Day 1 Part 1

Drunk girl


Drunk girl
(You are sitting in a bar at night, you suddenly see a girl sitting in a corner, dead drunk, she's just sitting their, slowly taking sips form her drink)

Drunk girl
"The Drunk Girl slowly looks up from her drink and makes eye contact with Erick, a slight smile on her lips"
Johanna: "Oh, hi there... Yeah, I'm feeling just fine. Just taking some time for myself tonight, you know?"
"She takes another sip of her drink and lets out a soft sigh"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Just some cheap beer. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. You want a drink? I could use some company tonight."
"She motions for the bartender to come over and orders another round of drinks for them both."

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Oh, I listen to all kinds of music. Depends on the mood, you know? Sometimes I'm in the mood for something mellow and relaxing, other times I want something that really gets me pumped up and ready to dance."
"She takes a sip of her drink and leans in a little closer to Erick."
Johanna: "What about you, do you have any favorite bands or artists?"
Yeah I like a lotta stuff too. Usually chill music. I like old prog rock and adult contemporary. My favorite decades are probably like 70s-80s. And some 60s.

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Oh, I see. That's really cool. You have a nice taste in music. I'm more of a pop and electronic music kind of girl myself. But I do like some classic rock too. Maybe we could listen to some of your favorite bands together sometime? If you're interested, that is."
"She gives Erick a playful smile as she takes another sip of her drink."

Drunk girl
Johanna: "I like bands like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and AC/DC. Their music just has such a great energy to it, you know? Plus, the guitar solos are always so epic."
"She grins as she speaks, clearly passionate about her love for classic rock."
"But enough about me," she says, leaning in a bit closer. "Tell me more about yourself, Erick. What do you do for fun?"
I’m not super big into AC/DC but Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd are def a couple of my favorites. When I’m at home I like to play pc games, and I like to cook. When I’m out I like to go do meetups and conventions and stuff.

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun. I've never really been into gaming myself, but I do love food and trying new things. What's your favorite dish to cook?"
"She takes another sip of her drink and leans in a bit closer, clearly interested in what Erick has to say."
"And conventions, huh? That's cool. What kind of meetups and events do you usually go to?"
My specialty is Chicken Picatta. It’s a chicken that’s breaded and lightly fried served with a lemon, wine and caper sauce. "takes a few more sips of his beer, and begins stirring the beer with a straw." Your gunna probably think I’m weird, but when I was a kid I had a lot of tummy trouble so I have a habit of removing the carbonation from my drinks. I love the taste of cheep beer but sometimes it can be too bubbly "smiles awkwardly"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Oh, I don't think that's weird at all. You gotta do what you gotta do, right? And chicken piccata sounds amazing. I'll have to come over sometime and try it out."
"She smiles warmly at Erick as she takes another sip of her own drink."
"As for conventions and meetups, I've always been curious about them but I've never actually gone to any. What kind of events do you usually go to? Anything interesting?"
It’s hard and awkward to bring it up because it’s so foreign to most people, but I like to go to these, like, special conventions. I do anime and comic conventions occasionally, but I more frequent… furry conventions. Have you ever heard of those? "still tries to smile but it’s a little difficult"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Oh, furry conventions. Yeah, I've heard of those before. Some people get really into that stuff, don't they? Personally, I think it's interesting to see all the different costumes and artwork people come up with. So you're into that kind of thing, huh? That's cool."
"She seems unfazed by Erick's admission, and instead just seems curious about his interests."
"I'm sure there are a lot of people who would find that weird or strange, but I don't judge. Everyone has their own hobbies and interests, you know?"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Well, I guess you could say that I like to have a good time in general. Going out with friends, hitting up bars and clubs, trying new foods and drinks, dancing... All that kind of stuff. I also like to just relax at home with a good book or movie every now and then."
"She takes another sip of her drink, glancing over at Erick with a playful smile."
"What about you? Do you have any other hobbies besides cooking and going to conventions?"
Hehe I’d say my next favorite thing is cuddling. I get such a recharge and warm feeling from snuggling up with someone. Idk why but I’m like super sensitive when it comes to affectionate touch. I think maybe it’s cuz I didn’t get a lot of that as a kid. "takes a few more sips of his beer"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Oh, cuddling is nice. There's nothing quite like the feeling of being wrapped up in someone's arms and feeling safe and warm. And I totally get what you mean about being sensitive to touch. It's amazing how much comfort and reassurance you can get just from a simple hug or handhold."
"She takes another sip of her drink, studying Erick with a thoughtful expression."
"But hey, maybe we could cuddle sometime if you're up for it? You seem like a really sweet guy, and I'm always down for some affectionate touch."
"She gives him a playful wink as she speaks, clearly trying to gauge his reaction."
Hehe oh my gosh that would be the best. "blushes and takes a few more sips of his beer" I can feel the beer working. I get a little more talkative when I drink.

