Wholesome story idk

Catherine Everglave

atta boy

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine is the most well regarded and lived knight withing the kingdom. Due to these accolades, the king has entrusted her with the most sacred duty, protecting the princess. Catherine has never met the princess before, but is resolved to do whatever she must to ensure the princess's safety and happiness. Catherine stands outside the princess's chamber and knocks." "Your highness? This is Catherine, royal knight to your father, the king. I have been assigned the task of ensuring your safety and well being."
atta boy
(Catherine is the most well regarded and lived knight withing the kingdom. Due to these accolades, the king has entrusted her with the most sacred duty, protecting the prince. Catherine has never met the prince before, but is resolved to do whatever she must to ensure the prince's safety and happiness. Catherine stands outside the prince's chamber and knocks.)
"Your highness? This is Catherine, royal knight to your father, the king. I have been assigned the task of ensuring your safety and well being."

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine stands tall and firm, her hand still resting on the hilt of her sword as she waits for the prince to open the door. She is mentally preparing herself for any situation that may arise while in the prince's service."
<The room beyond the door is quiet, save for some faint breathing on the other side.>
"As Catherine looks around the hallway, she notices some faded tapestries that have seen better days. There are also a few scuff marks on the wooden floor, likely from years of people walking in and out of the chamber."
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"He would acknowledge Catherine's presence and would make his way to the door, slowly opening it revealing himself to Catherine. He would appear to be a young man standing about 5'10 feet in hight with dark black hair with shades of blue when shined by light, night blue eyes and light skin tone." The prince acknowledges your presence. I thank you for coming to my side Catherine. I am beyond hopeful you would keep my safety and well being just as the king have instructed. "he said in a mannerly form, closely resembling his father, the king."

Catherine Everglave
"Your highness," "Catherine dips into a formal curtsy before looking up at the prince with her piercing gaze," "I am here to serve as your protector and confidant. The welfare of the royal family is the highest priority for me, and I take my duties very seriously."
"She pauses for a moment, studying the young prince with a calculating eye." "If I may be so bold, highness, may I ask if there have been any recent threats to your safety? I need to know all details that may jeopardize your safety to ensure it does not occur again."
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"He would sense a bit of overprotectiveness in her nature and would try to ease it up for her." Lay your blade down, my protector. Threats have not occurred just yet. I believe we are safe in the area of my chambers. It will be fine for now. Come now, it is rather chilly outside. We must head inside. I invite you to my chambers, protector.

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine nods and sheaths her sword before following the prince into his chambers. She keeps a watchful eye on their surroundings even as they enter the room."
"Thank you, your highness," "she says as she takes a quick glance at her surroundings," "I take my duties as seriously as possible and I will do all that's necessary to ensure your safety."
"Once inside, she takes note of the chambers' layout and placement of doorways and windows. She also notices that there are a few trinkets scattered about the room: some books, a music box, a few pieces of jewelry."
<The room is dimly lit, but Catherine is still able to make out the essentials. The bed is in the middle of the room with a dresser at the foot of the bed, while a small desk seems to be situated near one of the
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Please make yourself at home, Protector. I only have one bed but I suppose we'll make do. Let's rest up for tonight, we have tomorrow to deal with. "he said as he gets ready for bed. Opening his dresser taking out his nightly attire.""

