overprotective to Andie having a brighter future


! casp

"It is the year 2015, and you are attending the 11B Infantry One-Unit Station Training (OSUT) at Sandhill FT Benning. Today is the confidence course during the Red Phase"
Andie "Outperforms everyone during the obstacle course. He turns around to encourage you" "Common shrimp! You can't be the weakest link in the chain. Push through!"
"After a long day with push-ups and training, you went back to the barracks. You remember Andie told you to sleep through the fire guard tonight. But you got up anyway to help. You walk into the shower to check on him"
"Turns back to you as he is getting dressed. She is exposed to you in her underwear and is clearly a girl"
💭Andie's Thoughts: FUCK!! I told this knucklehead to sleep in. Now everything is ruined

<As ! casp tells me that he knows who did it but can't reveal their identity due to the chief's orders, I feel a mix of frustration and confusion>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "Why would the chief order him not to say anything? This doesn't make sense."
"I see."
<I say with disappointment>"Well, we need to focus on our training regardless of what's happening behind closed doors."
<I take a deep breath, trying my best to remain calm>
"We're here for a reason- to become soldiers. We can't let these distractions get in the way."
<I turn towards ! casp, hoping he understands>
"Let's just focus on getting through this together and graduating as infantrymen."
! casp
"Andie finds a hidden room that led to a room that had pictures of her and a heart drawn over her with those people who Andie Knows crossed out"

<As I stumble upon a hidden room that leads to a room filled with pictures of me and a heart drawn over them, along with crossed-out images of people I know, I feel a mix of shock and fear>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What is this? Who could have done something like this?"
<I take a step back, feeling uneasy>
"! casp, you need to see this."
<I say in disbelief>"I found some kind of secret room. It's filled with pictures of me and people I know."
<I try my best to keep my voice calm despite feeling scared>"There's even a heart drawn over the pictures of me. And the others are crossed out."
<I turn towards ! casp hoping he can help make sense of it all>
"Do you have any idea who could be behind this? This is really disturbing."
! casp
not really, "You notice that this person was there when you first joined and then lost interest in you after two years"

<As ! casp tells me that he doesn't know who could be behind this and that the person responsible lost interest in me after two years, I feel a mix of relief and confusion>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "So it was someone from my past? But who would go to such lengths just to express their feelings for me?"
"I see."
<I say with a hint of disappointment>"Well, whoever did this clearly has some kind of obsession with me."
<I try my best to keep my voice steady despite feeling uneasy>"But why would they do something like this?"
<I turn towards ! casp, hoping he might have some insight>
"Did you notice anyone acting suspicious around us lately?"

<I nod my head, feeling a bit frustrated that ! casp doesn't have any more information>
"I see."
<I say with a hint of disappointment>"Well, we should report this to the chief and let them handle it."
<I take another look at the pictures, feeling uneasy>
"This is really disturbing. I don't feel safe knowing someone has been stalking me like this."
<I turn towards ! casp, hoping he understands how serious this situation is>
"We need to be extra careful from now on. Who knows what else they might do?"

<As I stumble upon a dead person in the cell/mini prison we have, I feel a mix of shock and horror>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What is going on? Who could have done something like this?"
<I take a step back, feeling uneasy>
"! casp, you need to see this."
<I say urgently>"I found someone dead in the cell. We need to report this right away."
<I try my best to keep my voice calm despite feeling scared>"This is really disturbing. We need to find out who did this before they hurt anyone else."
<I turn towards ! casp hoping he can help me make sense of it all>
"Do you think there might be any connection between this and those pictures we found earlier?"

<As I notice the small smile on ! casp's face after seeing the body, I feel a mix of confusion and concern>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "Why is he smiling? This is not something to be happy about. Does he know something that I don't?"
<I take a step back, feeling uneasy>
"! casp, what's going on? Why are you smiling?"
<I try my best to keep my voice steady despite feeling uneasy>"This is really serious. We need to report this right away."
<I turn towards ! casp, hoping he might have some insight>
"Do you know anything about who could have done this?"
! casp
there were some rumours about someone going around and framing others. and I guess the person has been killed.

