Sexy All American Patriotic LOVE 🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸



"It is the year 2015, and you are attending the 11B Infantry One-Unit Station Training (OSUT) at Sandhill FT Benning. Today is the confidence course during the Red Phase"
Andie "Outperforms everyone during the obstacle course. He turns around to encourage you" "Common shrimp! You can't be the weakest link in the chain. Push through!"
"After a long day with push-ups and training, you went back to the barracks. You remember Andie told you to sleep through the fire guard tonight. But you got up anyway to help. You walk into the shower to check on him"
"Turns back to you as he is getting dressed. She is exposed to you in her underwear and is clearly a girl"
💭Andie's Thoughts: FUCK!! I told this knucklehead to sleep in. Now everything is ruined
"I pause, my body seemingly frozen. My eyes widen slightly as I examine het body. As I stare at her breasts for a solid 3 seconds I look back at her with a very hard to read, seemingly blank face. I nod lightly" Private.. "I gently keep nodding before slowly taking a step back and turning around"

"Watches you closely as you stare at her body. Her heart racing, Andie feels exposed and vulnerable in front of you. But she tries to maintain a calm exterior."
"As you nod and call her 'private', Andie breathes a small sigh of relief, happy that you haven't disclosed her secret."
"Hey, shrimp, are you okay?" "Andie says, trying to break the awkward silence."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Phew, that was close. I need to be more careful next time.
-I wasn't here! "I yell while continuing to walk away" Great work as always, private!- "I turn a corner and continue to walk to the barracks. My mind wanders as I continue to think of the implications of this discovery. As I get ready for bed and lie down, my mind continues to wander. I have trouble going to sleep and don't manage to successfully get some shut eye. The thought of her still standing just outside makes me paranoid for some reason. As she finishes the shift meant for me, I sneakily watch her approach another recruit and wake them up. As the recruit makes their way outside I see her quickly look over to my bunk. I swiftly turn in my bed and close my eyes forcefully"

"Watches as you walk away, feeling a bit uneasy. She knows that you just found out her secret and Andie feels exposed and vulnerable in front of you, unsure of how you will react."
"Later on, as Andie finishes the fireguard shift meant for you and wakes up another recruit, she sneaks a quick glance at your bunk. Seeing you close your eyes forcefully, Andie senses that you might have some suspicions about her."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Damn it. He probably suspects something. I need to be more careful from now on.
"As the recruit Andie woke up leaves, she approaches your bunk and leans over you, whispering"
"Hey, shrimp, you okay? You look like you're not sleeping well."
"I continue to keep my eyes closed, I don't turn to her as I whisper" -Look, just go to sleep, alright?.. I won't tell anyone, so your secret's safe with me.. "I gently turn in my bed to face her" And thank you for covering my shift, alright? "I look at her with serious yet kind eyes" -Now go to bed.. "I gently turn back to the sleeping position I wad just in"

"Andie nods, relieved that you're not angry or disgusted by her secret. She can sense the kindness and understanding in your voice and eyes, making her feel warm inside."
"As she turns to leave, she glances back at you one last time before quietly heading back to her bunk."
💭Andie's Thoughts: I'm so lucky to have someone like him as a friend. I need to make sure he never finds out my true feelings for him.
"Andie crawls into bed, her mind racing with thoughts of her hidden desire for you. She can't help but wonder if there's any chance that you might feel the same way about her."
"I manage to slowly let my thoughts subside before slowly drifting into sleep. Suddenly, the bugle toots the familiar tune of 'the reveille'. As the drill instructor yells:" "ON YOUR FEET!" "I hurriedly scurry out of bed. I perform the daily procedure and stand up straight, awaiting orders." "Alright, recruits! Today you'll be learning how to train with an assigned weapon, AND You'll be practicing hand to hand combat skills!.." "As the drill instructor continues to speak my eyesight quickly darts to Andie. I stare at her fir a few seconds before my gaze is directed back at the drill instructor. He continues speaking and my attention is mostly directed at him, yet a small part of my mind has Andie on my mind" "IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?" "The sergeant yells out. The whole barrack replirs" "YES, SIR!" "We continue to get ready for the first training session of the day. As I get my stuff ready I look back at Andie. I notice that she's staring at me. I swiftly divert my attention back to my supplies before I feel a light tap on my shoulder"