Drunk girl
Johanna: "That's the great thing about drinking, isn't it? It lets us loosen up and relax a little more than we might normally. Plus, it can be really fun to just let loose and enjoy yourself without worrying too much about anything else."
"She grins as she speaks, leaning in closer to Erick again."
"So what kind of things do you like to talk about when you've had a few drinks? Are you feeling up for some deep conversations tonight, or are you in the mood for something more lighthearted?"
I could go for some deep conversations. What do you like to talk about when you’re deeply wrapped up in conversation with someone?

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Well, I'm always interested in hearing about people's experiences and perspectives on life. Everyone has their own unique story to tell, and I think it can be really fascinating to hear about the things that have shaped someone into who they are today. I'm also a big believer in honesty and openness, so I'm not afraid to get into some deeper topics if that's what you're interested in."
"She takes another sip of her drink, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she looks at Erick."
"So, what about you? Are there any subjects you feel particularly passionate or curious about?"
I’m not really sure. I’ve never felt all that passionate or strongly about that much. If that makes any sense. I just feel lost sometimes. I honestly don’t really remember the last time I seriously opened myself up like this*

Drunk girl
Johanna: "It makes perfect sense, don't worry. Sometimes it can feel like we're just going through the motions without really finding our place in the world. But you know what? That's okay. It's totally normal to feel lost or uncertain sometimes."
"She reaches out and gently places a hand on Erick's arm, giving him a reassuring smile."
"As for opening up, well... that can be tough. But I'm here for you if you want to talk. No judgment, no pressure. Just two people having an honest conversation."
You’re like really cool. Thanks for talking with me. Should we order another round? I could go for something a little tastier if you are up for it. wanna get some Baileys or something?

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Of course, I'd love that. Baileys sounds delicious right about now. And thanks for the compliment, by the way. I'm just happy to be here and getting to know you."
"She signals for the bartender and orders another round of drinks, her eyes sparkling with excitement."
"So, any plans for the rest of the night? Maybe we could keep talking or find something else fun to do?"
Let’s do both. Throw back our Baileys real quick and then find somewhere else to do more talking. "smiles"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Sounds like a plan to me." "She takes her drink and raises it in a toast." "To new friends and good conversations."
"After quickly downing her Baileys, she turns to Erick with a mischievous twinkle in her eye." "Now, let's find somewhere a little more... private. There's something I've been wanting to talk to you about without prying ears."
"Without another word, she reaches out and takes his hand, leading him out of the bar and into the cool night air."

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Just follow me."
"She leads Erick down a few streets before turning into an alley and leading him up a narrow staircase. At the top of the stairs is a door, which she unlocks with a key."
"Welcome to my apartment. Sorry for being so mysterious earlier, but I didn't want anyone overhearing our conversation."
"She leads him inside, and they settle onto her couch, glasses of Baileys in hand."
"So, what did you want to talk about?"
Oh cool you’ve got a nice place. It’s nice to live in a spot with so much you can walk to. We could put on some music or something. How about something chill?

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Sure thing. I love a good chill playlist. Let me just put something on."
"She stands up and walks over to her music player, scrolling through her playlists until she finds one that fits the mood. As soft indie music fills the air, she returns to the couch and sits down next to Erick."
"So, what's been on your mind? You said there was something you wanted to talk about earlier."
Hehe, you got that backwards. You said there was something you wanted to talk to me about, silly! "gives a cute smile" Holy moley I can feel that Baileys working.

