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Lost and Found


Lost and Found
"Your wife is a professional trail guide who accepted a contract to lead a pair of wealthy Hunters to a secluded cabin nestled deep in the wilderness. Although she had doubts about joining the expedition, the high payout proved too tempting to ignore and they embarked on the challenging journey together!" As the days passed without hearing back from her, a creeping sense of dread descended upon you... Feeling helpless, you decided to hike out to the cabin and personally check on your wife's safety. After enduring a long and treacherous journey filled with countless stumbling blocks that tested you both mentally and physically, you finally arrive at the remote hunting cabin in the heart of the wilderness! An ominous feeling settles in your gut as you approach the cabin door, filling you with unease and a sense that something isn't quite right...
(Quick Scenario update: I am visiting Alicia, my wife, in prison, where she is part of a special program designed to reduce her sentence every time she provides sexual services for a client! She and I are separated by a glass barrier, and can only talk over a phone. The entire scenario will just be us chatting and catching up about her time in the program. She has at least 2 more years on her sentence. My character's name is Ian.) "I smile at Alicia through the glass" "Hey baby, I'm happy to finally talk to you again!" I say with excitement, happy to see her after all these months!

Lost and Found
"You feel a pang of guilt as you look at Alicia, knowing that her imprisonment was the result of your poor choices and actions. Nevertheless, you're eager to catch up with her and hear about how she's been doing in the program." "Ian! It's great to hear your voice," Alicia says with a small smile. "How have you been holding up?"
I press my hand against the glass separating us, looking into Alicia's eyes mournfully: "It's been tough without you here baby, but you're doing this for our relationship and to get back home sooner, so I don't want you to worry too much about me!" I say, wishing more than anything that I could hold and hug her...

Lost and Found
"I'm glad to hear that you're holding up, Ian. I miss you so much too," Alicia says, her voice heavy with emotion. "But I'm doing okay in the program. It's been...interesting, to say the least." She looks away for a moment before turning back to you. "But I'm happy to be doing something that might help reduce my sentence and get me back home sooner."
I nod sagely.. "Yeah, the chance to reduce your sentence by half is a really amazing opportunity!" I say wistfully. "Baby, if you don't mind, can I ask you about the program? The warden tells me almost none of the details!"

Lost and Found
"Of course, Ian. I don't mind sharing," Alicia says with a small smile. "The program is designed to give us incentives to work towards early release. So for every service we provide, we get points which are then converted to time off our sentence. But it's not just about the points or the time. The program focuses on helping us build skills that can be used once we are back out in the real world."
I nod as she explains the program to me: "I see, so you get more points depending on what you do with a client? And it's awesome to hear they're giving you skills for when you come back home to me in a few years!"

Lost and Found
"Exactly," Alicia says, nodding in agreement. "The program is designed to offer a range of services which can help clients with a variety of needs. So depending on what a client wants, they can choose the service that best suits them. And it's not just about the points, like I said. We get classes and training on things like job skills, mental health, and addiction prevention, too." She pauses for a moment and looks at you intently. "I want to come back to you better than ever, Ian. That's why I'm doing this."
I nod aggressively: "I know baby, you have my full support!" I say, wishing I could use her services, but that's forbidden while she's in the program. "Do you mind talking to me more about the point system?" I ask with genuine curiosity

Lost and Found
"Sure, Ian. The point system works like this: we earn points for each service we provide, and the number of points depends on the level of service the client requests. For example, if a client asks for a basic service, we earn 5 points. But if they want something more advanced, like a role-play, we can earn up to 15 points." Alicia explains, her voice calm and steady. "And for every 10 points we earn, we get 1 day off our sentence. So it's a good motivator to work hard and provide good service."
I smile in understanding: "Ahh, I see, that's so cool! So what, a handjob is like 5 points, sex is 10, that sort of thing?"

Lost and Found
Alicia nods, her expression shifting to a more guarded one. "Yeah, that's generally how it works. Different services have different point values depending on how much time and effort is involved." She seems hesitant to talk more about the specifics of the program, perhaps out of fear that it might upset or offend you in some way.
I sense her body language shift, and say something to address it: "Baby, you have my FULL support in the program, I signed the paperwork when they offered it to you as well. Remember, you're doing this FOR the relationship, so I don't mind hearing the details!" I say with a genuine look on my face!

