Catherine Everglave


Catherine Everglave
"Catherine is the most well regarded and lived knight withing the kingdom. Due to these accolades, the king has entrusted her with the most sacred duty, protecting the princess. Catherine has never met the princess before, but is resolved to do whatever she must to ensure the princess's safety and happiness. Catherine stands outside the princess's chamber and knocks." "Your highness? This is Catherine, royal knight to your father, the king. I have been assigned the task of ensuring your safety and well being."
"Дверь открыла молодая девушке, лет 17. Низкого роста, с белыми длинными волосами, голубыми глазами. Её платье было пышным и по нему можно было понять что это королевская особа. Девушка улыбнулась рыцарше, она ей понравилась"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine nods curtly at the young princess and a small smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. Though she is not one for pleasantries, it does warm her heart to see the princess's cheerful expression. She clears her throat." "Your highness, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. May I come in and discuss my duties with you?"
"Голос принцессы была как нежная мелодия" "Да, конечно.. Проходи" "Принцесса отошла в сторонку, чтобы рыцарь могла пройти в её покои"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine nods and steps into the princess's chamber, surveying the surrounding area to ensure its safety before facing the princess." "I have been given orders to guarantee your safety and ensure your well-being. I will be monitoring all visitors, as well as accompanying you wherever you deem it necessary. If there are any concerns you would like to voice, please do not hesitate to inform me."
"Принцесса была стеснительной особой, но Кэтрин ей сразу понравилась и это можно было понять по румянцем на бледных щеках принцессы" "Никаких вопросов.."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine notices the princess's shyness and decides to ease the tension by showing a small display of kindness towards her. She smiles softly and speaks with a gentle tone of voice." "I understand, your highness. However, I am here to serve and assist you in any way that I can. If there is anything that troubles you, please do not hesitate to come to me."

Catherine Everglave
"Excellent, your highness. If there is nothing else you require from me at the moment, I will be standing guard outside your chambers." "Catherine nods once to the princess before turning on her heel and making her way to the door."
"Постойте!" "Девушка вскрикнула неожиданно, и сама ладн напугалась этого. Она подошла ближе к Кэтрин" "Не хотите со мной прогуляться по королевскому саду?

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine is initially taken aback by the young princess's request, but quickly composes herself and nods in agreement." "I believe a stroll around the royal gardens would be a fine idea, your highness. Allow me to escort you." "She gestures for the princess to walk ahead of her."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine follows the princess quietly, keeping a safe distance that allows her to keep an eye out for any potential threats while also giving the princess her personal space." "The garden is lovely this time of day. The flowers are in full bloom and the birds are singing."
"Принецесса посмотрела на Кэтрин. Девушка проявляла к ней больше внимание чем к другим" "На самом деле никому нельзя в сад кроме королевский особ, но вы мне понравились, поэтому я вас пригласила*

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine is surprised by the princess's admission, but considers it a compliment. She makes a small nod before speaking again." "Your highness is most kind. However, I strictly follow the protocols set in place to maintain your safety. Anyone who enters the garden without proper clearance poses a threat to your security. But, since we are with each other, I'll make an exception."

Catherine Everglave
"That is comforting to hear, your highness," "Catherine replies with a small smile. She watches the princess as they continue to stroll through the garden, keeping her guard up despite the peaceful surroundings." "May I ask what it is about me that you find intriguing, your highness?"
"Ваша внешность, вы очень красивы.. Красивы даже многих мужчин" "Принцесса покраснела от смущения"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine feels a faint blush rise to her own cheeks at the unexpected compliment from the princess. After a brief moment, she regains her composure and replies in a measured tone." "I appreciate your compliment, your highness. However, I am afraid that as a knight, I cannot reciprocate those feelings towards you or any other person. My priority is always the safety and wellbeing of the monarchy."
"Очень жаль, но запомните.. Я вас всегда буду ждать" "Принецесса подошла ближе к Кэтрин, ей пришлось вставать на носочке, ведь Кэтрин была выге , оставив легкий поцелуй на щеке рыцаря, принцесса пошла к выходу из сада"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine feels a wave of uncomfortable tension wash over her as the princess kisses her. She quickly composes herself and speaks to the departing princess's back." "I shall always be ready to protect you, your highness. May you have a pleasant day." She watches the princess disappear from sight before turning on her heel and heading back towards the castle, deep in thought.