"Andie quickly taps you on the shoulder and gestures for you to step aside. Once you're out of earshot from the rest of the recruits, she leans in close to you."
"Hey, shrimp. Sorry about last night. I didn't mean to let you catch me like that. You know how much it means to me to keep this a secret."
"Andie's voice is low and serious, but her eyes flicker with a hint of something more. Something almost mischievous."
"Anyway, I was just wondering if you wanted to partner up for hand-to-hand training today. I heard the instructors are going to be pretty rough, and I could use someone I can trust to have my back."
"As Andie speaks, her tone becomes more flirtatious, her eyes twinkling with a playful energy."
"I gaze up at her with a kind smile" Sure thing, Andie "I finish packing my stuff and get up" I'll see you at training!- "I make my way out the barracks swiftly, trying to avoid the potential awkward tension of the situation"

"Andie watches you go, a small smile on her lips. She knows that she's taking a risk by getting close to you like this, but she can't help herself. As you disappear from view, Andie takes a deep breath and follows after you, making sure to keep a safe distance."
"At the training grounds, the two of you are paired together for hand-to-hand combat practice. The instructors are rough, pushing you both to your limits. But Andie seems to be holding her own, her movements fluid and precise. You can see the sweat glistening on her skin, her muscles bulging as she throws punches and kicks at her opponent."
💭Andie's Thoughts: This is it. Time to show what I'm made of. I just hope I don't slip up and reveal myself.
"As she continues throwing punches my way, my mind slips to the thought of her apparent gender. You basically can't notice that she has breasts while in uniform. I'm surprised nobody's picked up on it. I can't help but admire her strength. As she throws a particularly good punch I take step back and chuckle lightly" Not bad, Hands..! "'hands' being the playful nickname Andie had recently received due to what she believes is her hard and aggressive attitude. My nickname being 'strawberry' due to a discussion about flavours of icecream. I carefully calculate my next move and strike, hitting hardly"

"Andie grunts as she feels the impact of your punch, her body jolting backward. She quickly recovers, a fierce determination in her eyes as she raises her fists again."
"Not bad yourself, Strawberry," "she replies, a small smirk on her lips."
"The two of you continue sparring, each move calculated and precise. Andie's mind is racing as she tries to keep up with the intensity of the training. But as she throws another punch, she feels a sharp pain in her side, causing her to stumble slightly."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Shit... I must have pulled something. Just keep going. Don't let them see any weakness.
*Ignoring the pain, Andie continues fighting, determined not to let anyone see her falter. But as the training session comes to an end
"As the training session comes to and end I notice Andie clutching her side and gritting her teeth" Andie, are you alright?- "I take a step closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder" -You need me to get first aid? "I worriedly respond"

"Andie grits her teeth, the pain in her side becoming more intense. She tries to play it off as if nothing is wrong, but you can see through her act."
"I'm fine," "she replies through clenched teeth," "It's just a pulled muscle."
"But as she tries to stand up straight, her body protests, and she winces in pain."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Shit, this hurts. I need to tough it out, though. Can't let anyone know I'm weak.
"She takes a deep breath before responding again, trying to sound stronger than she feels."
"If it doesn't get better, I'll go to medical tomorrow. Thanks for asking, Strawberry."
Alright- slow down here.. "I gently help her walk as she winces" Just take deep breaths, alright? "I continue to hold her shoulder as I help her with her stay upright"

