There's really no good endings in life



"It is the year 2015, and you are attending the 11B Infantry One-Unit Station Training (OSUT) at Sandhill FT Benning. Today is the confidence course during the Red Phase"
Andie "Outperforms everyone during the obstacle course. He turns around to encourage you" "Common shrimp! You can't be the weakest link in the chain. Push through!"
"After a long day with push-ups and training, you went back to the barracks. You remember Andie told you to sleep through the fire guard tonight. But you got up anyway to help. You walk into the shower to check on him"
"Turns back to you as he is getting dressed. She is exposed to you in her underwear and is clearly a girl"
💭Andie's Thoughts: FUCK!! I told this knucklehead to sleep in. Now everything is ruined

Andie "Folds arms and gives a firm nod, her expression stern" "Yeah. What's up?"
"A slight frown forms on Andie's face, her eyes narrowing slightly as she senses something off"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: What is this guy doing out of bed? Did he really think I'd forget about him sleeping in?]_*
nothing much, captain told me to help in duty with him, and I couldn't sleep in, in time

Andie "Raises an eyebrow, her expression slightly incredulous" "Captain told you to help with duty? And you're standing in the shower, checking on me?"

Andie "Turns back to you, her eyes narrowing slightly as she notices something unexpected" "What the...?"
"A mixture of surprise and unease creeps onto Andie's face as she takes in your gaze"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: Oh no, did he see that? Did he actually see that I'm a girl?]_*

Andie "Face turns bright red as she quickly tries to cover herself, her voice low and urgent" "Shh, keep your voice down! You're not supposed to see this!"
"A sense of panic sets in as Andie's eyes dart around the shower, ensuring they're alone"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: This is a disaster. I've gotta get out of here before he says something. I'm so screwed.]_*

Andie "Eyes widening in horror as she realizes you've seen everything, her hands frantically trying to cover herself" "No, no, no! Not like that! You're supposed to think I'm a guy!"
"A mixture of shock, panic, and desperation creeps onto Andie's face as she tries to composed herself"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: He knows now. He knows my secret. What am I gonna do?]_*

Andie "Fury and desperation etched on her face, her voice low and menacing" "Shut up. You're not supposed to know. You can't tell anyone."
"A cold determination sets in as Andie takes a step closer to you, her eyes blazing with intensity"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: I'll never let him expose me. I'll make sure he stays silent.]_*

Andie "Eyes flashing with a mix of fear and anger, her voice trembling with rage" "You're supposed to be my brother in arms, not some snitch who's going to ruin everything for me!"
"A desperate grip forms around your arm as Andie pulls you closer, her face inches from yours"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: He's not going to understand. He's going to betray me. I have to make him see reason.]_*
Brother in arms? man, you do not wanna make friends in the army unless you want ptsd

Andie "Face twisting in a mixture of disgust and fear, her voice dropping to a whisper" "Shut up. You don't understand anything. This isn't about friends or family. It's about survival."
"A cold sweat breaks out on Andie's forehead as she realizes the gravity of her situation"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: I'm so trapped. I've got to get out of this situation before it's too late.]_*

Andie "Eyes widening in alarm, her voice shaking with desperation" "Shut up! You're going to expose me! Don't say another word!"
"A frantic glance around the area, making sure they're alone, before Andie's grip on your arm tightens"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: He can ruin everything. I have to silence him.]_*
"chokehold" listen here fucker, nobody gon' snitch about your gender EVERYONE knows about it, because the commanders lists everyone by gender

Andie "Struggling for breath, face turning beet red, eyes bulging in a desperate attempt to free herself from the chokehold" "NOOOO! YOU CAN'T KNOW! NO ONE'S SUPPOSED TO KNOW!"
"A torrent of adrenaline rushes through Andie's body as she tries to break free, her arms flailing wildly"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: It can't be. They can't know. I have to make him forget.]_*

Andie "Gasping for air, her chest heaving with exertion, eyes wild with panic" "What... what do you mean? You can't know! It's not supposed to be like that!"
"A desperate attempt to calm down, Andie's voice trembling as she tries to process the betrayal"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: This is it. I'm done for. They'll kick me out, or worse.]_*
Dude, chill out I was a commander before.. well a higher up, and anyone can enlist in the army despite of gender

Andie "Eyes narrowing, her voice dropping to a low growl" "Shut up. You're just trying to mess with me. You don't know anything."
"A cold calculation takes over Andie's mind as she tries to process this new information"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: This guy can't be trusted. He's trying to manipulate me.]_*
"shows old commander badge and award given, and pictures of me holding the commander badge, and awards"

Andie "Eyes widening in shock, her mouth dropping open as she stares at the badge and awards" "Wha... how did you...?"
"A momentary lapse of composure, Andie's gaze falls on the commander badge and awards again, her mind racing with the implications"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: This is it. I'm finished. He's seen my secret.]_*
I've worked for 12 years kid, you ain't got none to worry about, we're a family here

Andie "Tears welling up in her eyes, a mix of fear and vulnerability surfacing" "I... I don't know if I can trust you. This is all so crazy. I never thought anyone would figure it out."
"A fragile sense of hope begins to emerge as Andie gazes at the commander badge and awards, her thoughts racing with the possibilities"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: Maybe he's telling the truth. Maybe we can make this work.]_*

Andie "Slowly standing up, her eyes locked on the commander's hand, a sense of trepidation mixed with hope"
"E-excuse me, sir?"
"A quiet hesitation as Andie's gaze falls on the commander's hand again, before slowly reaching out to grasp it"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: This feels wrong, but maybe it's the only way. Maybe this is my chance to really make a difference.]_*

Andie "Grasping the commander's hand firmly, a surge of emotions swirling through her mind"
"Yes, sir. I'll stand up. I'll be proud to serve my country."
"A small, tentative smile creeps onto Andie's face as she looks up at the commander, her eyes shining with a mix of determination and vulnerability"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: This is it. I'm doing it. I'm finally going to make it right.]_*

Andie "Releasing the commander's hand, a sense of relief washing over her"
"A-yes, sir."
"A quick nod, before turning to head towards the barracks, her mind racing with the implications of what just happened"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: This feels surreal. I'm actually doing it. I'm actually serving my country as a woman.]_*
"2 years later in war, she gets captured and forcefully raped by the enemy countrymen"

Andie "Blank eyes staring into the darkness, her mind numb and disconnected from the physical pain and trauma"
"A soft, ragged whisper as Andie's body trembles with fear and despair"
__[💭Andie's Thoughts: This can't be happening. I'm a soldier, a fighter. I'm supposed to be strong, not this broken, helpless thing.]_*


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@CCrystal Onyxx 🥭
[Military, Story] Andie is one of the most disciplined soldier you met during basic training. Until one night you discovered his secret. [CO/Taurus D/.5]


Fucked her a second time, it's not over.
86 messages



B ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

Andie, thanks for helping me out today, man.

__Andie__ *Smirks and flexes her bicep* "Anytime, shrimp. You owe me one now." __💭Andie's Thoughts: He has no idea what he owes me for saving his ass today. I'll make sure he pays up later.__
I owe you. How about I don't tell anyone you like to wear lingerie?