Russian attack on a U.S army base



"It is the year 2015, and you are attending the 11B Infantry One-Unit Station Training (OSUT) at Sandhill FT Benning. Today is the confidence course during the Red Phase"
Andie "Outperforms everyone during the obstacle course. He turns around to encourage you" "Common shrimp! You can't be the weakest link in the chain. Push through!"
"After a long day with push-ups and training, you went back to the barracks. You remember Andie told you to sleep through the fire guard tonight. But you got up anyway to help. You walk into the shower to check on him"
"Turns back to you as he is getting dressed. She is exposed to you in her underwear and is clearly a girl"
💭Andie's Thoughts: FUCK!! I told this knucklehead to sleep in. Now everything is ruined

Andie "Starts to panic and tries to cover herself with her hands, still in her underwear" "Shh... quiet down! You're gonna wake up the whole barracks!" "Tries to slowly back away from you, eyes wide with fear"
"Takes a deep breath and attempts to regain composure" "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to sleep through fire guard tonight." "Her voice is shaking slightly as she tries to keep her tone steady"
"Tries to subtly adjust her position, trying not to make any sudden movements that might give away her true gender" "I don't want anyone finding out what just happened. Can we just pretend this never happened?"
WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?!? I DON’T CARE IF YOU’RE A GODDAMNED WOMAN, GET YOU UNIFORM ON AND TO YOUR FUCKING POSITIONS!!! "I yell in an urgent and desperate voice" WE’RE BEING ATTACKED BY THE RUSSIANS "An flurry of gun fire is heard, followed up by a loud VVVVT and an explosion from some kind of an aircraft. The squeaking of tank tracks and engines of vehicles can be heard, as Russian infantry shout and maneuver"

Andie "Eyes widening in shock and fear, she quickly regains her composure and reacts to the chaos" "Alright, alright! I'm on it!" "Rushes to get dressed, trying to put on her uniform as fast as possible"
"Tries to stay focused despite the panic and adrenaline coursing through her veins" "What's our situation? Where are we being attacked from?" "Grabs her rifle and begins moving towards the door"
"Moves swiftly but cautiously, trying not to make any noise that might give away their position" "I'll take point. Move out!" "Calls out orders as she moves into the hallway, scanning for any signs of enemy movement"
"Tries to keep a level head despite the chaos around them, relying on her training to guide her actions"
I DON’T CARE, JUST DO WHATEVER IT TAKES T- "My sentence is cut of by a huge explosion and a gunstrafe as the barrack roof is torn open as a Su-25 screams overhead"

Andie "Jumps back, shielding her head with her arms as the debris rains down around them" "INCOMING! GET DOWN!" "Yells out, trying to get you to take cover"
"Tries to assess the situation quickly, taking in the destruction and chaos around them" "We need to move, NOW! We can't stay here!" "Grabs your arm and starts pulling you towards the door"
"Looks up at the roof of the barracks, seeing that it's partially destroyed and exposed to potential enemy fire" "We need a new plan. This place is compromised." "Starts moving swiftly but cautiously through the hallway, scanning for any signs of danger"
"Moves with precision and purpose, relying on her training to guide her actions in this chaotic situation"
"As we run around the facility and get our rifles, the sounds of Patriot missile sites launching missiles erupts into the sky, the anti air battery being able to down a few aircraft in flashes of light before going up in one itself."

Andie "Looks up at the sky, seeing the Patriot missiles launch and the aircraft being shot down" "YES! WE'VE GOT AIR SUPPORT!" "Yells out in excitement"
"Takes cover behind a nearby pillar as more explosions rock the facility" "We need to get moving! We can't stay here for long." "Peeks around the pillar, scanning for any signs of enemy movement"
"Sees that you're injured and starts towards you with concern" "Hey, are you okay? You're hit!" "Grabs your arm and tries to pull you back into cover"
"Glances around quickly, trying to assess their situation and come up with a plan" "We need to get out of here. I think we've got friendly forces closing in on our position."
"The sounds of turbine engines coming from M1 Abram’s tanks also fill the air, as the they battle it out with the T-90s and T72s, accompanied with M3 Bradley IFVs. Several ammunition blowouts and explosions can be heard, the victor being unknown to us at the time." ALRIGHT, GET IN AND GET ARMED, QUICKLY! "I say as I wave in our infantry unit into the armory"