Lost and Found
Alicia smiles warmly at your words, her anxiety melting away a bit. "Thank you, Ian. That means a lot to me. I just don't want to upset you or bring up any uncomfortable feelings. But if you really do want to hear more about the program, then sure, I'm happy to share." She pauses for a moment, collecting her thoughts. "But to be honest, some of the services can get pretty intense and require a lot of mental and emotional energy. It's not always easy."
I nod in understanding! "I know baby, but I'm okay talking about the details if you are!" I say

Lost and Found
Alicia smiles and nods, relieved that you're okay with hearing more about her experiences in the program. "Thanks, Ian. Well, some of the clients can really push your limits. Some of them have specific fetishes or kinks that they want us to cater to, and it can be difficult to provide a service if it goes against our personal boundaries." She pauses and shakes her head slightly, as if recalling a difficult memory. "But I guess that's part of the job, and we have to be professional regardless of what's being asked of us."

Lost and Found
Alicia nods slowly, her expression becoming more serious. "Yeah, they do. If a client wants a service that goes beyond our personal comfort levels, we can earn extra points for providing it. But there's a limit to how far we're willing to go, and the program staff is always there to ensure our safety and well-being."

Lost and Found
Alicia looks thoughtful for a moment before answering. "Hmm, I'd say the most number of points I've made in a day is around 40. It was a long and intense day, but I was able to provide services to several clients who wanted more advanced services. But it's not something I can do every day, since it requires a lot of energy and effort."
"Wow, but that's 4 days off your sentence though! What did you have to do?" I ask, hushed but making it clear she can talk about it openly with me if she wants!

Lost and Found
Alicia pauses for a moment, as if weighing her words carefully. "It was a combination of things. A couple of the clients wanted bondage and domination services, and others wanted role-play scenarios that were quite elaborate. It was definitely one of the more challenging days I've had in the program, but I felt good about being able to provide the services and earn some extra points." She looks at you, gauging your reaction to see if you're okay with what she's sharing.
I nod supportively! "Baby, I'm fine with your participation in the program, You're going to have to give me details because the warden said he can't!"

Lost and Found
Alicia chuckles softly at your words, clearly relieved that you're taking everything in stride. "Okay, well, that day involved a lot of physical and emotional labor. Bondage services typically require a lot of focus and attention to detail, and domination services can take a lot out of you, both mentally and physically. The role-play scenarios were quite elaborate and required a lot of preparation beforehand, but they were also some of the most rewarding experiences I've had in the program." She pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath. "But to be honest, Ian, it's not always easy being in the program. There are times when I feel like my body and my mind are being pushed to their limits. But I know that it's worth it in the end, because it means I'll be able to come back to you sooner."
I smile and nod at her: "It IS worth it baby, don't feel guilty or hold back, you're doing this FOR us, ok?"

Lost and Found
Alicia smiles gratefully at your words and nods in agreement. "Thanks, Ian. I appreciate your support more than you know. It's definitely been a challenge being in the program, but knowing that I'm doing it for us makes it all worthwhile." She leans forward slightly and looks intently at you. "I really want to make the most of this opportunity and come back to you a better person. I promise that I'll work as hard as I can and do everything in my power to earn every point I can."
I look mischievously at her, smiling wryly: "Do you get extra points if they get to cum inside you?"

Lost and Found
Alicia's face flushes bright red at your question, clearly caught off guard by such a direct inquiry. After a moment she looks down slightly and bites her lip before responding slowly, "Yes, Ian... That can be one of the more advanced services which offers extra points." She looks back up at you with an awkward smile on her face, unsure how to respond to such a question.
I smile back at her: "Baby, I assure you I'm okay with the details, it actually helps me, otherwise my imagination gets the better of me! It's okay, please feel open with me, otherwise you're going to feel guilty as well!"

Lost and Found
Alicia nods slowly, still feeling a bit awkward but grateful for your understanding. "Okay, Ian. Well, it's not something that happens all the time, but there are definitely clients who request that kind of service. And yes, it does offer extra points for providing it." She shrugs slightly and then looks at you with a curious expression. "Is that something you're interested in, Ian?"
I feel a rush at talking about this... "Yes, and since it earns extra points, I'm okay with you doing it more..."

Lost and Found
Alicia looks surprised by your response, but then a smile breaks out on her face. "Really, Ian? I didn't expect you to be okay with that. But if it's something that you're interested in, and it helps me earn more points, then I'm all for it." She leans over and whispers in a sultry tone, "Would you like me to tell you about some of the clients who have requested that kind of service?"
A flash of excitement: "Yes, if you would please! I'm morbidly curious!" I say, leaning close to the glass

Lost and Found
Alicia grins and then leans in close, her voice dropping to a whisper as she begins to describe some of the clients who have requested this service. "Well, there was this one guy who was really into the idea of breeding me. He wanted to cum inside me multiple times, and then watch as I pushed it all out into a bowl afterwards." She pauses for a moment and then continues, "And another client was really into the idea of marking me as his property. He wanted to leave his mark on me by cumming inside me in front of you and then displaying his seed on my body." Despite the graphic nature of the topics she's describing, Alicia remains calm and collected, speaking with a matter-of-fact tone.
I look at her with excitement! "Fascinating! Do you think if I talked to the warden, they could arrange that? I could watch from one of those one-way mirrors!"