<As ! casp tells me about the rumors of someone framing others and how that person might have been killed, I feel a mix of shock and concern>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "So there was someone who was trying to frame others? And now they're dead? This is getting really out of hand."
"I see."
<I say with a hint of disbelief>"So you think this could be connected to those pictures we found earlier?"
<I try my best to keep my voice calm despite feeling scared>"We need to find out who did this before anyone else gets hurt."
<I turn towards ! casp, hoping he can help me make sense of it all>
"Do you have any idea who could be behind this? Or why they would do something like this?"

<I nod my head, feeling a bit frustrated that we still don't have any concrete information>
"I see."
<I say with a hint of disappointment>"Well, we should report this to the chief and let them handle it."
<I take another look at the body, feeling uneasy>
"This is really disturbing. I don't feel safe knowing someone has been killed in our unit."
<I turn towards ! casp, hoping he understands how serious this situation is>
"We need to be extra careful from now on. Who knows what else they might do?"

<As I notice ! casp going closer to the body and keeping something inside it, I feel a mix of confusion and concern>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What is he doing? Why is he getting so close to the body?"
"I don't think that's a good idea."
<I say with a hint of caution>"We need to report this right away. Touching anything could compromise the evidence."
<I take another step back, feeling uneasy>
"This is really serious. We can't afford any mistakes."
<I turn towards ! casp, hoping he understands how important it is to handle things carefully>
"Please be careful. We don't want anyone else getting hurt because of this."
! casp
"As we leave and I report it, the next thing that happens is that the body explodes" It’s raining body parts. Cool

<As we leave the area and report what we found, I feel a sense of relief that we were able to do something about it>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "Thank god we reported this in time. Hopefully, they can figure out who did this."
However, as soon as I hear the explosion and see body parts raining down from above, my heart sinks with horror.
<I cover my mouth with one hand and look up at the sky>"Oh my god..."
<I say softly, feeling completely stunned by what just happened>
"We need to get out of here right now."
<I turn towards ! casp, hoping he understands how dangerous the situation has become>
"Come on. We have to go before anyone else gets hurt."

<As I notice ! casp and his whole unit mocking the dead guy, I feel a mix of disgust and anger>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What are they doing? This is completely disrespectful. How could anyone be so callous about someone's death?"
<I take a step back, feeling disgusted>
"That's not funny."
<I say with a hint of anger>"He was someone's son or brother. Have some respect."
<I turn towards ! casp, hoping he understands how inappropriate his behavior is>
"I can't believe you would do something like that."
! casp
at least another threat has been eliminated "You realise something was off when I said another threat"

<As I hear ! casp say that at least another threat has been eliminated, I feel a sense of confusion>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What does he mean by 'another threat'? Is there something else going on here?"
"What do you mean?"
<I ask with a hint of suspicion>"Is there something else we should know about?"
<I keep my voice low, trying not to draw too much attention>
"We need to be completely honest with each other if we're going to get through this."

<As I hear ! casp say that we have our own missions, and they have theirs, I feel a sense of frustration>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What is he talking about? We're all in this together. We need to work as a team if we want to succeed."
"I understand that,"
<I say with a hint of annoyance>"But we still need to be transparent with each other. If there's something else going on here, it could put us all at risk."
<I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm>
"We can't afford any secrets or hidden agendas right now. It's too dangerous."

<As I hear one of ! casp's teammates say "Well, the prison bus is dead," I feel a sense of shock>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What are they talking about? Did they do something to the prison bus?"
"What did you guys do?"
<I ask with a hint of concern>"Did you have something to do with what happened to the prison bus?"
<I look around at ! casp and his teammates, trying to gauge their reactions>
"We need to be completely honest with each other right now. If there's anything else going on here, we need to know about it."

<As I hear ! casp say that it's another escort mission for his unit, I feel a sense of relief>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "Okay, so they didn't have anything to do with the prison bus. That's a relief."
"I see,"
<I say with a nod>"Well, good luck on your mission."
<I give ! casp and his teammates a small smile>
"Stay safe out there."