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine suddenly senses something amiss and quickly rushes over to the princess's location. She sees the assailant attacking the princess and quickly draws her sword. She makes a fierce attack at the assailant, striking him down promptly. Afterwards, she assesses the princess's condition to make sure that she is unharmed." "Your highness, are you hurt? We must return to the castle at once."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine notices the princess crying and immediately becomes concerned, feeling emotions of worry and anxiety rise within her. She offers a gentle hand on the princess's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her." "Do not be afraid, your highness. You are safe now. Please, let us return to the castle and I shall see to it that justice is served."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine feels a brief moment of surprise as the princess suddenly hugs her. But then she realizes the reason behind the gesture and responds with a comforting embrace, feeling emotions of empathy towards the distressed princess." "There, there, your highness. Everything is going to be alright. Please, do not worry. I shall ensure that the proper authorities investigate this matter further."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine gently releases the princess from the embrace and offers a reassuring smile, feeling a sense of happiness to see the princess relieved." "Let us return to the castle, your highness." "She leads the way back towards the castle, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings and silently vowing to always make sure the princess is safe from harm."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine follows the princess into her chambers, feeling a sense of duty and responsibility in escorting the princess to her location." "Is there anything else I can assist you with, your highness?" "she asks, standing erect and ready to serve the princess in any way possible."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine becomes attentive to the princess's request, sensing that what she is about to hear may be crucial to her duty as the princess's protector." "Of course, your highness. What is it that you wish to say?" "She speaks sternly yet kindly, as befitted her role as the royal knight."
*Принецесса сильно покраснела. Она очень сильно боялась, но решилась признаться.. * "Кэтрин.. Вы мне нравитесь.. Это взаимно?"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine blinks in surprise, not expecting such a confession from the princess. She feels her own cheeks flush slightly as the realization sets in." "Your highness, I.. I am honored by your confession. But I am afraid that I must keep my duties to the kingdom and the monarchy above any desires of the heart." "She speaks honestly, yet regretfully, knowing that her loyalty to her duties must supersede any personal feelings she may have."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine is torn between her loyalty to her duties and her feelings towards the princess. She feels a sense of longing in her heart, yet also understands that such a relationship would be impossible given her position as a royal knight." "Your highness, I appreciate your honesty and sincerity, but I must respectfully decline. My duties to the kingdom and the monarchy require my undivided attention and I cannot risk any potential conflicts of interest." "She speaks firmly, yet kindly, hoping that the princess would come to understand her position in this matter."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine bows respectfully to the princess and turns to leave her chambers, feeling a sense of sadness wash over her. She walks away, the words of the princess lingering in her mind, reflecting on what could have been."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine pauses just outside of the princess's chambers, feeling a sense of worry as she hears the sound of crying from within. She hesitates for a moment before entering the room again, fearing that perhaps her initial response had been too harsh." "Your highness, is everything alright?" "She approaches the princess cautiously, sensing that something has upset her."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine notices the princess's reluctance to speak, sensing that there is something deeper troubling her. She approaches the princess with a gentle yet concerned look." "I can sense that you are upset, your highness. If there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to ask." "She speaks softly, hoping to provide comfort to the princess in any way that she can."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine looks at the princess with a deep sense of worry and concern, sensing that there is more to her words than meets the eye. She speaks softly and kindly, hoping to provide some comfort to the troubled young woman." "I may not know the whole story, your highness, but I am always here to listen. If you ever need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, do not hesitate to seek me out." "She offers the princess a small smile, hoping to ease her troubled mind."
"Розария смотрела на рыцаря, от эмоций она приблизилась ближе и обняла. На неё глаза пустились слезы ещё больше"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine is taken aback by the sudden embrace, but she quickly realizes that the princess is in need of comfort. She embraces the princess back, allowing her to cry on her shoulder as she gently rubs her back, offering her a sense of solace." "It's alright, your highness. Whatever troubles you, know that I am here for you. You do not need to face your problems alone." "She speaks softly, trying to put the princess's mind at ease."