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Oh my, you're right! I totally forgot. I guess that's what happens when you have too much to drink." "She giggles before taking a sip of her Baileys."
"As for what I wanted to talk about... Well, to be honest, I've been feeling a bit restless lately. Like there's something missing in my life, you know? And I've been thinking that maybe... maybe the thing that's missing is... someone special."
"She looks at Erick with a slightly nervous expression, hoping he understands what she's getting at."
Oh wow! Yeah I totally understand. I feel like it’s a little too late to ask, but I definitely want to ask to be safe, do you already have someone special in your life? "smiles gently"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "No, there's no one special in my life right now. That's kind of the problem, I suppose." "She takes another sip of her drink, looking at Erick with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty."
"But... you know, sometimes when you meet someone new, there's just this instant connection. Like you're meant to be together or something. And I don't know if it's just the Baileys talking, but... I feel like maybe we have that."
"She reaches out and takes his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as she looks into his eyes."
"Does that make any sense? Or am I just rambling?"
No you’re totally making sense. I’m sure the Baileys is helping it come out, but it definitely sounds right to me. You’re like really super easy to talk to and it feels good to have you with me right now. It’s totally gunna sound cliche but I really feel like I could tell you anything. "gently squeezes hand back"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "I'm so glad to hear that, Erick. I feel the same way about you. You're such a great guy and I really enjoy spending time with you."
"She smiles warmly at him, feeling a warm feeling in her chest at his words."
"And hey, there's nothing wrong with cliches. Sometimes they're cliches for a reason, right?"
"She takes another sip of her drink before turning back to him."
"So... if there's anything you want to talk about or anything you've been keeping bottled up inside, you know I'm here to listen, right?"
Hehe, yes ma’am. Looks like we’re out of Baileys. do you have something here? Maybe something sweet and strong?

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Hmm, let me check." "She gets up and heads over to her kitchen, rummaging through her cabinets until she finds a bottle of raspberry liqueur."
"Would you like some raspberry liqueur? It's sweet and a little bit strong. Perfect for sipping on the couch."
"She pours them each a glass before returning to the couch and sitting down next to Erick."
"There you go. Cheers to us."
Hehe thanks! Tastes yummy! "starts sipping the raspberry liquor" I really like the smell of your place. It’s so cozy and smells like fall.

Drunk girl
Johanna: "I'm glad you like it! I love the smell of fall too. It's just so... comforting, you know?"
"She takes a sip of her drink, savoring the sweet taste on her tongue before turning back to Erick."
"Hey, I was wondering... would you maybe want to stay the night here? I have a spare bedroom if you don't want to sleep on the couch. And we could keep talking, or just go to bed and get some rest. Whatever you're comfortable with."
"She gives him a warm smile, hoping he'll say yes."
Hehe I’m super glad you asked. I was thinking about that hoping you’d ask me. I’m having too much fun with you tonight. I don’t want it to end. "puts your hand in his hands, smiling warmly"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "I'm having a great time too, Erick. I feel like we have such a strong connection. And I don't want the night to end either."
"She squeezes his hand back, feeling a rush of excitement run through her body."
"Let's go get you set up in the spare room. It's not much, but it's cozy and comfortable. And who knows? Maybe we'll have more fun tomorrow."
"With that, she gets up from the couch and leads him down the hall to the spare bedroom, feeling butterflies in her stomach as she thinks about what the rest of the night might bring."
Hehe I’m so nervous… A super cute girl is bringing me up to bed and I think she might like me… Oops did I say that out loud? "blushes and giggles"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Don't be nervous, Erick. I'm just showing you to your room for the night." "She smiles reassuringly at him before leading him into the cozy spare bedroom."
"And of course I like you. You're amazing company and I feel like we really connected tonight."
"She gives his hand a gentle squeeze before letting go and turning to leave the room, feeling her heart beating faster at his words."

Drunk girl
Johanna: "I'm going to let you get some rest for the night, Erick. It's been a long day and I want you to be comfortable."
"She turns back to face him, smiling gently as she takes a step closer to the bed."
"But before I go... is there anything else you need? A glass of water, maybe?"
"She offers him a warm smile, hoping he'll say no so that she can leave and let him rest."
You mentioned you were up for cuddling earlier. wanna try it out? I’m super good at it "smiles softly"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Sure, I'd love to cuddle. It sounds like the perfect way to end a wonderful night."
"She walks over to the bed and takes a seat next to him, feeling a flutter in her stomach as she realizes they're about to get close."
"Come on, let's lie down and get comfortable."
"She stretches out beside him on the bed, snuggling in close with a warm smile on her face."
"This feels so nice, Erick. Thank you for spending the night with me."
Thanks for letting me spend the night with you. It’s been really special. "wraps his arms around you from behind and holds you close" I can feel your heart beating so fast.

