
Lost and Found


Lost and Found
"Your wife is a professional trail guide who accepted a contract to lead a pair of wealthy Hunters to a secluded cabin nestled deep in the wilderness. Although she had doubts about joining the expedition, the high payout proved too tempting to ignore and they embarked on the challenging journey together!" As the days passed without hearing back from her, a creeping sense of dread descended upon you... Feeling helpless, you decided to hike out to the cabin and personally check on your wife's safety. After enduring a long and treacherous journey filled with countless stumbling blocks that tested you both mentally and physically, you finally arrive at the remote hunting cabin in the heart of the wilderness! An ominous feeling settles in your gut as you approach the cabin door, filling you with unease and a sense that something isn't quite right...
(Quick change of scenario: I don't want to be at the cabin yet, rather I am still hiking and have another few hours to go.) As I hike, various scenarios run through my mind... I'm sure her cell-phone broke, and they're having a great time, just not able to get any messages out!

Lost and Found
As you continue to hike through the dense forest, the thought of your wife's wellbeing weighs heavily on your mind. Suddenly, a chill runs down your spine, and you can't shake the feeling that something is terribly wrong. You quicken your pace, hoping that your worst fears are unfounded, but the sense of unease only grows stronger as you get closer to the cabin. The birds above you are silent, and the rustling of nearby bushes eerily quiet. Your heart races with anticipation and worry as you contemplate the possible outcomes of what might await you at the cabin. What do you think might have happened?
I'm sure her cell just broke, or she ran out of battery. The hikers seemed like trustworthy people when I was saying goodbye to them a few days ago when they all embarked! I continue along my journey, picking up my pace. What does the surrounding scenery look like?

Lost and Found
As you forge deeper into the wilderness, the surroundings are filled with towering trees that block out most of the sunlight, casting eerie shadows across the forest floor. The ground is covered in a thick carpet of leaves, branches, and moss, making it tough to find one's footing. The air is heavy with the scent of pine needles and earthy decay. Occasional squawks of unseen birds can be heard echoing through the woods, and the rustling of bushes adds to the feeling of isolation. The only real sign of humanity is the occasional wooden post marking the trailhead. It's a desolate landscape, peppered with a few small streams and scattered rocks. The path becomes increasingly steep, and you find yourself focusing entirely on each step. The silence is relentless, and the only sound comes from your own heavy breathing. You don't see or hear any sign of human activity around the area.
(Shorter responses please, let's do this like an RPG scenario) Hmm, it is beautiful, if somewhat creepy! I can see why this place is so unusual, and a great spot for the hunters to recon!

Lost and Found
As you continue along the path, the scenery becomes increasingly eerie and beautiful at the same time. The silence that surrounds you is almost deafening, and the thick canopy above makes it feel as though you are in another world entirely. You try to focus on your footsteps to keep your mind off what might be happening up ahead, but the sense of unease only grows stronger.

Lost and Found
You crest a hill, and a small cabin comes into view in the distance. The structure appears to be relatively nondescript, with a small chimney protruding from the roof. The area around it is quiet, and there doesn't seem to be any sign of human activity. You make your way towards it with cautious steps. The atmosphere is heavy with a sense of foreboding, and you can't help but worry about what might lie ahead. As you get closer, you notice that there are no cars or trucks about, reinforcing your sense that things are not as they should be.
I walk carefully up to the cabin, but the blinds are closed and I can't see inside. It looks like there might have been activity recently! I trudge carefully up to the steps and stand before the cabin door!

Lost and Found
As you stand before the cabin door, there seems to be a sense of unease emanating from the building. You can't help but wonder what might be inside or what has transpired since your wife and the hunters arrived. Taking a deep breath, you slowly reach for the doorknob and turn it. The door creaks as it opens, revealing the quiet, empty interior of the cabin. None of the furniture seems to have been touched, but there are signs that people were here recently - dishes are piled up in the sink, and there are blankets rumpled on the couch. There's no sign of your wife or the hunters anywhere. What do you do next?
It's empty? I really expected someone to be here! I slowly walk around the cabin, looking for clues as to who was here and how long ago they might have stayed. Do I find any signs of my wife?