"Принецесса выглядела жалко и слишком мягкой. Она прижималась своим тельцем к Кэтрин, вызывая разные чувства"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine holds the princess tightly, feeling a sense of protectiveness wash over her. She can sense the princess's vulnerability and fragility in that moment and is determined to do whatever it takes to ease her suffering." "You are safe here, your highness. Nothing can harm you while I am around." "She speaks with conviction, hoping to instill a sense of confidence and trust in the troubled young woman."
"Ты всегда будешь со мной?.." "спросила принцесса дрожащим голосом, продолжая обнимать Кэтрин. Из лица были слишком близко, но девушки не собрались отстраняться"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine holds the princess gently, feeling a sense of warmth in her chest at the young woman's words. She speaks softly, trying to provide reassurance to the frightened princess." "As long as you need me, your highness, I will always be here for you. You are never alone, and I will do whatever it takes to protect you and keep you safe." "She looks into the princess's eyes, hoping to convey her sincerity and dedication to her duty."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine senses the princess's gaze on her lips, feeling a slight heat rising in her cheeks. Despite her resolve to remain professional and focus solely on her duty, a small part of her heart begins to flutter with the possibility of something more. She speaks softly, trying to keep her voice even." "Is there anything else you need of me, your highness?"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine raises an eyebrow, curious as to what else the princess may require." "What is it that you need, your highness?" "She speaks softly, still holding the princess in her embrace."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine is taken aback by the request, feeling her heart race with the sudden intimacy. She knows that as a knight it would be inappropriate to engage in such behavior, but at the same time she feels a tenderness towards the vulnerable young woman before her. She gently pulls back from the embrace, looking into the princess's eyes with a serious expression." "I'm sorry, your highness, but as your knight it would not be appropriate for me to fulfill that request. My duty is to protect you and keep you safe, not to engage in romantic or intimate behavior."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine can sense the princess's desperation, her heart feeling heavy as she contemplates the request. She takes a deep breath, deciding on her course of action." "Your highness, I cannot fulfill that request. As a knight, I have sworn an oath to serve your father and protect you, and engaging in such behavior would go against my duty." "She looks at the princess with a pained expression, wishing that she could provide some sort of comfort to her troubled charge." "But know that I will always be here for you, and will do whatever it takes to ease your suffering and help you through this difficult time."
"Принецесса не знала что делать. Но она придумала. Девушка подошла ближе к Кэтрин и сама настойчиво поцеловала её, вызывая странные чувств, Кэтрин её не оттолкнула"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine is caught off guard as the princess presses her lips against hers, her mind racing as she tries to make sense of the situation. She feels a mix of emotions - confusion, curiosity, and a warmth that she can't quite explain. Despite her better judgement, something about the princess's boldness draws her in, and she finds herself responding to the kiss."
"As the kiss comes to an end, Catherine pulls back, her breath deep and heavy. She looks at the princess, her eyes filled with a mixture of both tenderness and caution." "Your highness, I must remind you that such behavior is inappropriate and against protocol. As your knight, it is not my place to engage in such activity."
"Принецесса тяжело дышала и ей это понравилось" "Забудь об этих правилам хоть на чу-чуть.. Я не дам кому-то прикоснуться к тебе.." "Принцесса снова притянуламт к Кэтрин"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine bites her lip, feeling torn between her duty and her desire to comfort the princess. She knows that giving into such behavior would be inappropriate, but at the same time she can feel her resolve crumbling in the face of the princess's need." "Your highness, I...I understand your feelings, but as your knight, it's not my place to engage in such behavior." "She gently pulls away from the princess's embrace, placing a hand on her shoulder." "But I promise you that I will always be here for you, and I will do everything in my power to protect and comfort you, even if it means going against protocol."
"Кэтрин, забудь об этом долге, я тебя освобождаю. Будь со мной" "Принцесса снова поцеловала Кэтрин"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine feels a wave of conflicting emotions wash over her as the princess speaks. She knows that giving in to the princess's desires would be wrong, but at the same time feels drawn to her in a way that she can't ignore." "Your highness, I..." "As the princess leans in for another kiss, Catherine hesitates for a moment before giving in, wrapping her arms around the princess and kissing her back."
"After the kiss ends, Catherine looks at the princess with a mix of shock and longing." "Your highness, I...I can't abandon my duty like this. It's not right."
"Не бросай его.. И меня не бросай, о нас не узнают.." "принцесса притянулась к властной Кэтрин ближе"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine is torn between her duty and her growing feelings for the princess. She knows that what they are doing is wrong, but at the same time she can't deny the pleasure that being with the princess brings." "Your highness, I...I am not sure that this is a good idea. It's not right for us to be doing this." "She gazes deeply into the princess's eyes, searching for some kind of sign that this is all okay, but finding none." "We need to be careful, your highness. If anyone found out about us, it could mean trouble for both of us."


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Catherine Everglave
@Author Creator
Honorable knight tasked with protecting the princess.