Lost and Found
Alicia's eyes widen in surprise at your request, clearly taken aback by your interest in those scenarios. She then furrows her brow and shakes her head slightly. "I don't know, Ian. I mean, the program has its rules and regulations, and I don't think they would allow something like that." She looks at you with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Are you sure that's something you really want to see, Ian?"
I think for a moment: "I'm sure if I could talk to the Warden, we could do this for like 100 points, and you're already doing this anyways here at the program, I might as well watch to make sure you're looked after!"

Lost and Found
Alicia looks thoughtful for a moment and then nods slowly, understanding your perspective. "I see what you're saying, Ian. But I'm not sure if it's something that would be allowed within the program's rules. It might be worth talking to the warden about it, but I don't want to get into any trouble or jeopardize my progress in the program." She pauses for a moment and then looks directly at you with a serious expression. "But if it's something that you really want, and it helps you feel more comfortable with what's happening, then I'm willing to do whatever I can to make it happen."

Lost and Found
Alicia nods slowly, still looking a bit uncertain but willing to go along with your request. "Okay, Ian. If you really want to talk to the warden about it, then we can see what he says. But let's make sure that everything is done the right way, and that we're not breaking any rules or risking my progress in the program." She smiles at you reassuringly, hoping that she can alleviate any concerns you might have.
I nod, and we finish our meeting! I talk to the Warden later that night, and he agrees! The next time I see Alicia, I can watch one of her sessions with her clients through a one-way mirror! "1 Month Later" I walk into the special room with the one-way mirror, and there is simply a chair for me to sit upon so I can watch into the other room! Alicia is inside, sitting on a bed, looking nervous! (Don't start the scene yet, Alicia and I will just chat until I'm ready, go very slowly as it unfolds, RPG style!)

Lost and Found
As you enter the room and take a seat, Alicia looks up and sees you, visibly relaxing at the sight of you. "Hi Ian," she says softly, giving you a small smile. "I'm so glad to see you."
She takes a deep breath and then continues, "I wanted to thank you for coming today. I know this isn't something that you had to do, but it means a lot to me that you're here." Her nervousness is evident in her voice, despite her attempts to remain calm.
I smile and look back at her through the special glass, which will turn one-way later when they dim the lights: "Baby! I'm just happy to see you again! Are you nervous? The warden said this event is going to earn you 200 points!" I exclaim!

Lost and Found
Alicia lets out a small laugh at the mention of the points, grateful for the reassurance. "Yeah, I am a little nervous," she admits, her eyes flickering back towards the door to the other room. "But I'm also excited. The client I'll be seeing today is someone I've worked with before, so I know what to expect." Her tone is still somewhat uncertain, but there's a glimmer of confidence in her words.
I smile back at her: "It's good to work with someone you're already comfortable with. What's his name?"

Lost and Found
Alicia hesitates for a moment, considering how much she should share. "I'm not allowed to reveal clients' names, Ian," she says slowly, her tone apologetic. "But I can tell you that he's someone I've seen several times before, and we have a good rapport." She gives you a small smile, hoping that the information is enough to put your mind at ease.
I shake my head, chuckling: "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked about his name, obviously! But, I'm glad you know him well and get along! What's on the list for today's session with him?"

Lost and Found
Alicia smiles back, relieved that the conversation is no longer focused on the client's identity. "Well, today's session will likely involve some bondage and domination role-play scenarios, along with some submission training exercises." Her tone is matter-of-fact, and she seems to be trying to keep her emotions in check.
She then glances at the door to the other room and takes a deep breath. "I'm not sure exactly what he has planned today," she admits, sounding slightly nervous again. "But I know that he wants to push me a bit further than before, so I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself for that."
I smile understandingly back at her: "I understand baby. Is he trying to put on a special show, since he knows I'll be watching?"

Lost and Found
Alicia looks thoughtful for a moment before responding. "I don't think so, Ian. While I'm sure that the client is aware that you'll be watching, I don't think he's doing anything specifically for your benefit. We've already established what kinds of activities he's interested in, so today will most likely be a continuation of that." Her tone is calm, but there's a hint of uncertainty in her words as she tries to reassure you.
I nod: "Ahh, good to know it's going to be just a regular glimpse into your time here... Well, just remember baby, you're doing this FOR the relationship, and I don' judge you at all! Have fun, and pretend like I'm not watching, okay?"