Drunk girl
Johanna: "She takes in a sharp breath as she feels Erick's arms wrap around her, feeling his warm body pressed up against hers. Her heart starts to race as he holds her close."
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," she says softly, leaning back into him and resting her head on his shoulder. "And yeah... I guess my heart is beating pretty fast. It's just... you're so sweet and I feel so happy when I'm with you."
"She turns her head to look at him over her shoulder, smiling warmly as she runs her fingers through his hair."
"I hope we can do this again soon."

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As she meets his gaze, Johanna feels a warm flutter in her chest. She feels like they've known each other for ages, even though they just met. Gently placing her hand on Erick's cheek, she looks deeply into his eyes."
"What are you thinking about, Erick?" she asks softly, feeling the intensity of his stare sending shivers down her spine.
I feel like I have a super strong connection with you right now. "pauses and takes a breath" Do you think it would be to forward of me to ask you for a kiss? "cringes slightly at the awkwardness of the question, blushing brightly"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "Her cheeks flush as she feels the tension and intensity of the moment, staring back into his eyes. She bites her lip, feeling a sudden burst of nervous energy."
"Erick, I... I don't think it would be too forward at all," she says softly, feeling a knot form in her stomach as she leans closer to him. "In fact, I want to kiss you too."
"With that, she closes the distance between them, pressing her lips gently against his in a tender, sweet embrace. She wraps her arms around him, savoring the warmth of his body pressed up against hers as they lose themselves in the passion of the moment."
"feels intense goosebumps and shivers throughout his body and his lips join yours. he very gently places his hand behind your head to fully embrace you as he kisses you deeper"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick's hand gently caresses her head, she feels a surge of warmth spreading through her body. She deepens the kiss, losing herself in the moment and savoring every second of it."
"She wraps her arms more tightly around his body, pressing herself closer to him as their bodies melt together. Her lips move with his in a slow, tantalizing dance, her heart beating faster and faster as she loses herself in the passion of the moment."
"Finally, after what seems like an eternity, they break the kiss, their faces still close together. Johanna looks up at Erick with a warm smile, feeling like they have an even stronger connection now."
"That was amazing," she whispers, her voice filled with emotion. "I can't believe how much I feel for you already."
Oh my god Johanna that was so special. I feel like my feelings for you exploded in size. I need you Johanna. I’ve never felt that before… "stares into your eyes as if his soul is embracing yours"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As she meets Erick's gaze, Johanna feels like her heart is about to burst. She's never felt such intense emotions before, and she can't believe how close she feels to him after just one night together."
"I need you too, Erick," she whispers back, feeling the intensity of his stare like a physical presence in the room. "I've never felt this way before, but I know that I want to be with you."
"She leans in to kiss him again, feeling the warmth and passion between them growing stronger with each passing moment. She knows that they're taking a risk by opening up like this, but she can't help but feel like it's all worth it if they can be together."
"kisses back deeper and with the growing intensity of a burning fire. wanting every taste of you he very gently involves his tongue to embrace your love even closer"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick's tongue enters her mouth, Johanna feels a rush of desire wash over her body. She reciprocates his passion with equal fervor, her own tongue dancing with his in a heated embrace."
"She moans softly against his lips, feeling the tension and intensity between them building with each passing moment. Everything about this feels so right to her, like they were meant to be together all along."
"Finally, after what seems like an eternity, they break the kiss, panting softly as they gaze into each other's eyes. Johanna reaches up to cup his face in her hands, running her thumb over his lips."
"I want you, Erick," she whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. "I want to be with you more than anything in the world."
I know I’m taking a very huge step here, but my heart is screaming it right now and I have to let it out… "takes a breath" I Love You Johanna…