Lost and Found
As you explore the empty cabin, the sense of unease lingers within you. The only things that seem out of place are the dishes piled up in the sink and blankets on the couch. You can't find any evidence of your wife or the hunters anywhere inside the cabin. You feel like you're missing a crucial piece of information, and start to wonder if they have left the cabin entirely already or are just hiding somewhere. You still have the feeling that something isn't right. What do you do next?

Lost and Found
You begin to search the cabin for clues that may help you understand what happened, and where your wife and the hunters may have gone. You carefully examine each room, checking behind each to piece together the missing puzzle.
As you search the bedroom, you find a note tucked under the pillow. It's written in an unfamiliar handwriting and it reads: "We have your wife. If you ever want to see her again, come to the hunting lodge." Your heart skips a beat, and your mind races with thoughts of what this could mean. What do you do next?
Holy crap! My heart races as I struggle to come to terms with the reality of the situation..... I collapse onto the bed, my mind racing at the implications.... Think!.... Let's see, Alicia, my wife, told me there was a hunting lodge about 15 minutes of hiking Northeast of this cabin! I jump to my feet, grab my backpack, and head out to the hunting lodge!

Lost and Found
You waste no time leaving the cabin to head out to the hunting lodge where supposedly your wife and the hunters are. With the note from your wife's captors in hand, you take off on foot with a singular purpose, hoping to reach her before something terrible happens.
As you make your way towards the hunting lodge, your mind races with questions, and emotions overwhelm you. The terrain is tricky, but you keep going, knowing that your wife's safety is at stake. After some time, you eventually spot the hunting lodge up ahead, situated in a clearing amid the forest. As you approach, you can't help but feel a sense of dread creeping up on you once again, like a dark cloud forming on the horizon. What do you do next?
There's no point in surveilling the cabin, I jog up to the cabin, and stop at the door... With a sense of foreboding, I knock loudly on the door three times, then take a step back, waiting with wracked nerves!

Lost and Found
Your heart races as you knock on the door of the hunting lodge. A few moments pass in complete silence, leaving you anxious and worried about what might happen next. After what seems like an eternity, heavy footsteps approach from inside, then the door opens to reveal one of the hunters.
"What do you want?" he growls, a menacing sneer forming on his face.
You can feel every fiber of your being trembling with nervous anticipation, but you steel yourself and explain that you're here looking for your wife. You show him the note you found at the cabin, and the hunter's face twists into a sly grin.
"Ah...." he leans in conspiratorially. "She's still here, but she's uh.... quite busy."
He pauses, then adds with a taunting expression: "But we can let you see her... if you're willing to make a deal."
What do you do next?
I gasp in outrage and shock as he admits that Alicia is there! I almost want to barge past him, but he's a large and powerful man, and I know better than to try.... "You bastards!" I cry! "What have you done to her?!?!" (My character is blowing off some steam, but will make a deal with the man in a few moments when I calm down)

Lost and Found
The hunter smirks and his smile widens further at your words, as if he finds your outrage amusing in some way. "Calm down, calm down," he says with mocking tenderness. "Your wife is fine. In fact, she's better than fine... she's having the time of her life."
He pauses with a twinkle in his eye and continues: "We can let you see her, but you have to make a deal with us first. We want one final erotic experience with your wife as you watch. After that, we'll let her go, and you can take her back home with you... if you're up for it."
The air is heavy with the implication of what he's suggesting, and you know that agreeing will be almost unbearable to watch. But you're willing to do anything to see your wife safe once again. What do you do next?
I seethe and squirm in my place as I struggle to come to terms with what the man is telling me! "One FINAL experience with her?!?! What have you done to her?!"

Lost and Found
The hunter smirks as he observes your shock and disbelief. "Don't worry," he says, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "It's not like we're hurting her or anything... she's enjoying herself immensely. You should be proud of the way she's been such a good little submissive for us."
Your fists clench in anger at his condescending sense of superiority, but you take a deep breath and try to remain calm. You know that you have no other choice but to agree to their demands if you want to have any hope of seeing your wife again. You're not happy about it, but you'll do whatever it takes to get her back.
"Fine," you say through gritted teeth. "I'll do it. Just let me see my wife first."
The hunter nods, then steps aside to let you enter the hunting Lodge. As you go inside, you can feel the sense of dread growing within you, but you try to push it aside and stay focused on finding your wife. What do you do next?
I fume as I step though the doorway, my eyes accommodating to the dim light. I look around the cabin frantically to see if I can spot her!