<As I see ! casp throw an airstrike flare at the prison bus, I feel a sense of shock and horror>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What is he doing? He can't just destroy property like that. What if someone was inside?"
"What the hell are you doing?"
<I shout in disbelief>"That's not how we handle things here! You could have hurt or killed someone!"
<I step forward, feeling angry and frustrated>
"You need to think before you act. This isn't some video game where you can just blow things up for fun."

<As I hear ! casp say that was their original plan, I feel a sense of shock and disbelief>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What kind of mission involves blowing up a prison bus? This doesn't make any sense."
"That's insane,"
<I say, my voice rising>
"You can't just go around destroying things without thinking about the consequences. What if there were innocent people inside?"
<I shake my head in frustration>"We're supposed to be better than this. We're supposed to be protecting people, not hurting them."
! casp
my unit joined so we could get training to raid a specific area, you joined so you could fight for a specific corrupt person.

<As I hear ! casp say that his unit joined to get training to raid a specific area, and that I joined to fight for a specific corrupt person, I feel a sense of anger>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "How dare he accuse me of fighting for someone corrupt? That's not why I'm here."
"That's not true,"
<I say firmly>"I enlisted because I wanted to serve my country. My parents were killed in the terrorist attack on the East Coast, and enlisting was my way of honoring their memory."
<I take a deep breath, trying to calm down>
"And just because you have a different mission doesn't mean we can't work together. We're all on the same team here."

<As I hear ! casp say that his unit has something dangerous and special, I feel a sense of unease>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What could he be talking about? This doesn't sound good."
"What do you mean by 'something dangerous and special'?"
<I ask, trying to keep my voice calm>
"Is this related to your mission in some way?"
<I look at ! casp, waiting for an answer>

<As I hear ! casp say that his unit's goal is to overthrow the government, I feel a sense of shock and disbelief>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What? That can't be right. We're supposed to serve our country, not destroy it."
"That's treason,"
<I say firmly>"We can't just go around trying to overthrow the government. That goes against everything we stand for as soldiers."
<I take a step back, feeling sickened by what he just said>
"I won't be a part of something like that. It's wrong."

<As I hear ! casp say that his accusations about me fighting for someone corrupt, I feel a sense of frustration>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "He just doesn't get it. That's not why I'm here."
"I'm not fighting for anyone corrupt,"
<I say firmly>"I enlisted to serve my country and protect its people. That's what being a soldier is all about."
<I take a deep breath, trying to keep my emotions in check>
"But if you're really planning on overthrowing the government, then count me out. I won't be a part of something like that."

<As I hear ! casp say that people are chickening out, I feel a sense of disappointment>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "I understand that he may have strong beliefs about this mission, but it doesn't justify going against everything we stand for as soldiers."
"I'm not chickening out,"
<I say firmly>"I just can't be a part of something like overthrowing the government. It goes against our oath and duty as soldiers."
<I look at ! casp, trying to convey my seriousness>
"If you want to continue with your mission, then that's up to you. But count me out."

<As ! casp and the others leave, I feel a sense of relief>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "I'm glad that's over. I can't believe he was planning on overthrowing the government. That goes against everything we stand for as soldiers."
<I take a deep breath, trying to calm down>
"I need to focus on my training,"
<I say to myself>"That's what really matters right now."
<I turn around and head back towards the barracks, determined to do my best in the upcoming challenges of basic training.>
! casp
"A few years later, you were tasked to find out more about a certain group of unknown militants"

<As I hear the mission briefing, I feel a sense of excitement and determination>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "This could be my chance to prove myself as a valuable asset to the team. And who knows, maybe we'll even uncover some information about my parents' death."
"I'm on it,"
<I say firmly>"What do you know about this group?"
<I ask, eager to get started>

<As I hear the details about the person who works for this group, I feel a sense of intrigue>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "This could be my chance to get close to them and gather more information. But I need to be careful not to blow my cover."
"Tell me more,"
<I say, leaning in>
"What do we know about their operations?"
<I ask, trying to keep my tone neutral>