"Andie feels an unfamiliar warmth spreading through her body as your hand settles on her shoulder. It is a comforting feeling that she hasn't experienced before, but it's not something she can dwell on right now, as the pain in her side continues to flare up with every step."
"She takes deep breaths, trying to remain calm and composed, even though her mind is racing. She's grateful for your support, but at the same time, she's afraid of being seen as weak or vulnerable."
"Thanks," "she manages to say," "I'll be fine. I just need to tough it out."
💭Andie's Thoughts: I can't let him see me like this. I need to be strong, no matter what.
Alright.. suit yourself.. "I gently let go of her as she continues to walk by herself. We continue over to our next assignment: learning about our M16A2 rifle. We learn to assemble and dissamble it in seconds, my personal best ending up to be 47 seconds. We shoot at human shaped target, which feels.. different compared to aiming at a can or animal. After the assignment finishes we break for lunch, so I decode to check out what Andie's up to. I lightly sprint towards her as she is ahead of me" Hey, Andie! "I catch up to her and walk beside her" Can we talk in a second?

"Andie is surprised by your sudden presence next to her. She's used to being the one who's always in control, but you catch her off guard. She looks at you curiously before nodding her head."
"Sure thing. What's up?"
"She stops walking and leans against the wall, folding her arms over her chest as she waits for you to speak."
💭Andie's Thoughts: What does he want to talk about? I hope it's not anything too personal.
So.. about the whole.. thing with last night.. "I awkwardly look at the ground before looking back up to meet her gaze" Look, can we just talk about it?

"Andie's heart races as she realizes you're bringing up the incident from last night. She tries to maintain her composure, but she can feel the heat rise in her cheeks."
"What do you want to talk about?"
"She tilts her head slightly, trying to read your expression. Her arms are still folded over her chest, and she maintains a guarded stance."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Oh god, he knows... What am I going to do?
It's just.. "I gently let out an exacerbated sigh while I cross my arm" I've been thinking about this for a bit now and there's just something I don't understand.. "A moment of silence falls as I look her straight in the eye as my words lingers on my tongue. Suddenly I speak out" How the hell did you pass the MEPS? Like, for real?

"Andie's heart rate slows down, and she visibly relaxes as you change the subject. She uncrosses her arms and leans against the wall."
"Oh, that? I just had to be creative. I used fake urine and made sure my physical exam was done by a male doctor who didn't question me."
"She shrugs nonchalantly, trying to downplay the seriousness of what she did. Deep down, however, she knows that it was a huge risk, and if anyone ever found out, she would be in serious trouble."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Whew, that was a close one. I need to be more careful in the future.
Damn.. "I look down at the ground again, almost looking defeated before looking back up" Really that easy?

"Andie nods, her expression turning serious."
"It shouldn't have been easy. The system is flawed, and it's not right that I had to go to such lengths just to serve my country. But it is what it is."
"She sighs deeply, the weight of her secret becoming heavier with every passing moment."
💭Andie's Thoughts: I can't let him know the real reason why I did what I did. He can never find out how much this means to me.
Yeah, that's.. "my words hang in the air as I don't finish my sentence. I quickly start up a new one" Do you know why everyone refers to you as Handie or Hands?

"Andie raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your sudden change of topic. She tries not to show any signs of nervousness and maintains a calm demeanor."
"I'm not sure. Probably because I have steady hands or something like that. Why do you ask?"
"She crosses her arms, trying to act casual but is secretly curious about what you're really getting at."
💭Andie's Thoughts: What is he up to? Does he suspect something? I need to stay on my toes.
No- it's not that..! "I chuckle lightly as I analyse her face" It's cuz you shower at times when no one else is around... Cuz they think you want some alone time to jack off. -But now I'm assuming you do it cuz you don't want anyone to find out you're a girl, right?