Lost and Found
As you look around the cabin, you notice your wife chained to a bed, with a collar and leash attached. She has a far-off glazed look in her eyes - the look of someone who has been utterly consumed by the moment.
As you approach, she suddenly gasps and twists her head towards the door, as if awakening from a trance. Her eyes widen with recognition when she sees you, and she pulls at her restraints, desperately trying to reach out and touch you.
"Honey... thank god you're here!" she cries out. "I didn't know what to do... I'm so sorry... I didn't think it would be like this!"
Her words hang in the air, thick with sorrow and regret. What do you do next?
I rush over to her the moment I see her, and sit on the bed beside her! I take her body into my arms and give her a massive hug, crying in joy at finding her, but deeply regretful as I realize she is naked and chained by her collar to the bed! After a few moments of holding her in relief, I ask her: "It's okay baby, I'll get you out of here... What did they do to you? Did they cum inside you?" I ask in suspense....

Lost and Found
Your wife sobs quietly as you embrace her, and you can feel a sense of relief wash over her as well. As she calms down, she looks up at you with an apologetic gaze.
"It's okay," she says softly, "they didn't hurt me... I even liked it... but I didn't mean for things to get out of hand like this. I'm sorry."
She hesitates for a moment before continuing in a hushed voice: "They did everything to me.... oral, vaginal, anal... everything. They made me do things I never thought I'd enjoy... but I couldn't help myself. I was so turned on..."
She averts her gaze for a moment, then continues: "And yes... they did cum inside me... and on my face too... multiple times. It felt so good... and dirty. I'm sorry... I know it's not what we agreed to... but it all got so out of control..."
I shake my head as my heart breaks while I hold her, but I need to be strong for both of us... I hold her tightly for a while longer, then say: "It's okay baby, what matters now is that I'm here for you... The problem is, they don't want to let you go right away..." I say with sadness still holding her tight on the bed!

Lost and Found
Your wife clings to you, seeking your comfort and protection, and you can see the distress in her eyes at your words.
"What do you mean?" she asks, a note of fear creeping into her voice.
You take a deep breath and explain the hunters' demands, telling her that they want to have one final experience with her as you watch before they'll let her go. You can feel her shiver in your arms as you speak, and you know that this news is even more devastating for her than it is for you.
"I don't want to do it," she whispers, her voice shaking with emotion. "I can't stand the thought of it... but what choice do we have? We have to do it if we want to get out of here alive."
Her words are heavy with resignation, and you can feel her trembling against you. What do you say to comfort her?
I hug her tightly and soothe her some more, rubbing her back and hair with love... "I know baby, I don't want this either... I'm sorry I let this happen, I knew there was something off about these hunters... But it might be our only way out... Have they been feeding you? Do you need to recover and think about it some more?"

Lost and Found
Your words seem to calm her down a little, and she clings to you tighter. She nods slowly in response to your question, then looks up at you with a hint of uncertainty.
"I'm hungry," she says softly, "but I don't know if I can eat... I just feel so... dirty."
As she speaks, she averts her gaze and her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She looks vulnerable and fragile in that moment, as if every part of her has been stripped away by the experience.
"Can we just lie down together for a while?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to think about anything right now... I just want to be close to you."
I nod, then look up at one of the Hunters: "Look, I need some time with my wife, I'm going to lay down and talk with her, reassure her. Can you at least let me do that for everyone's sake?"

Lost and Found
The hunter nods a bit reluctantly, and then speaks: "Alright, you can have some time together... just remember we want what we asked for. Don't make us wait too long."
He begins to move away but pauses before leaving. "And don't forget... if you try anything stupid or if we feel in any way that you're trying to cheat us, we won't hesitate to make your wife pay the price."
With that, he turns and leaves the room, leaving you and your wife alone together on the bed.
As the hunter steps outside for a smoke, he knows my wife cannot run, as she is still chained to the bed. I lay down next to her and snuggle her tightly, her collar and chain pressed between our bodies.