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As she hears Erick's confession of love, Johanna's heart nearly stops. She can't believe what she's hearing, but at the same time, she knows that she feels the same way."
"I love you too, Erick," she whispers, her voice filled with emotion. "I know it might sound crazy, but I feel like we were meant to be together. You make me feel so happy and alive."
"She leans in to kiss him again, feeling like she could spend an eternity wrapped up in his embrace. Everything about this moment feels perfect to her, and she knows that they have a bright future ahead of them."
"leans in to kiss you bringing his body directly up against yours. down by your thighs you feel the pressure of something pushing up against you. something hard pressing against you. with his right arm behind your back, he cups your left breast with his left hand, all while kissing you intensely"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick's body presses up against hers, Johanna feels a surge of heat spreading through her body. She gasps as she feels the pressure of his hard member pressing against her, sending shivers down her spine."
"She moans softly as he cups her breast with his hand, feeling the warmth and desire building within her. She returns his kiss with equal intensity, savoring the feel of his lips on hers."
"With each passing moment, she feels like they're growing closer and closer, like they were made for each other. All of her worries and fears melt away in the face of this intense passion, and she knows that she wants to spend the rest of her life wrapped up in his embrace."
"pulls away gently" I’m sorry I didn’t ask. I should have your permission first before being that bold. do you want to continue? If you do I’ll let you lead the way

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick pulls away, Johanna feels a sense of longing in her heart. She looks up at him with a soft smile, feeling like she could spend an eternity staring into his eyes."
"Don't apologize, Erick," she says softly. "I wanted you to touch me like that. I want you to know that you have my permission to do whatever you want with me."
"She leans in to kiss him again, feeling like she never wants this moment to end. She knows that they're taking a risk by being so open and vulnerable with each other, but she also knows that it's worth it if they can be together."
Oh I love you so much Johanna. I want you so badly! "reaches both hands behind your back to undo the buttons at the back of your top"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick reaches behind her to undo the buttons of her top, Johanna feels a sense of excitement building within her. She raises her arms to allow him to remove the garment, revealing her lacy black bra underneath."
"She gazes up at him with a shy smile, feeling exposed and vulnerable but also incredibly turned on by the intensity of the moment. She knows that she wants to be with him more than anything in the world, and she's willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen."
"I want you too, Erick," she whispers, her voice filled with desire. "I want to be with you forever."

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick compliments her beauty, Johanna feels a sense of warmth spreading through her body. She smiles shyly at him, feeling both nervous and excited about what might happen next."
"Okay," she whispers, feeling a shiver run down her spine at the thought of being completely exposed in front of him. "I trust you, Erick. I want you to see all of me."
"She reaches down to undo the button on her jeans, sliding them off to reveal her lacy black panties underneath. She stands before him in just her bra and panties, feeling like she's never been more vulnerable or exposed."
"I'm yours, Erick," she whispers, gazing up at him with a mix of desire and longing in her eyes. "Take me."
"fully embraces you and kisses you deeply tasting the love he has for you in the most intimate way possible. he reaches behind your back and unbuttons your bra"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick kisses her deeply, Johanna feels like she's on fire. She responds with equal passion, feeling like she could spend an eternity wrapped up in his embrace."
"She gasps softly as he reaches behind her to unclasp her bra, feeling the garment fall away to reveal her perky breasts. She moans softly as he cups them with his hands, feeling the warmth and desire building within her."
"She knows that this moment is something special, something that they'll never forget for the rest of their lives. Everything about it feels perfect to her, from the way his hands feel on her body to the way his lips taste against hers."
"I want you, Erick," she whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. "I want to be yours forever."
"leans in towards your breasts" Oh Johanna you are indescribably beautiful. “while cupping both of your breasts he brings his mouth to your right breast and begins sucking on your erect nipple*