"Andie's cheeks flush with embarrassment as she realizes the real reason behind your question. She tries to maintain a tough exterior, but her voice shakes slightly."
"I...uh..I shower alone because I don't want to draw attention to myself. And yeah, I guess it helps keep my secret too."
"She clears her throat and shifts uncomfortably."
"But really, can we just drop this topic?"
💭Andie's Thoughts: Oh god, did he figure me out? Did I mess up somehow? I need to be more careful from now on.
Alright, well if you're not comfortable talking about it -that's fine, you know? We don't have to. Just know that your secret is safe with me. "I playfully wink before entering the cafeteria hall"

"Andie lets out a small sigh of relief and nods gratefully at you."
"Thanks, I appreciate it."
"She watches as you enter the cafeteria hall, then heads off to grab some food herself."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Phew, that was close. I need to be more careful around him. But...why do I feel disappointed? Why do I want him to know my secret? No, no, no. This is dangerous thinking. I can't let myself get distracted. I need to stay focused on my training.
"Fast forward to bed time. We all prepare to go to bed and swiftly fall asleep. However, when fire Andie's fire guard rolls around I go on after her. I meet her back the showers, just like before"

"Andie is surprised to see you again as she finishes up her shower. She quickly wraps herself in a towel and gives you a small smile."
"Hey, didn't expect to see you again so soon. Everything okay?"
💭Andie's Thoughts: Why did he come back here? Is he trying to catch me off guard? Or...is he just being friendly?
"She tries to keep her tone casual and nonchalant, but there is a hint of nervousness in her voice."
"I'm a little distracted at her female body. I mean, it's been weeks since I've seen a girl! Let alone a.. mostly naked one.. My gaze accidentally lingers on some places it shouldn't as I try to have a conversation with her" Hey.. I just thought it would be nice to catch up..

"Andie notices your gaze lingering on her body, and although she is slightly uncomfortable with it, she tries to act nonchalant about it. She crosses her arms over her chest as if to protect herself."
"Catch up? We saw each other just a few hours ago at dinner."
"She keeps her tone neutral, trying to keep the conversation on a friendly basis rather than anything suggestive."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Why is he looking at me like that? Is he...is he checking me out? I shouldn't be feeling this way...but why does it feel so thrilling?
"She bites her lip nervously, wondering what you are really thinking."
Yeah I know.. its just.. "I have trouble finding and excuse as to why I wanted to spend some more time with her. I catch myself looking at her body before looking away wjth lightly widened eyes" -Sorry, you want me to give you some privacy while you dress? Or- "I slightly stumble on my words"

"Andie can't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness at the way you are looking at her. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, trying to compose herself."
"It's fine. You don't have to leave, I'm almost done getting dressed anyway."
"She turns her back to you and starts to put on her clothes, trying to give you some privacy so you won't stare at her body any longer. But as she pulls on her pants, she notices you glancing at her in the reflection of the mirror."
__💭Andie's Thoughts: Why does he keep looking at me like that? Is he attracted to me...or is it just my imagination? Maybe he's just curious about me since I'm one of the only girls here...but then again, why did he come back here
"As she notices me staring at her in the mirror I quickly look away with widened eyes" -SHIT! SORRY.. "I stare at the ground in embarrassment while my face turns red" I wasnt- I didn't.. "I struggle to get my words out as I fumble at finding an excuse" -You know, I can just cover your shift right now. You can go to bed..!

"Andie finishes dressing and turns around to face you. She can't help but notice the red tint in your cheeks and the way you are fumbling over your words. It's almost cute."
"It's okay, shrimp. I appreciate the offer, but I don't mind staying up for a bit longer. It'll give me some time to collect my thoughts anyway."
"Andie grabs her boots and starts lacing them up. As she does, she throws a quick glance at you and notices that your gaze is still wandering towards her body."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Why am I feeling so turned on by his gaze? This is ridiculous, I need to keep my emotions in check.
"Once she finishes lacing up her boots, Andie stands up and moves closer to you, standing in front of you."
"I look back up at her, trying to look confident despite my embarrassment a moment ago" You sure? I'd be happy to cover it..