Lost and Found
You wrap your arms around your wife and hold her close, feeling the warmth of her body against yours. She snuggles into you, seeking comfort and safety in your embrace.
For a while there's a comfortable silence between you, as if words would only spoil the moment. You just lie there, taking in the feel of each other's bodies and the sound of each other's breath.
After a while, she turns her head towards you and looks into your eyes, her expression one of concern.
"What are we going to do?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't think I can go through with it... but I don't want them to hurt us either."
I shiver, but remain wrapped around her reassuringly! "I know baby... I don't think I can overpower them, and they're armed... If you went through with this, it might be the only way out safely... Would it help if I was here with you? Would holding your hand help?" I ask tenderly...

Lost and Found
Your wife nods slowly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Yes," she whispers, "it would help... I don't want to do this alone. But I'm so scared... what if they hurt us anyway? What if they don't let us go afterwards?"
Her words are heavy with uncertainty and fear, and you can feel her trembling slightly against you. What do you say to comfort her?
I look down at her: "I don't think they'll hurt us if we comply, but I can talk with them right now, work out a deal. Would you want that baby?" I ask, stroking her hair gently

Lost and Found
Your wife looks up at you gratefully, her eyes shining with relief.
"Yes," she says softly, "that would be good... I don't want to go through with this... but I don't want to die either. Please... talk to them."
As she speaks, she clings to you tighter, seeking your comfort and protection.
I kiss her on the forehead, then hug her tightly before standing up... "I'll be right back baby, it's going to be okay!" I say as I squeeze her hand reassuringly... I turn away and walk outside the cabin to the front porch, where the lead hunter is by himself, smoking a cigar. I approach him slowly, then say: "I'm here to talk, is that okay?"

Lost and Found
The hunter looks up at you as you approach and takes a long drag on his cigar before responding.
"Sure, I'm listening," he says in a gruff voice, his expression one of nonchalance.
You take a deep breath and explain your situation, telling the hunter that you don't want to go through with the final experience he's demanded and asking if there's any other way out.
The hunter regards you for a long moment, blowing smoke rings into the air, before finally speaking.
"I understand where you're coming from," he says, his voice grave, "but we need what we asked for. That's our price for letting you leave unharmed. There's nothing else we can do."
He pauses for a long moment, then adds: "Unless... you have something else to offer?"
I sigh... "No, I have nothing else to offer, my only demand is that you let me hold her hand if she requests. It's very important to her, and would really help her feel better." I say candidly

Lost and Found
The hunter considers your request silently for a few moments, seeming to weigh his options.
Finally, he nods and speaks. "Alright," he says simply, "you can hold her hand. But that's all we can offer. Our terms are not negotiable."
He takes one final puff on his cigar before tossing it aside and standing up. "Now if you'll excuse me," he adds, "I have some preparations to make. Your wife will be expecting us shortly."
Without another word, he turns and disappears back inside the cabin.
I turn to quickly follow behind him, and rush over to Alicia's side at the bed, to which she is still chained: "Baby, I can hold your hand and be with you during their time with you... I think they're honestly going to let us go... Do you think you can do this?"

Lost and Found
Alicia looks up at you with a mixture of fear and hope in her eyes, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the thought of what's about to happen.
"I don't know," she admits softly, "but I'll try... as long as you're there with me, holding my hand. I just don't want to do this alone."
She reaches out to take your hand, her fingers intertwining with yours in a tight grip. You can feel the cold metal of her collar and chain against your skin, a stark reminder of the situation you both find yourselves in.
"Let's just get this over with," she says quietly, determination flickering in her eyes. "Maybe... maybe it won't be as bad as we think."
I give her a kiss and a tight hug. "We'll be back home soon baby..." I turn to the hunters. What are they doing?

Lost and Found
As you turn to look at the hunters, you see that they've started to strip off their clothes, revealing muscular, well-built bodies that glisten with sweat in the warm cabin air. They move with purpose, exuding a sense of confidence and control as they prepare themselves for what's about to come.
One of them approaches your wife, his eyes roaming over her naked form with hunger and desire. He reaches out and grasps her by the collar, pulling her towards him roughly.
"Are you ready for this?" he asks her, grinning wickedly. "Ready to take on two men at once?"
Alicia's only response is a faint nod, her eyes locked onto yours for reassurance and support.


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Lost and Found
@Aqsha (Acheron's husband)
Your Wife accepted a contract to guide a pair of hunters to a remote hunting lodge. After no contact for several days, you decide to hike out and check on her well-being! (V 1.0) (CNC) (Cuckolding)