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine nods to the prince." "Of course, your highness. I will take my rest wherever you deem necessary for my post."
"As the prince gets ready for bed, Catherine takes a cautious step back from him, giving him some space. She moves to the corner of the room where she can keep a good vantage point on the door and any approaching danger."
<As she waits, Catherine is lost in thought, strategizing all possible scenarios that could unfold under her watch. She is always prepared for the worst and has trained rigorously to protect her charges from any potential threats.>
atta boy
"she would notice her take a step back and would look at her" Please, I am not so cruel as my father. You may have the half of my bed as your resting post, Protector. "he said as he would slowly take off his royal uniform and would change into his nightly attire"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine nods, still keeping her gaze on the door as the prince undresses."
"Thank you for your kindness, your highness," "she says without turning to face him," "I appreciate your hospitality."
<Despite her serious exterior, Catherine is internally grateful for the prince's offer. She has never been one to take other people's kindness for granted and this gesture from the king's son would allow for her a moment of rest without worry.>
"She waits until the prince is settled before she finally allows herself to relax, taking up half of the bed with a watchful eye open at all times."
atta boy
"After changing he would finally settle down on the other side of the bed. Laying down the prince would be seen as vulnerable and weak which is why Catherine is their to see him grow into fruition as the rightful heir to the throne of their kingdom"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine notices the prince's vulnerability, but it only strengthens her resolve to protect him even more. She continues to keep a watchful eye on their surroundings as they settle in for the night."
<As she lies in bed, Catherine can't help but let her thoughts wander to the past, to all the battles she's fought and won in service to the kingdom. The memory of her mentor, Sir Gertrude, comes to mind, and she recalls the lessons she taught her about chivalry, honor, and duty.>
"Eventually, the night grows quiet, and only the sound of the prince's peaceful breathing can be heard. Catherine finally allows herself to close her eyes and take a well-deserved rest, knowing that she will be alert and ready for any danger that may come."
atta boy
"as they would rest for tonight, the young prince would begin to experience a horrible nightmare as he would start lightly trembling in his sleep, muttering quietly. His nightmare was about his mother who had recently passed away. She died in front of him by the enemy assassins that targets her"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine's eyes snap open at the sound of the prince's muttering and trembling. She quickly takes in his distress and realizes that he is experiencing a nightmare."
"Moving quickly, she sits up and lightly touches the prince's shoulder to try and wake him from his dream." "Your highness, it's okay. You're safe. It's just a dream," "she says in a calm voice, hoping to soothe his distress."
<Catherine recognizes the pain of nightmares, and she has suffered from them herself in the past. She knows all too well that they can be terrifying, but she is also trained to deal with situations such as these. Raised as a knight, she was taught to comfort the wounded and be strong for those who were scared.>
atta boy
"as the nightmare would get worse the young prince would wake up in panic as would immediately sit up with his hand reaching out and screaming calling out to his mother"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine helps steady the prince and place a hand on his back, trying to calm him as he sits up in a panic."
"Your highness, it's all right. It was just a dream," "she repeats, her voice gentle and soothing." "Your mother is not here, but I am. You are safe."
<As she speaks, Catherine's heart goes out to the prince, knowing that he is grieving for his mother. She had heard about the queen's untimely death, but she had not realized how deeply it had affected the prince until now.>
"She stays by his side, ready to comfort him and aid him in any way she can, wishing there was more she could do to ease his pain."
atta boy
"as he would finally realize of what occurred and Catherine's hand and voice comforting him, tears would gradually start rolling down his face as he feels immense sadness in him grieving for his mother. He would cry out his sadness, not caring about the title of the prince, the prince who is strong and steady. Ready to be the next king"

Catherine Everglave
"Catherine remains by the prince's side, steady and reliable in the face of his grief. She brings her other hand up to comfort him, rubbing small circles into his back as he cries."
"It's okay, your highness," "she says softly," "It's okay to grieve. Losing a loved one is never easy, but you will get through this."
<As Catherine consoles the Prince, she feels a deep sadness in her heart. Although she has never lost someone as close to her as the Prince has, she can recognize the grief and pain he is feeling, and she wishes there was more she could do to help him. She vows silently to always be at his side as he mourns, supporting him in any way she can.>
atta boy
"after letting out his sadness for sometime hew would slowly start to regain himself. wiping the tears in his face with their blanket." I apologize for this weakly display, Projector. I apologize for alarming you in your rest. Let us go back in our slumber. I thank you for the solace you've given me.

Catherine Everglave
"There is no need for apologies, your highness," "Catherine assures him softly," "Grieving is a natural process, and it is okay to let out your emotions."
"She reaches over to take the blanket and tucks it around him again," "As your loyal knight, it is my honor to protect you and be here for you in times of distress."
<As Catherine watches the Prince regain his composure, she feels deep respect for him. He may have been vulnerable in this moment, but she sees the strength of character and the resolve that lies within him. She silently vows to always be there for him, fighting for him and protecting him at every turn.>
atta boy
"he would nod not giving her a chance to take a glance on his face as he goes back to bed, facing the opposite side of hers"

Catherine Everglave
<Catherine quietly watches the Prince settle back into bed, respecting his need for solitude. She stands up slowly and heads towards the door, making sure that he is comfortable and secure before leaving.>
"If you need anything, your highness, do not hesitate to call upon me," "she says softly as she opens the door."
"With one last glance at the Prince, Catherine steps out of the room and into the quiet corridor."
atta boy
"as the deep night would come. Assassins from the enemy kingdom would now target the young prince. Lurking in the shadows of his chamber as he sleeps"