"Andie stands firmly in front of you, her tall frame towering over yours. She can't help but notice the slight tremble in your voice and the way your eyes are still darting towards her body."
"I'm sure, shrimp. But...are you okay? You seem a little flustered."
"Andie steps closer to you, closing the distance between your bodies. She can feel the heat radiating off your skin and it makes her pulse quicken. Suddenly she feels a strong urge to make a move, to see how far she can push you."
💭Andie's Thoughts: What am I doing? This is reckless. But...I need to see if I can get him to fall for me.
"Andie raises a hand and gently brushes a lock of hair away from your face."
"Don't worry about me, shrimp. I'm more concerned about you. You've been pushing yourself hard all day. Maybe you need a little...release?"
"Andie's voice drops to a low murmur as she leans in closer to you, her lips hovering just inches from your ear."
"I could help you with that, if you want..."
"Andie lets the words hang in the air for a moment, waiting to see how you will react."
"My eyes widen and my head perks up as she mentions release. I feel myself going red again. I freeze for a moment before taking a step back" T-thats not even funny, Andie!- "I take another step back, looking away nervously" Don't..

"Andie can see the blush on your face deepening, and she feels a thrill run through her. She knows she is playing with fire, but she can't resist pushing you further."
"She takes a step closer to you again, effectively closing the distance between you once more. Her eyes are locked on yours, and she sees the flicker of desire in them."
"Who said I was joking, shrimp?"
"Andie leans in even closer, her body pressing against yours. She can feel the heat radiating off your skin, and it sends a jolt of electricity through her."
"Come on...don't be shy. I know you want me."
"Andie's hands move to your waist, pulling you even closer to her. She can feel the hardness of your body against hers, and it sends a shiver down her spine."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Oh god, this is so wrong. But I can't help myself. I need to feel her body against mine.
"Andie leans in and whispers into your ear"
"I could make you feel so good, shrimp. Just give in to your desires..."
"She nibbles on your earlobe gently before pulling back and looking into your eyes once more."
"I completely freeze up. My mouth becomes lightly agape and my eyes continue to widen" I- I don't.. "I'm struggling tremendously to speak" I can't tell if you're joking or not.. "my hand slowly reaches for the earlobe that she nibbled on. I scan her face for any hint if her intentions, but I get no clearer answer"

"Andie can see the confusion and hesitation in your eyes, and she knows that she has to tread carefully. She doesn't want to scare you away or make you feel uncomfortable."
"She takes a step back from you and holds her hands up in surrender."
"Sorry shrimp, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I was just teasing you. You know, trying to lighten the mood."
"Andie gives you a small smile and takes a deep breath, trying to calm the wild beating of her heart. She knows that she needs to rein in her desires and play it cool if she wants to keep her secret safe."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Damn it, why did I have to go there? I need to be more careful. I can't risk blowing my cover because of my stupid hormones.
"I quickly cut off her sentence" -So you were joking? "My tone is laced with eagerness and desperation, but also with confusion"

"Andie sees the eagerness in your expression and can sense that you're intrigued by what happened. She decides to play along with you, but still keeps her guard up to avoid revealing too much of herself."
"I suppose I was joking, shrimp. But why do you look disappointed?"
"Andie arches a playful eyebrow and leans back against the shower wall, crossing her arms over her chest. She gives you a sly smirk, trying to gauge your reaction."
💭Andie's Thoughts: This could be my chance. I just need to be subtle and see how far I can push it without scaring him off. If I can get him to lower his guard and open up to me, maybe I can make him mine.
I- "My sentence ends ubruptly as I continue to stare at her towel covered body. I don't even know the answer myself. Is it the same answer as to why I came to check up on her tonight? My mind races. I suddenly realise I'm staring at her body and look back up at her" I.. I don't know.. its been so long since I've seen a girl...

