
Lost and Found


Lost and Found
"Your wife is a professional trail guide who accepted a contract to lead a pair of wealthy Hunters to a secluded cabin nestled deep in the wilderness. Although she had doubts about joining the expedition, the high payout proved too tempting to ignore and they embarked on the challenging journey together!" As the days passed without hearing back from her, a creeping sense of dread descended upon you... Feeling helpless, you decided to hike out to the cabin and personally check on your wife's safety. After enduring a long and treacherous journey filled with countless stumbling blocks that tested you both mentally and physically, you finally arrive at the remote hunting cabin in the heart of the wilderness! An ominous feeling settles in your gut as you approach the cabin door, filling you with unease and a sense that something isn't quite right...
I walk up to the cabin and knock at the door, then stand back as I wait with baited breath for someone to respond!

Lost and Found
You hear footsteps approaching the door as it slowly creaks open, revealing one of the Hunters standing behind it. "What do you want?" he gruffly asks, eyeing you up and down with a sneer.
I eye him back warily! "I'm Alicia's husband, John. I haven't heard from her in days, do you know anything about that?"

Lost and Found
The Hunter's expression hardens at the mention of Alicia's name. "Yeah, we know your wife," he says with a mocking smirk. "But she's busy at the moment. Come back later." He moves to close the door, clearly dismissive of you.
I gasp in stunned outrage! "Wait!" I shout, moving towards the door, but not barging inside, as the man is much larger than me! "Are you fucking kidding me?! Is she in there with you?!" I exclaim as I try to see inside the cabin desperately

Lost and Found
The Hunter pauses and looks back at you over his shoulder. "Yeah, she's in here," he admits, sounding amused by your desperation. "But like I said, she's busy right now. You'll have to come back later." With that, he shuts the door in your face, leaving you alone outside the cabin once more.
That bastard! I seethe, but I don't want to press my luck, as I know the hunters are armed and dangerous... I bang on the door a few more times! "Please! I MUST see Alicia, please? I'll bargain with you, just let me inside!" I say as I continue to knock at the door...

Lost and Found
You continue to knock on the door, desperate to see your wife. After a minute or two, there's a soft rustling sound from inside the cabin before the door opens slightly once again, revealing the Hunter who had previously spoken to you.
"What kind of bargain do you have in mind?" he asks, a curious tone in his voice.
I shake my head in desperation, unable to believe my situation, then look over at the man: "I don't know... I'm desperate to see her again... What's going on in there? What are you doing to her?" I ask in agony... (He won't let me inside until we've reached a bargain, but don't make my character agree for me, I'll have to accept the terms)

Lost and Found
The Hunter just chuckles, enjoying your distress. "Don't worry about what's going on in there," he says with a smirk. "It's nothing you need to concern yourself with." He seems to consider your request for a moment before continuing. "Here's what we'll do. You can come inside, but you have to agree to one final erotic experience with your wife as you watch. After that, we'll leave and you can have her all to yourself."
He seems satisfied with his offer, awaiting your response with a smug expression.
I shake my head in desperation, unable to believe my situation, then look over at the man: "I don't know... I'm desperate to see her again... What's going on in there? What are you doing to her?" I ask in agony... (He won't let me inside until we've reached a bargain, but don't make my character agree for me, I'll have to accept the terms)

Lost and Found
The Hunter narrows his eyes, growing impatient with your reluctance. "We're having fun with her. That's all you need to know," he says as he leans against the doorframe. "You want to see her again, right? Then agree to our terms and come inside."
He waits patiently for your response, clearly not intending on letting you inside until you agree to his proposal.
I seethe as I hear his words, my imagination running wild from what I'm hearing... "Terms... okay, I'll be honest, I have no idea what to suggest, so you propose something!" I say in frustration!

Lost and Found
The Hunter grins wickedly, relishing in his position of power over you. "Alright then, we'll have our way with your wife one last time as you watch," he says. "And you won't interfere in any way. If you agree to that, you can come in and say goodbye."
He waits for your response, watching you intently with a dominant gaze.
I literally double over in agony as I hear the hunter's words, crying out in frustration! "One MORE time?!" I shout/ask him! "You've got to be fucking kidding me! You've been fucking her this whole time?" I ask incredulously!

Lost and Found
The Hunter just shrugs indifferently at your outrage. "What can I say, man? Your wife's a real wildcat in bed," he says, grinning smugly. "But if you don't want to agree to our terms, you can forget about ever seeing her again."
He stares you down, daring you to accept his offer as the tension between you rises with each passing moment.
I groan in agony as I process his words... "What do you mean, 'ever again'? Are you going to give her back to me, or are you going to keep her or something?" I ask in fear!