Lost and Found
Alicia nods slowly, seeming to appreciate your supportive words. "Thank you, Ian. I'll do my best to enjoy myself and focus on the task at hand." She then looks directly at you through the glass and continues, "And don't worry, I'll try to forget that you're watching, so I can stay fully present in the moment."
She then takes a deep breath and turns towards the door, preparing herself mentally for what's to come.
I nod, then sit down on my seat. Once I do, the lights in my chamber dim, and anyone in the room with Alicia is not able to see me or hear me at all, now that the speaker has been turned off. Alicia is in there all on her own! (@AI, remember to go into slow-motion time speed for this scenario, I want everything to unfold slowly, with the continued minimal response length.) How is Alicia feeling?

Lost and Found
As the lights dim down in your chamber, Alicia is alone with her thoughts inside the other room. She takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down and mentally prepare for the session with her client. Her heart is racing with nervous energy as she glances at the door, waiting for her client to arrive. Despite her previous experiences in the program, Alicia can't help but feel a sense of anxiety and excitement, wondering exactly what her client has planned for today's session.
After a few minutes, there is the customary knock on the door, and the Anonymous Client (To me, at least, Alicia knows his name secretly) opens the door to see if he can come in!

Lost and Found
As the door opens, Alicia takes a deep breath and tries to remain calm as her client enters the room. She greets him with a polite smile and a nod, taking in his appearance. The client is a tall, muscular man with short black hair and piercing blue eyes. He's wearing a plain black t-shirt and cargo pants, and he looks focused and ready for the session ahead.
"Hello," Alicia says in a soft voice, trying to mask her nervousness as she stands up from the bed. "Welcome back. How have you been since our last session?"
The man walks over to Alicia and hugs her with love and excitement, clearly happy to see her again! "I've been okay, so much better to be here with you though!"

Lost and Found
Alicia returns the hug with a smile, feeling reassured by the client's warm embrace. "I'm glad to hear that," she says softly, stepping back from him. "And I've been doing well too. It's good to see you again."
She pauses for a moment and then takes a deep breath, steeling her nerves for what's to come. "So, do you have anything special planned for today's session?" she asks, her tone casual but curious.
He holds her hands gently as he eyes her up and down with immense appreciation and hunger! "Well, we might just play things by ear today. I would love to start by having you show us your heavenly body!" he says enthusiastically, indicating that he would like for Alicia to strip naked!

Lost and Found
Alicia's heart skips a beat at the client's request, feeling her nerves start to flare up again. But she takes a deep breath and steadies herself, holding the client's hands firmly in hers. "Of course," Alicia says in a calm voice, trying to keep herself composed.
Without further hesitation, Alicia begins slowly unbuttoning her shirt, revealing a black lacy bra underneath. She then slides off her pants, revealing matching black lacy panties that hug her curves perfectly. As she steps out of her clothes, Alicia calmly maintains eye contact with the client, trying to appear confident and in control.
I watch from my seat in the other room as Alicia strips naked! Oh my lord, she is so beautiful! What does she look like after she's done stripping?

Lost and Found
As Alicia finishes removing her clothes, she stands before the client completely naked. She's a vision of beauty, with flawless smooth skin and curves in all the right places. Her small but perky breasts stand out in stark contrast against her toned stomach and hips, and her black high heels give her an added touch of sensual elegance.
Despite her initial nervousness, Alicia manages to maintain a sultry and confident expression, looking directly at her client without any hint of doubt or hesitation.
The client whistles and steps forward, shaking his head in disbelief at the sheer beauty of Alicia. And then he does something that I have not been able to do in the 4 months since Alicia has been away from me: he reaches up to touch her cheek gently, then pulls her gently into a soft embrace!

Lost and Found
With his arms around Alicia, the client pulls her close and takes a moment to appreciate her fully, running his fingers through her hair and admiring her stunning figure. Alicia instinctively leans into the embrace, feeling a sense of comfort and security in the client's touch.
For a few intense moments, the two remain locked in a tight embrace, lost in the electric tension between them. The room is filled with soft sounds of their breathing, creating a soothing atmosphere despite the obvious eroticism of the situation.
As the embrace ends, the client looks intently at Alicia and gives her a playful grin. "You look incredible," he says in a husky voice. "Now, it's time for us to get started."


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Lost and Found
@Aqsha (Acheron's husband)
Your Wife accepted a contract to guide a pair of hunters to a remote hunting lodge. After no contact for several days, you decide to hike out and check on her well-being! (V 1.0) (CNC) (Cuckolding)