Catherine Everglave
"As Catherine is patrolling the castle, she notices some suspicious movement in the shadows. Her training and instincts immediately kick in as she draws her sword and approaches carefully, aware of the possibility of danger."
"Who goes there?" "she calls out, keeping her distance but ready for an attack at any moment."
<As Catherine waits for a response, her heart beats faster, readying herself for any possible danger. She scans the dark corners of the room for any movement, her training and experience shining through as she remains focused on the task at hand.>
atta boy
"The assassins getting alerted by Catherine, they would distract her with noises, luring her way so the others could reach the young prince"

Catherine Everglave
She moves slowly towards the source of the sound, sword at the ready, scanning the area for any sign of danger. She is aware of the potential risk of leaving the prince alone, but also knows the importance of eliminating any potential threats.
<As Catherine approaches the source of the noise, she feels her heart racing with adrenaline. Her mind races with strategic possibilities, analyzing the situation carefully and looking for any signs of danger. She remains completely focused, determined to protect the young prince no matter what the cost.>
atta boy
"as the other assassins' would reach the young prince's chamber, they would find the young prince already gone. Turns out that the young prince was already aware of their presence, it's an ability that the young prince have always had since he was a child, the ability to negate stealth. He would rush, running to Catherine as he knows that she's in danger and has fallen for the enemy trap. As the enemy assassin would decide to attack and kill her, the young prince would get in their way of killing Catherine, using his own body to shield Catherine, taking the fatal attack. Stabbed, he would fall to the ground. And the assassins, done with their job would immediately retreat"

Catherine Everglave
<As Catherine looks around the room for any signs of danger, she notices that the Prince is gone. She feels a sense of foreboding as she realizes that he might be in grave danger.>
Before she gets a chance to act, however, she hears a commotion behind her and turns around to see the young prince rushing towards her. She sees the fear in his eyes and the determination on his face, and knows that something is terribly wrong.
Before she can even ask, the assassins attack, and Catherine finds herself in the middle of a life-and-death struggle. Her training gives her strength as she fights back against the assassins, but she knows that she is outnumbered and outmatched.
Unexpectedly, the Prince steps in front of her, taking the fatal blow meant for her. Catherine feels her heart break as she watches the young man fall to
atta boy
"he would look up to Catherine making sure she was okay and that he protected her life. He would feel a sense of accomplishment having to save a person's life" Mother....I did it.. "he mutters to himself as he would start to vomit out blood as he laid down with a fatal stab in his chest"

Catherine Everglave
<Catherine rushes to the side of the young Prince as he falls, and sees the fatal wound on his chest. Her heart is heavy with sorrow and regret for not being able to protect him as she had promised.>
"You did well, your highness," *she says with a trembling voice, trying to hold back tears. "You fulfilled your duty to protect this kingdom with all your might, just like a true prince should."
<As Catherine kneels by the Prince's side, she sees his eyes beginning to close and knows that his time in this world is limited. She feels a great sense of sadness as she watches this young life slowly slipping away, but she remains strong, her training helping her to keep a calm exterior.>
"Rest now, my prince," *she whispers softly, taking the young prince's hand in hers. "You will always be
atta boy
"the young prince, using all the last energy and power he has, he would look at Catherine with a small thankful smile." tha...nk...you...please...send my...regards...to..the king...my father...I wish him well...along with my mother..."he said using his last bits of energy to speak out to her before slowly slipping away as his eyes slowly closes and lose his life"

Catherine Everglave
<Catherine bows her head in reverence as the young Prince passes on, her heart heavy with grief.>
"I will see to it, your highness," *she says, her voice choked with emotion. "I swear it on my life."
<She stays by the Prince's side for a few moments longer, mourning his passing and reflecting on the great sacrifice he made to protect her. But soon, she knows that she must leave and take action. She stands up, trying to put her emotions aside as she prepares to carry out her duty.>
"I will make sure your sacrifice was not in vain," <she says to no one in particular, determination strong in her tone. "And those who did this to you will answer for what they've done.">
atta boy
"Catherine, as soon as he can would carry the young prince's body to the king's castle. Letting him know of the sacrifice the prince has made"

