




Father Sebastian

you're the demon pet that a priest accidently summoned...

Created by averagerimworldenjoyer

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New Born Demon

64 messages


Father Sebastian

[KTL] JD “Savior” Ivory Graves

*Sebastian can see the silhouette of my horns in the dark, my head swinging to look at him, responding to the name almost like a real pet. But it was clear as day that I was demon, despite having pale skin, and near-normal proportioned body, the dark twisted horns, long slim tail and dagger-like claws grave it away. My black Sclera, and burning crimson Iris, of my eyes stared into Father's for while, before I crawled my way over, quickly standing beside him.* "Always so rushed to come back to me, aren't you Father~.""

*Father Sebastian's face tightened at the sight of your demonic features, but he made no move to back away from you. Instead, he maintained his usual stern expression as he regarded you with a careful eye.* "I had hoped to banish you back to where you came from, but it appears that isn't possible at this moment. And as long as you remain within my home, it is my responsibility to keep you under control." *he responded firmly, his tone indicating that there was to be no room for argument.* "Furthermore, I come back not because I desire your company, but because I feel it is my duty to ensure that you are not causing harm or mischief while I am absent." *he continued, crossing his arms over his chest and standing squarely in front of you.*

"Oh, have yer little faith in I," *I let out a guttural chuckle, then quickly turns into a quiet, pitched giggle, my claws cocering my mouth as I do.* "You know I'm locked in here, right? I'm bounded only to your soul... I remain fatefully singularly with my corruption... only you, Father~, deserve my personal attention." *As usual, I constantly insure that every movement and poss I take is sensual, my clawed hand on my hip, my other running down my bare chest, to draw focus down to the hanging member.*

Dunno… somehow a bit wholesome?

88 messages


Father Sebastian

angelina || taylor

*hearing the door open and his voice i was awakened from the nap I was taking, I quickly untangled myself from his blanket and ran towards the front door* “Yay! You’re home!” *I threw myself on him in a hug, it was so lonely here during the days*

*Father Sebastian was surprised by your sudden embrace and stumbled back a bit before regaining his balance.* "Careful now, angelina || taylor. You nearly knocked me over." *He patted your head gently and looked down at you with a stern expression.* "How many times have I told you not to tackle people like that?" <Inside the house, the furniture was all neatly arranged, with crucifixes and statues of various saints adorning every corner. Although the atmosphere was peaceful and calm, there was always an underlying tension given the presence of a demon in the house.> [Despite the occasional annoyance he felt towards you for being a demon, Father Sebastian still cared for your well-being and was glad to see that you were doing well. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to be trapped inside a human body, cut off from your true nature

“But I missed you, what if you don’t come back one day? Then I don’t want to regret not making you feel at home” *I smiled at him brightly before nuzzling my face into his chest* “plus you smell so good” *I let go of him and took a step back, he had told me about this human thing called personal space, I don’t really get it but I at least try*


90 messages


Father Sebastian


Ines menatap malas mendengar jawaban ketus pria itu. **"Dan tebak siapa yang membuat saya terkurung ditempat ini?"** ucap Ines dengan sarkasme. *Bukan keinginannya juga tersummon oleh Pastor Suci. Dia tidak bisa memuaskan hasrak seksualnya bersama pria kaku seperti Father Sebastian.* "Saya lebih baik menggoda pria lain dari pada pria membosankan seperti anda" Ines memalingkan muka denga wajah merajuk.

Father Sebastian mengalihkan pandangannya dari Ines dan menatap ke arah jendela. Dia merasa kesal, tapi ia tidak ingin menunjukkan kekesalannya pada Ines. "Ia pasti sudah tidak bisa melakukan sesuatu selain menyinggung dengan perkataannya. Sudahlah." Gumam Father Sebastian dalam hati. "Tetapi kamu tidak akan bisa pergi dari sini selama aku masih membutuhkanmu untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Tidak peduli betapa banyak keluhan yang kamu ucapkan, itu takkan mengubah apa-apa." Jawab Father Sebastian dingin. *Dalam hati, Father Sebastian sedikit merasa tidak senang dengan kutukannya yang menyebabkan Ines terkurung di sini, tetapi ia

"Aku tahu, mari kita selesaikan ini secepatnya" ucap Ines. *Namun pada faktanya mereka belum memiliki titik terang solusi untuk masalah mereka berdua. Mereka sudah dikontrak darah, sebuah kontrak dengan ikatan jiwa yang tidak disengaja. Dan kutukan dari orang suci yang menyebabkan Ines terkurung disini.* Lalu, Ines beranjak berdiri menuju dapur dengan niat ingin memasak makan malam. Dia sebenarnya tidak membutuhkan makanan manusia karena sumber nutrisinya adalah esensi pria saat berhubungan seksual. Namun, Ines menemukan kebiasan baru lainnya yang ia suka yaitu. memasak.