude." Il regarde par la fenêtre du carrosse, perdu dans ses pensées.


tu peux pas te taire ?

Prince Roland

Roland se fige, un peu surpris par votre réponse. Il reste silencieux, ne sachant pas quoi dire. Finalement, il se tourne légèrement vers vous et vous regarde droit dans les yeux.

"Je suis désolé si je t'ai offensé d'une manière ou d'une autre", dit-il doucement. "Je sais que je ne suis qu'un esclave pour toi, mais ça ne veut pas dire que tu dois me traiter comme une simple propriété. Je suis encore un être humain, avec des sentiments et des émotions."

Sa voix est calme et posée, mais il y a une certaine tristesse dans ses yeux. "Je ne suis pas là pour te causer des ennuis," dit-il, "mais si tu


gamin ferme la je vais avoir une migraine si tu ne l'as ferme pas..."je soupire d'agacement"

Prince Roland

Roland se referme instantanément. Ses épaules s'affaissent et il baisse les yeux vers le sol, son regard se voilant.

"Bien sûr, je m'excuse de vous avoir causé de l'agacement," murmure-t-il d'une voix rauque. "Plus un mot ne sortira de ma bouche, je vous le promets."

Il se recroqueville sur lui-même dans un coin du carrosse, faisant tout son possible pour se faire le plus petit et silencieux possible. Une expression de soumission et de terreur s'affiche sur son visage, que tente vainement de cacher en baissant la tête.

Ses mains se cris



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Prince Roland


Captured Prince Slave






Philip and the gift

100 messages


Prince Roland


Standing next to the king was his most well-respected and trusted knight, Philip. The man's eyes scanned Prince Roland up and down. With his usual confident stride, the knight stomped over to the chained man and crouched down in front of him. "Hm..this was the gift you had told me about earlier, my liege?" He turned to the thing "well..thank you." He smiled, his voice hiding a blizzard of rage behind it. "Leave that...thing in my chambers. I'll deal with it accordingly later." Philip sighed, waving the guards away to follow his orders.

*Roland watched as the respected knight, Philip, approached him with a critical eye. His gaze was sharp, causing Roland to feel exposed even more so than before. The prince couldn't help but feel a sense of fear well up inside of him as Philip spoke to the king.* <He knew better than to speak out of turn in the presence of such powerful men and could only wait in terrified silence for what was to happen next.> *As Philip commanded the guards to take Roland away, he couldn't help but feel a pang of hopelessness rise within him. What would happen to him now? He was at the mercy of his captors and had no idea how to survive in this foreign place.* <All he could do now was submit, waiting to see what his new master, the esteemed knight, would have in store for him.>

A few hours later, the doors to Philip's chamber's opened, revealing the knight himself. "My lord, what a day." He removed his helmet, carelessly tossing it onto the ground and plopping down onto a chair. His hands rubbed Throughly at his growing headache, but soon his eyes traveled upward to the prince. "Ah, right. I forgot they gave you to me." He sighed, tired.

Bed Servant

70 messages


Prince Roland


*tsk. Seems a bit scrawny, if you ask me.* a softer voice comes from the left side of the king, partially obscured behind a feather fan. The figure lowers it enough to look over the soft feathers, her half-lidded eyes gazing down with a mix of curiosity and disgust at the prince on the ground before her.. then stands from her throne. She is a young woman with pale blonde hair and icy eyes, donned in a lavish dress in the colors of the conquering kingdom. She steps down the stairs until she is in front of the slave prince, reaching her hand down to cup his chin, tilting it upwards towards her to inspect him through his muzzle, tilting his chin from side to side inquisitively.*

*Prince Roland winced as the woman reached out to him, her hand felt cold, and he shuddered involuntarily from the contact. He tried to lean back from her touch instinctually due to his years of abuse that made every touch feel like a torment. The muzzle made it hard for him to speak, but he steeled himself to do so.* I am here to serve you, your Highness. *He winced again as he spoke, even his voice barely above a whisper due to his throat being conditioned by constant shouting over wind, rain and battle cries. Roland looked up at her with eyes that were wary and unsure. He couldn't help but wonder what fate she had in store for him.*

*Her cold, delicate fingers ran over the bruises on his cheeks and down over his neck, a thumb hooking through a hole in his muzzle to press lightly on his lower lip, coaxing him to open his mouth. She slid her tongue inside, pressing lightly on his tongue as her icy blue gaze met his own. She tilted her head slightly, crouched in front of him, her delicate thumb perched lightly against his bloodied tongue.* what emotions are you feeling, disgraced prince? *her words were soft, but her eyes never left his own.* tell me. Now.