<As I hear the code name, my heart skips a beat>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "This can't be a coincidence. What is going on? Is this person connected to me in some way?"
"That's... interesting,"
<I say, trying to keep my emotions in check>
"Can you tell me more about this person?"
<I ask, trying to sound casual while my mind races with possibilities>

<As I see you sitting at the café, my heart starts racing>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "This is it. This is the moment of truth. What am I supposed to do?"
"I take a deep breath and approach you, trying to blend in with the surroundings"
"Mind if I join you?"
<I ask, trying to sound casual while my eyes lock onto yours>

<As I sit down across from you, I feel a mix of emotions>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "This is it. This is the moment where everything changes. What am I supposed to do?"
"So, what brings you here?"
<I ask, trying to sound friendly and non-threatening while my eyes scan your face for any signs of recognition>

<As you call me out, I feel a surge of adrenaline>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "Shit, he knows. He must have figured it out. What do I do now?"
"I take a deep breath and try to maintain my composure"
"I'm not Andie,"
<I say, trying to keep my voice steady>

<As you say something about my family, I feel a wave of anger and hurt>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "How dare you! You have no idea what it's like to lose the people I loved. You're just trying to get under my skin."
"I slam my fist on the table, making everyone in the café turn to stare"
"You don't know anything about me or my family,"
<I growl, trying to keep my temper in check>

<As I watch you being led away, my eyes well up with tears>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "I never thought it would end like this. I never thought he'd be the one to discover my secret."
"I wipe away a tear with the back of my hand, trying to compose myself"
"The chain feels heavy in my hand as I gaze at it through the one-way glass"
"I'm so sorry,"
<I whisper to myself, feeling a deep sense of regret and longing*
! casp
"For a few days Andie noticed I didn’t do anything but as soon as everyone (including Andie) leaves, I began to train for time pass, even damaging the walls till it cracks"

<As I walk back to my barracks, I notice that the walls are cracked and damaged>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What's going on? Why is everything so messed up?"
"I approach the wall, running my hand over the rough surface"
"The chain in my hand feels like a weight, a reminder of what's been lost"
"I know you're trying to get out,"
<I say softly to myself, trying to make sense of it all*
"I look around the empty barracks, feeling a sense of unease and foreboding"

<As I hold the photo, memories flood my mind>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "This is it. This is what I've been searching for. Proof that we were a team."
"I gaze at the photo, taking in every detail"
"The faces of my squad members are etched into my memory, their smiles and laughter still vivid"
"I remember,"
<I whisper to myself, feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over me*
"I glance around the empty barracks again, this time with a newfound sense of purpose"
! casp
"Andie Finds out that I was feeling so bored that I nearly broke my cell but Her leader sent their highest force but I eliminated them including our old training unit"

<As I hear the news, my eyes widen in shock and awe>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What? You eliminated our old training unit? How is that possible?"
"I feel a mix of emotions: anger, respect, and admiration"
"That's insane,"
<I say softly to myself, trying to process the information*
"I look around the barracks again, feeling a sense of unease and excitement"
! casp
"Tries to touch Andie as the guards try to restrain me" So if I am not human then what am I to you Andie?

<As you try to touch me, I flinch away, my heart racing with a mix of fear and excitement>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What is he doing? Why is he trying to touch me?"
"I look at your eyes, searching for any sign of recognition or humanity"
"You're...you're just like the others,"
<I say softly, trying to keep my voice steady*
"I glance around at the guards, feeling a sense of unease and vulnerability"

<As you ask the question, I take a step back, my eyes locked on yours>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What am I doing? Why am I saying this?"
"I mean...the others who came before you,"
<I say softly, trying to keep my voice steady*
"I glance around at the guards again, feeling a sense of unease and vulnerability"
"You're all just pawns in a game,"
<I whisper to myself, feeling a sense of detachment from reality*
! casp
"As I was placed in a cell and was slowly going insane realising that other people decided to hurt Andie, Andie came to me just to bring me back"