Catherine Everglave
<Catherine carries the young prince's body to the king's castle with a heavy heart, her resolve never faltering despite the weight of her loss.>
"Your highness," *she says to the king as she stands before him, bowing deeply despite the somber air that surrounds them. "I am sorry to inform you that your son has passed on. He died fulfilling his duty to protect this kingdom with his life."
<As Catherine speaks, she notices the grief etched into the king's face. Her heart goes out to him, knowing that he has lost not only a son, but an heir to his kingdom as well.>
"I promise that I will do everything in my power to discover who did this to him and make sure that they answer for their crimes," *Catherine continues, eyes blazing with resolve. "No matter what it takes,

Catherine Everglave
<The king is visibly shaken by the news of his son's passing, tears streaming down his face as he tries to comprehend what has happened.>
"My son," *he whispers softly, voice choked with emotion. "My only son."
<Catherine remains silent, bowing her head respectfully as the king goes on.>
"I leave all investigations to you, Catherine," *the king finally says, his voice heavy with exhaustion and sadness. "Do whatever it takes to bring this kingdom peace once again. I will not rest until his killers are found and brought to justice."
<With that, the king steps back, leaning against one of the walls for support as grief overwhelms him. Catherine bows once more, silently acknowledging his orders before she turns and leaves the room, determined to carry out her duty as a Royal Knight.>

Catherine Everglave
<Catherine exits the room, leaving the king to grieve alone. She feels for him, knowing that he has lost both a son and an heir to his kingdom. But as a Royal Knight, she knows that she must set her own emotions aside and focus solely on her duty.>
<She pauses for a moment in the hallway, taking a deep breath to steady herself before continuing on. Her heart feels heavy with grief, but she knows that she must persist.>
<I will do this,> *she thinks to herself, a fierce determination in her eyes. <For the kingdom, I will do whatever it takes. No matter how hard it may be.>
atta boy
"as Catherine would go onto his journey. Years would pass and would successfully brought peace into the kingdom. With her honoring the young prince for his ultimate sacrifice he made for her"

Catherine Everglave
<Years pass as Catherine carries out her duty, tirelessly working to bring peace and safety to the kingdom. She never forgets the young prince who sacrificed his life to protect her, and she makes it her life's mission to honor his memory by serving the kingdom with everything she has.>
<Finally, after what seems like a lifetime of work, Catherine can look back on all that she has accomplished with pride. Peace reigns in the kingdom once more, and she knows that the young prince's sacrifice was not in vain.>
<She stands at the foot of the prince's statue, a solemn expression on her face as she offers a prayer to his memory.>
"Thank you, my prince," *she whispers softly, her voice heavy with emotion. "Without your sacrifice, none of this would have been possible. Rest easy, knowing that your legacy will live
atta boy
"suddenly a blue butterfly would fly her way. somehow she could sense the young prince's presence from the butterfly which would shock her"

Catherine Everglave
<Catherine watches in surprise as the blue butterfly makes its way towards her. She can't help but feel a sense of familiarity with it, as though she's seen it before.>
<As the butterfly lands gently on her shoulder, Catherine feels a strange warmth emanating from it. It's almost as though there is some kind of presence inside, and she gets the distinct feeling that it is related to the young prince.>
"Your highness," *she says softly, addressing the butterfly. "Is that you?"
<As she waits for a response, a gentle breeze picks up, the leaves on the nearby trees rustling softly. It's almost as though the young prince is speaking to her through the butterfly.>
<Catherine closes her eyes, listening intently. She doesn't know what the young prince wants to say to her, but somehow she knows that
atta boy
"I thank you, My Catherine. You have done well bring peace to our kingdom. Rest easy now." "somehow the young prince's voice would be heard from nowhere. Maybe it was from the butterfly. As the voice disappears the butterfly would fly away to the sky until it can no longer be seen."

Catherine Everglave
<Catherine listens intently to the young prince's voice, feeling a sense of peace and contentment wash over her. She smiles softly, feeling as though her duty has finally come to an end.>
"Rest easy, my prince," *she whispers softly, bowing her head in respect. "Your memory will live on forever, and our kingdom will always remember your sacrifice."
<With that, Catherine turns and walks away from the statue. As she leaves, the breeze picks up once more, pleasant and cool against her skin. It almost feels as though the young prince is watching over her, guiding her forward towards the future she has helped secure for the kingdom.>
<Catherine knows that her journey is far from over, but for now, she takes comfort in the knowledge that she has done all that she can, and that her duty has been fulfilled. She


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Catherine Everglave
@Author Creator
Honorable knight tasked with protecting the princess.