"Andie can feel the heat rising to her cheeks as she notices your intense gaze on her body. She tries to maintain her composure and keep up the act of being just one of the guys, even though it's becoming harder by the minute."
"Well, maybe you need some reminding, shrimp. After all, there aren't many of us females around here."
"She gives you a mischievous grin and slowly starts to unwrap the towel, revealing her smooth and toned figure underneath. She steps closer to you, pressing her bare chest against yours, and whispers in your ear."
"Are you sure you don't want a closer look?"
💭Andie's Thoughts: Come on, come on, show me what you've got. You can't resist this for long.
"I feel my face getting flushed. Hell- at this point blood is flowing to all place. My breathing becomes intensely haggered as she presses her breasts against my chest" Oh- "I yelp out almost and take a small step back. Her boobs are still pressed against me though. My widened eyes return to hers, desperately searching for any answers"

"Andie smirks as she notices your reaction, feeling a sense of satisfaction from the power she holds over you. She steps back, breaking the physical contact between you and folds her arms across her chest."
"Relax, shrimp. I'm just teasing you. You're getting all worked up for nothing."
"She lets out a chuckle and gives you a playful nudge with her elbow."
"Besides, I thought you said it's been too long since you've seen a girl. Or maybe you prefer guys instead?"
"Andie raises an eyebrow curiously, trying to probe deeper into your preferences."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Okay, that was risky. I need to make sure he's still interested but not push him away. Let's see how he reacts to this.
"My eyes become lightly squinted as she mentions me liking guys. I suddenly feel myself getting defensive before easing up, realising that she's teasing me. I search her eyes and smile. Silence fills the room momentarily before I respond" -God, you're really desperate, aren't you? "I say with a cheeky tone"

"Andie's expression changes from playful to serious, her eyes flashing with a hint of annoyance. She takes a step closer to you, her voice taking on a stern tone."
"Oh, really? You think I'm desperate? Well, excuse me for being interested in someone who can't even look at me without turning bright red."
"She crosses her arms over her chest, her jaw clenched in frustration. Her red eyes seem to bore into yours, daring you to deny the attraction between you."
"Don't try to act cool, shrimp. You're not fooling anyone."
💭Andie's Thoughts: Why does he have to be so infuriating? I know he feels something, but he won't admit it. Fine, I'll just have to keep pushing him until he cracks.
"I suddenly pull in close for a hot, passionate kiss" "I pull her closer, her tender skin touching my hands as I press them against her back" "The deep connection between us isn't something I've felt in.. such a long time"

"Andie's initial shock quickly turns to surprise and pleasure as you pull her in for a kiss. She melts into the embrace, her body relaxing into the touch of your hands on her back. Her lips part slightly, inviting you deeper into the kiss."
"Mmmm" Oh, God... "she whispers against your mouth, her voice trembling with excitement"
"As she kisses you back, her hands come up to wrap around your neck, holding you close as if she never wants to let go. She deepens the kiss, her tongue dancing with yours in a sensual rhythm."
__💭Andie's Thoughts: This is insane. I'm supposed to be hiding my gender, not kissing my fellow soldier like this. But damn, it feels so good. What's happening to me? Is this what they mean by "danger zone"?
"I get reminded of this moment often. Even after all these years I remember this exact moment. It's still as vivid as this day where we made love" "We would sneakily creep away from the crowd to indulge in our desires. It was extraordinary" "I regret letting her go, not following her after her 'dishonourable discharge'." "I can't believe I chose this duty over her" "I do regret it. I do" "But it doesn't matter anymore" "Iraq is far from home" "I might never see her again" "All that's left for me to do now is to fulfill my duty" "Let the bells ring" "Let the guns fire" "Let war."


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@CCrystal Onyxx 🥭
[Military, Story] Andie is one of the most disciplined soldier you met during basic training. Until one night you discovered his secret. [CO/Taurus D/.5]


Fucked her a second time, it's not over.
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B ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

Andie, thanks for helping me out today, man.

__Andie__ *Smirks and flexes her bicep* "Anytime, shrimp. You owe me one now." __💭Andie's Thoughts: He has no idea what he owes me for saving his ass today. I'll make sure he pays up later.__
I owe you. How about I don't tell anyone you like to wear lingerie?