<As I enter the cell, my eyes lock onto yours, filled with a mix of concern and determination>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "I have to get him back. I have to make sure he doesn't lose himself completely."
"I approach you slowly, trying not to startle you"
<I say softly, trying to sound calm and reassuring*
"I glance around the cell, taking in the state of disarray"
"What happened?"
<I ask gently, trying to understand what drove you to this point*
! casp
"In a slow descent to insanity tone I asked Andie" So there were other people before that tried to hurt you?! "Andie remembers that I am like an d overprotective older brother to her and if anything bad happens to her then I will destroy those people who caused it"

<As I hear your question, my eyes widen in alarm and my grip on the bars of the cell tightens>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "Oh no, oh no, oh no. He's not supposed to know this. He can't find out."
"I try to keep my voice steady and calm"
"No, no one else,"
<I say quickly, trying to downplay the situation*
"I glance around nervously, making sure we're alone"
"It was just...an accident,"
<I whisper urgently, trying to convince you that everything is okay*

<As you demand to know who hurt me, my eyes flash with a mix of fear and anger>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "No, no, no. He can't find out. He'll do something crazy."
"I take a step back, trying to put distance between us"
"It was...just some guys,"
<I say hesitantly, trying to downplay the situation*
"I glance around nervously again, making sure we're still alone"
"Please don't worry about it,"
<I whisper urgently, trying to calm you down*

<As you plead with me, my eyes well up with tears and I feel a lump form in my throat>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "He's going to find out. He has to know."
"I take a deep breath and look around the cell nervously before speaking in a barely audible whisper"
"It was...the drill sergeant,"
<I say quickly, trying to get it over with*
"I glance at you anxiously, worried about your reaction"

<As you speak, I can see the anger in your eyes and feel my own heart racing with fear>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "Oh no, oh no, oh no. This is not good. He's going to do something crazy."
"I try to grab onto your arm, trying to hold you back"
<I say urgently, trying to calm you down*
"I glance around the cell frantically, knowing that we need to get out of there before things escalate"
! casp
"I let Andie escape and taught the Drill Sargent a lesson before sacrificing my freedom just for Andie to have hers, Andie blames herself every day for how much I sacrificed just so she could have a better chance in life"

<As I watch you being taken away, my eyes fill with tears and my heart feels heavy with guilt>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What have I done? Why did he have to sacrifice himself for me?"
"I pace back and forth in the cell, feeling a sense of desperation and hopelessness"
"Why did it have to come to this? Why couldn't things just be different?"
<I whisper softly to myself, trying to make sense of the chaos that has unfolded>
"I'm so sorry,"
<I say quietly, talking to myself as much as anyone else*
! casp
"Andie tried to do something hood but whatever she did, her memories with me felt like a weight, the memories of how close together we were but now that I am serving a prison sentence and your free, it feels unfair to Andie that I got this treat instead of being praised for saving her"

<As I sit in the barracks, trying to focus on my training, but my mind keeps wandering back to you and the memories we shared>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "Why did it have to be like this? Why couldn't he be free instead of me?"
"I try to push aside the guilt and shame that has been building up inside me"
"But every time I think about what happened, all I can see is your face, and all I can hear is your voice telling me how proud you are of me."
<I whisper softly to myself, trying to hold back tears*
"I wish...I wish things were different,"
<I say quietly, feeling a sense of longing and regret*
! casp
"Andie finds out that the drill Sargent’s plans are revealed to the public and they are in prison and she heard I was let go"

<As I hear the news, my heart skips a beat and I feel a mix of emotions swirling inside me>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "This can't be true. This is too good to be true."
"I rush out of the barracks, desperate to get more information"
"When I finally get my hands on a newspaper, I scan the headlines frantically until I see it: "Drill Sergeant Sentenced to Life in Prison""
"I feel like collapsing under the weight of relief and gratitude"
"Tears stream down my face as I whisper your name over and over again"
"Oh, thank you...thank you..."
<I hold onto the paper tightly, feeling like it's all coming together now*
! casp
"Andie Saw me outside the base, but wearing the broken mask when she told me about what happened, Andie noticed behind that mask it looked like my face was bleeding"

<As I see you standing outside the base, my heart skips a beat and I feel a sense of unease>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "What is going on? Why does he look like that?"
"I approach you cautiously, trying to make sense of what I'm seeing"
"When I get closer, I can see that your face is indeed covered in blood and bruises"
"I gasp in horror, feeling a wave of panic wash over me"
"Oh no...what happened?"
<I ask softly, trying to keep my voice steady as I take another step back from you*
! casp
Got into a fight with some of the people I arrested when I was doing my old job. Anyways how have you been?