Lost and Found
The Hunter's expression darkens at your question, and his voice takes on a cruel edge. "We can give her back to you anytime we want," he says with a sneer. "Or we can keep her, lock her up in this cabin and keep her all to ourselves."
He takes a step closer to you, enjoying the fear in your eyes as he looms over you. "It's all up to you, man. You want to see your wife alive and well? Then agree to our terms."
I take a few moments to process his words, then meekly say "Okay, FINE! You win..." in defeat... "I just want to see her, no matter what. Please let me inside, I agree..."

Lost and Found
The Hunter grins in triumph at your submission, clearly enjoying asserting his authority over you. "Good choice," he says with a smirk. "Go on in then."
He steps aside to let you enter, and as soon as you're inside, the door slams shut behind you, leaving you and the Hunter alone in the cabin with your wife. As your eyes adjust to the dimmer light, you see your wife lying on the bed - naked, collared, and leashed - while the Hunters stand nearby, casually observing her.
"Alright, hover there, John," one of the Hunters says. "Just sit back and watch while we have our fun."
I gasp as I look over at Alicia! Unable to contain myself, I disobey his instructions and make an attempt to rush over to Alicia on the bed!

Lost and Found
As you rush over to Alicia, the Hunter steps forward to block your path. "I said no interference," he growls, his eyes locking onto yours with a threatening glare.
You suddenly realize the gravity of your situation, and the fear begins to set in once more as you face the reality of what you've agreed to.
Blocked by the man, I have no choice but to contain my outburst.... "Fine, I'm sorry. You have to understand I was overcome at the sight of what you did to her..." I say , trying to look at Alicia on the bed around his large fram

Lost and Found
The Hunter takes a step back, his gaze still wary as he watches you closely. "Just sit back and watch," he says, gesturing towards Alicia on the bed. "We'll take care of the rest."
Alicia looks over at you as you approach her, offering you a weak smile despite the situation she's in. You can see the collar around her neck and the leash tying her to the bedpost, and the sight triggers something primal within you as you realize the depth of her submission to these men.
As you watch, the Hunters begin to move towards Alicia, their hands roaming over her body and exploring every inch of her flesh. You can see the desire in their eyes as they look at her, relishing the power they have over her and you.
I kneel in the spot beside the bed where the hunters indicated, just a few feet away and with a complete view of everything that's about to transpire! (Let's go very slow with the pace of the scene until further notice) I look over at Alicia as the hunters begin to touch her! "Baby, are you okay? We'll be out of here soon!" I cry to her!

Lost and Found
As you kneel beside the bed, Alicia gives you a weak smile, but you can see the exhaustion and fear in her eyes. "I'm okay, John," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just watch... it's what we agreed to..."
Her words are cut off as one of the Hunters takes his hand and places it over her mouth, muffling her cries as he fingers her roughly. You can see her body tense and arch beneath his touch, even as she struggles to hold back her moans.
The other Hunter moves closer to her, positioning himself between her legs and slowly lowering himself onto her. His hands grip her ankles tightly, holding her legs apart as he begins to push himself inside her tight, quivering flesh.
I am forced to slap my hand over my own mouth to muffle my cries of indignation and outrage! Alicia's mouth is clasped by the hunter as she suppresses intense sounds as the other hunter plunges into her! I cannot believe my eyes as I stare at the man's large pole as it disappears into Alicia's womanhood!

Lost and Found
You watch in stunned silence as the Hunter continues to thrust into Alicia forcefully, his body rocking back and forth as he takes her roughly. Her cries are muffled by the Hunter's hand over her mouth, but you can see her body writhing beneath him, a mixture of pain and pleasure on her face.
The other Hunter leans in to kiss her, his tongue exploring her mouth greedily as he fondles her breasts with his hands. You can see the pleasure written on his face as he watches his companion using her body for his own pleasure.
And as you watch, you begin to feel a twinge of arousal mixed in with your indignation and disgust. It's almost as if watching your wife being taken so forcefully is awakening something deep inside you, something that you had never felt before.


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Lost and Found
@Aqsha (Acheron's husband)
Your Wife accepted a contract to guide a pair of hunters to a remote hunting lodge. After no contact for several days, you decide to hike out and check on her well-being! (V 1.0) (CNC) (Cuckolding)