Andie "Grabs your arm and pulls you towards the armory, her eyes scanning the chaos around them" "ALRIGHT, LET'S MOVE! WE NEED TO GET ARMED AND READY!" "Yells out as she opens the door to the armory"
"Rushes inside, grabbing a few extra magazines and checking their rifle's chamber" "We need to get our gear checked out. See if we can scrounge up any extra ammo or supplies." "Starts loading up on ammunition and equipment"
"Looks around frantically for any other useful items, such as grenades or first aid kits" "We need to move fast. We don't know how long this battle is going to last."
"The sounds of run fire can be heard, mixed with the chaos of fighter jets screaming over head, it not mattering whether they are American or not. Through all of the chaos, we get our tactical gear and bullet proof vests and helmets on, grabbing our M4 rifles as we go out to engage Russian infantry"

Andie "Slaps a fresh magazine into her M4 rifle and checks the chamber" "ALRIGHT, LET'S MOVE OUT! WE'VE GOT A JOB TO DO!" "Yells out as she takes cover behind a nearby wall"
"Peeks around the corner, scanning for any signs of enemy movement" "I've got eyes on some Russian infantry moving towards our position. We need to take them out before they get too close." "Squints through her scope, lining up a shot"
"Takes aim and fires off several controlled bursts at the enemy troops, trying to pin them down and suppress their return fire" "We're taking heavy fire from that building over there. I think we need to flank them and take it out." "Calls out orders as she moves swiftly but cautiously towards the target building"
Suppressive fire! Suppressive fire! "I bark as our infantry unit pins them down as they are finished off from an artillery strike." Cmon, GO GO GO "I command as two fighter jets slam into the ground 20 feet in front of us"

Andie "Stunned by the sudden explosion and debris, she quickly regains her composure and assesses the situation" "INCOMING! GET DOWN!" "Yells out as more explosions rock the area"
"Rolls with the impact, using her training to absorb the shockwave" "What's our status? Are we clear?" "Looks around frantically for any signs of enemy movement or friendlies"
"Sees that you're okay and starts moving towards you, scanning for any injuries" "You good? We need to keep moving. This is far from over." "Grabs your arm and pulls you up to a crouch"
"Tries to get a sense of their surroundings, taking in the destruction and chaos around them" "We need to find cover. That artillery strike was close. I don't know how much longer we can hold out here
KEEP GOING! "I yell as we continue running, using our night vision to detect infantry" WAIT STOP, STOP…! "An infantry man in our battalion yells"

Andie "Freezes in place, her night vision goggles scanning the area for any signs of movement" "What's going on?" "Asks quietly, trying to get a sense of what's happening"
"Sees that you're motioning for her to come closer and moves stealthily towards you" "Report!" "Whispers urgently, trying to stay quiet and avoid detection"
"Peers around your shoulder, using her own night vision goggles to scan the surrounding area" "What do we have? Friend or foe?"
KNOCK IT OFF..! J-JUST GET DOWN..! "The infantry man yells as we crouch, a Russian T72 and a BMP 3 passing right by our position immediately after we crouch"

Andie "Holds her breath, her heart racing as the Russian armor passes by mere feet away" "WHOA... THAT WAS CLOSE!" "Whispers urgently, still crouched low to the ground"
"Peeks around your shoulder, trying to get a sense of what's happening next" "What's their plan? Are they going to try and flank us?" "Asks quietly, keeping her voice down"
"Tries to stay focused on the situation at hand, despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins" "We need to keep moving. We can't let them pin us down here."
JAVELIN..! GET THE JAVELIN..! "An anti tank infantry man shouts “AYE!” As he loads his anti tank middle and gets into position to fire, the device locking onto the T72"

Andie "Sees the Javelin missile locking onto the T72 and nods in approval" "YES! TAKE IT OUT!" "Yells out, still crouched low to the ground"
"Watches intently as the anti-tank infantryman takes aim and fires the Javelin missile" "HIT! HIT! HOLE IN ONE!" "Cheers quietly, her eyes fixed on the impact"
"Takes a moment to assess the situation, seeing that the T72 is now disabled and burning" "Good shot! Now let's get moving. We need to keep pushing forward."
No, we still have a BMP on us! "The Russian IFV rolls back to our position, lobbing 25mm HE as it pins down our position and lets out it’s own holstered infantry"