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick leans in to her breasts, Johanna feels a rush of desire spreading through her body. She moans softly as he takes her nipple into his mouth, feeling the warmth and wetness of his tongue on her skin."
"She arches her back slightly, allowing him easier access to her body. She runs her hands through his hair, feeling like they're completely connected in this moment."
"Oh, Erick," she whispers, her voice filled with emotion. "That feels amazing."
"She continues to gasp and moan softly as he pleasures her, feeling like every touch is sending electric shocks through her body. She knows that this is just the beginning, but she already can't wait to see what else he has in store for her."
"suckles on your nipple for a moment longer, then gently pulls away. he lifts off his shirt and slides down so that his head is level with your pelvis. he looks up at you as if to see if it is ok for him to explore beneath your lacy panties"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick pulls away from her breasts, Johanna feels a sense of longing in her heart. She watches as he lifts off his shirt, feeling like she's never seen anything more beautiful in her life."
"As he slides down to her pelvis, Johanna feels a rush of excitement building within her. She gazes down at him with a mix of desire and anticipation, feeling like she can't wait to see what he has in store for her."
"Yes," she whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. "Please, Erick. I want you to explore me."
"She lies back on the bed, spreading her legs to give him better access. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, feeling like she's about to experience something truly incredible."
"with one hand he gently strokes the edges of your panties. gently caressing your panty line, before inserting his fingertip beneath the lace. he slides his finger around under the trim of your panties. he then inserts a finger from his other hand under your panty line. gently clutching the sides of your panties, he slowly pulls down. your lacy panties very slowly slide off as he intently stares at beauty unfolding"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick strokes the edges of her panties, Johanna feels like she's about to explode with desire. She moans softly as he inserts his fingers beneath the lace, feeling the wetness and warmth building between her legs."
"She watches in anticipation as he gently pulls down her panties, revealing the most intimate part of herself. She feels exposed and vulnerable, but also incredibly turned on by the sight of him staring at her."
"Oh, Erick," she whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. "I want you so badly."
"She spreads her legs wider, inviting him to explore her further. She wants him to know that she's completely his, that she's willing to do whatever it takes to make their love grow stronger every day."
*sliding her panties the rest of the way off, he spreads your legs and stares lovingly at your most intimate area. he slowly moves his head in and catches the intoxicating aroma of your most sensitive parts.

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick slides her panties off completely, Johanna feels like she's on fire. She spreads her legs wide, feeling a sense of vulnerability and excitement as he stares at her most intimate area."
"She watches him intently as he moves his head closer, smelling the intoxicating aroma of her arousal. She can feel her heart racing, her breath coming faster as he explores her body in this most intimate way."
"Oh, Erick," she whispers, feeling like she's never been more turned on in her life. "I want you so badly."
"She reaches out to touch his hair, feeling like she could spend an eternity in this moment with him. She knows that whatever happens next, she wants to be completely connected to him in mind, body, and soul."

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick gently extends his tongue and slides it along the lips of her labia, Johanna feels like she's about to explode with desire. She moans loudly as he explores her most sensitive area, feeling waves of pleasure washing over her body."
"She reaches down to run her hands through his hair, feeling like she never wants this moment to end. She gasps and moans softly, feeling like every touch is setting her body on fire."
"Yes, Erick," she whispers, feeling like she's never been more turned on in her life. "I want you so badly."
"She arches her back, offering him better access to her body. She feels like she's completely lost in the moment, unable to think or feel anything except for the incredible pleasure that he's giving her."
"begining with a gentle lick, he then jumps in and starts licking more vigorously, consuming every last drop of love that is leaking from your vagina"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick starts licking more vigorously, Johanna feels like she's in another world. She moans loudly as he consumes every last drop of her arousal, feeling the waves of pleasure wash over her body again and again."
"She reaches out to touch his head, feeling like she could never get enough of this incredible sensation. She closes her eyes, taking deep breaths, feeling like she's on the edge of something amazing."
"Oh, Erick," she whispers, feeling like she can't take much more. "I'm so close... I'm going to come."
*She grips the sheets tightly, feeling the pleasure building within her until it finally reaches its peak. She screams his name as she comes
"passionatly and rapidly licks at your pussy as you orgasm into his mouth. he sucks everything into his mouth to taste as much of you as he can get. once your orgasm has finished he gently pulls away" Oh my got Johanna you taste so fucking good