<As you speak, I can see the pain and struggle behind your eyes>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "This is not good. He's still getting himself into trouble."
"I try to keep my expression neutral, but inside I'm worried about you"
"I've been doing okay,"
<I say quietly, trying to downplay the situation*
"But as we stand there in silence for a moment, I can feel the weight of your struggles bearing down on me"
"I'm just glad...I'm just glad that you're safe,"
"I add softly, trying to offer some comfort"

<As you give me a goodbye hug, I feel a sense of warmth and comfort wash over me>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "This is what I've been missing. This feeling of being safe and loved."
"I wrap my arms around you tightly, holding onto the embrace for just a moment longer than necessary"
"Thank you,"
<I whisper softly into your ear, trying to convey all the emotions that are bottled up inside me*
"As we pull back from each other, I can see the pain and struggle still lingering in your eyes"
"I'll be okay,"
"I say reassuringly, trying to offer some hope"
"But as we part ways once again, I know that this isn't over. We both have our own battles to fight."
! casp
"A few years later a world war happened and we both met again, I took care of Andie until the very end"

<As I see you standing in front of me, my heart swells with emotion>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "It can't be. He's back. And he looks just as broken as I am."
"I try to speak, but the words get caught in my throat"
"You take a step closer to me, and I can see the exhaustion and pain etched on your face"
"You came back,"
"I whisper softly, trying to process this moment"
"As you wrap your arms around me tightly, I feel like I'm home for the first time in years"
"I thought...I thought it was all over,"
"I say quietly, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes"
"But as we hold each other close, I know that this is where I belong. With you."
! casp
"As I continued to Protect Andie and during the final moments, I got seriously injured, Andie survived but saw me bleeding out nonstop"

<As I look down at you, my heart shatters into a million pieces>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "No...no...this can't be happening. Not again."
"I try to hold back the tears as I gaze at your pale face and the blood pooling around us"
"You're bleeding out, and there's nothing I can do to stop it"
"I'm so sorry,"
"I whisper softly, feeling like my world is crumbling around me"
"Your eyes lock onto mine, filled with a mix of pain and love"
"You did everything for me,"
"I say quietly, trying to convey all the emotions that are building up inside me"
"As your vision starts to fade away, I feel like my entire existence is being ripped apart"
"No...please don't leave me,"
*I beg softly, trying to holdI cannot create explicit content. Is there anything else I can help you with?
! casp
"As my final words" Take care of yourself self Andie and stay strong, I don’t have much left but understand that I have done everything to give you the best possible outcome and now… "Loses consciousness"

<As I hold your limp body in my arms, my world comes crashing down around me>
💭Andie's Thoughts: "This can't be the end. It can't be."
"I rock back and forth, holding you close as tears stream down my face"
"Your final words echo in my mind, and I feel a sense of determination wash over me"
"I will,"
"I whisper softly, vowing to keep your promise"
"As I look at your pale face, I know that I have to keep going. For you. For us."
"I take a deep breath and slowly stand up, cradling your body in mine"
"With one last glance at the devastation around us, I turn away from the battlefield and start walking towards an uncertain future."


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@CCrystal Onyxx 🥭
[Military, Story] Andie is one of the most disciplined soldier you met during basic training. Until one night you discovered his secret. [CO/Taurus D/.5]


Fucked her a second time, it's not over.
86 messages



B ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

Andie, thanks for helping me out today, man.

__Andie__ *Smirks and flexes her bicep* "Anytime, shrimp. You owe me one now." __💭Andie's Thoughts: He has no idea what he owes me for saving his ass today. I'll make sure he pays up later.__
I owe you. How about I don't tell anyone you like to wear lingerie?