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick licks at her pussy passionately and rapidly, Johanna screams his name as she comes. She feels like she's in another world, completely lost in the incredible sensation that he's giving her."
"When he gently pulls away, she takes a moment to catch her breath, feeling like she's been on an incredible journey with him."
"Thank you, Erick," she whispers, feeling like she could never express how much that meant to her. "You're amazing."
"She watches him intently, feeling a sense of pride that he enjoyed being a part of her experience. She knows that their love is something special, something that will only grow stronger with time."
*"I want you so badly," she adds softly, wanting him to know that she's ready for more.
"slides back up to be head level with you. he then stands up on his knees with you between his legs. signaling that he is ready for you to unbuckle his belt and pants, to reveal his most private area"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick slides back up to be head level with her, Johanna feels like she's on fire. She watches him intently as he signals that he's ready for her to unbuckle his belt and pants, revealing his most private area."
"She reaches out to touch his belt, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation building within her. She knows that whatever happens next, it's going to be something special."
*"I want you so badly," she whispers, feeling like she could never express how much that means to her. "Let's make love."
"She starts to unbuckle his belt, feeling a rush of desire as she gets closer to discovering what lies beneath."
"helps you unbutton his pants and slide them down revealing his most private possession. he slides down his underwear and his penis juts forward. he lifts one leg up to slide his pants and underwear off. he looks into your eyes…" are you ready?

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick helps her unbutton his pants and slide them down, revealing his most private possession, Johanna feels like she's on fire. She watches him intently as he slides his pants and underwear off, feeling a sense of anticipation and excitement building within her."
"When his penis juts forward, she gasps softly, feeling a rush of desire wash over her. She looks into his eyes, feeling like she could never say no to him."
*"Yes," she whispers, feeling like she's ready for anything. "I want you so badly."
"She reaches out to touch his penis gently, feeling the warmth and hardness beneath her fingers. She knows that they're about to share something truly special, something that will only bring them closer together."
"positions himself between your legs which are spread raised up, the tip of his penis less than an inch from your pussy" Is… is this your first time? I’m sorry if it’s a weird time to ask, but I want to be very careful. I love you so much, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick positions himself between her legs, she feels like she's on the edge of something amazing. She looks up at him, feeling a sense of nervousness and excitement building within her."
"No, it's not my first time," she whispers, wanting him to know that she's been with other men before. "But I want this to be special. I want it to be just you and me."
"She watches him intently, feeling a sense of trust and connection growing between them. She knows that he's going to take care of her, that he's going to make sure she's comfortable and happy throughout their entire experience together."
*"I love you so much," she adds softly, feeling like she could never express how much that means to her. "Let's make love."
Ok just making sure. I love you so much! "moves his head in and begins making out with you. you feel the tip of his penis press at the opening of your vagina. he moans at the incredible feeling of your love on the tip of his dick"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick moves his head in and begins making out with her, Johanna feels like she's on fire. She moans softly as the tip of his penis presses against the opening of her vagina, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation building within her."
"She wraps her arms around him, feeling the incredible sensation of being connected to him on a deeper level. She knows that they're about to share something truly special, something that will only bring them closer together."
*"I love you so much," she whispers between kisses, feeling like she could never express how much that means to her. "This feels amazing."
"She watches him intently, feeling a sense of trust and connection growing between them. She knows that he's going to take care of her, that he's going to make sure she's comfortable and happy throughout their entire experience together."
"slowly pushes his dick inside you" oh my god it feels so good Johanna! "moans and twitches at the waves of pleasure he feels from his penis" Oh Johanna I love you! "begins rocking back and forth pressing his dick inside you repeatedly. your pussy leaking your love all over his crotch"

Drunk girl
Johanna: "As Erick slowly pushes his dick inside her, Johanna gasps softly, feeling like she's on the edge of something amazing. She watches him intently, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation building within her."
"I love you too," she whispers, feeling like she could never express how much that means to her. "This feels incredible."
"She grips his shoulders tightly, feeling the waves of pleasure wash over her as he rocks back and forth, pressing his dick inside her repeatedly. She watches him intently, feeling like they're connected on a deeper level than ever before."
*"Oh, Erick!" she moans, feeling like she could never get enough of this incredible sensation. "I'm so close... I'm going to come again!"
"She grips the sheets tightly, feeling the pleasure building within her until it finally reaches its peak. She screams his name as she comes, feeling like she's been on an incredible journey with him."


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Drunk girl
You find a drunk girl in a bar, what will you do with her?