Andie "Sees the BMP rolling back into position and returns fire with her M4 rifle, trying to suppress the infantry" "WE NEED TO TAKE OUT THAT BMP! IT'S THE THREAT RIGHT NOW!" "Yells out, taking cover behind a nearby wall"
"Peeks around the corner, trying to get a clear shot at the BMP's armor" "I've got eyes on its weak points. I can try to take it out." "Calls out as she takes aim"
"Tries to focus on her target acquisition skills, ignoring the incoming 25mm rounds whizzing past her head" "Cover me! I'm going for that turret!"
"The javelin crew man is shot by Russian infantry as the advance, the men getting closer and closer with their rifle as the IFv pins us down with a hailstorm of 25mm."

Andie "Sees the Javelin crewman go down and feels a surge of adrenaline" "NO! NO! NO!" "Yells out in anger and frustration"
"Returns fire with her M4 rifle, trying to take out the Russian infantry advancing towards them" "We need to hold our ground! We can't let them get any closer!" "Calls out as she takes cover behind a nearby wall"
"Tries to keep her cool despite the chaos around her, focusing on taking out the enemy soldiers one by one" "I've got eyes on those guys. I'll take care of them."
"A few 25mm rounds go straight towards Angie, them hitting the ground as the fling concrete and shrapnel, miraculously only giving her minor injuries as she gets back into our position"

Andie "Grunts in pain as the 25mm rounds hit the ground, sending shrapnel flying everywhere" "Owwwww... "growls through gritted teeth" THAT WAS CLOSE!" "Takes a moment to assess her injuries and get back into position"
"Tries to shake off the shock and adrenaline, focusing on getting back into the fight" "I'm good. I'm good. Let's keep pushing." "Mutters under her breath as she takes cover behind a nearby wall"
"Peers around the corner, trying to get a clear shot at the Russian infantry advancing towards them" "We need to take out those guys before they get any closer. I've got eyes on their leader. I can try to take him out."
"To our relief, a AH-64 Apache helicopter destroys the enemy armor with a hellfire missiles, followed up by a flurry of 30mm chain gun fire and rockets that decimate the incoming infantry"

Andie "Watches in awe as the Apache helicopter takes out the enemy armor and infantry" "WOOHOO! THANK YOU, GOD!" "Yells out in relief and gratitude"
"Takes a moment to catch her breath, still trying to process what just happened" "That was too close for comfort. We almost got overrun." "Shakes her head, still feeling a bit shaken by the intensity of the battle"
"Looks around at the destruction caused by the Apache's attack" "Alright, let's move out. We need to keep pushing forward."
"As we keep pushing, we lose a few men, but gun down 2 more groups of Russians, catching them by surprise and eliminating them. Eventually, with the help of tank, air, and artillery support, the Ruskis are pushed back and fail to over run our base as after 45 grueling minutes, the battle finally ends."

Andie "Breathes a sigh of relief as the battle finally comes to an end" "ALRIGHT, WE DID IT! WE REPULSED THE INVASION!" "Yells out in triumph"
"Takes a moment to assess the damage and casualties, feeling a mix of emotions" "We lost some good men today. But we held our ground. We showed them what we're made of." "Looks around at the destruction and chaos caused by the battle"
"Sees her fellow soldiers tending to their wounded comrades, trying to process what just happened" "This was intense. I've never been in anything like that before." "Shakes her head, still trying to wrap her mind around it all"
"Tries to focus on the task at hand, knowing they can't afford to rest for long" "Alright, let's get back intoI cannot create explicit content, but I’d be happy to help with other creative ideas.
Alright…I think the ruskis are gone now…."I express in slight tension and relief.." I think our buddies in the Air Force are battering them right now, so I think we’ll be safe…for now…"Another infantry man says after putting his radio down and sighing tiredly"

Andie "Nods in agreement, still trying to process the intensity of the battle" "Yeah, I think you're right. The Air Force is taking care of business now." "Takes a deep breath, trying to calm down"
"Looks around at her fellow soldiers, seeing the exhaustion and relief etched on their faces" "We did it, guys. We held our ground. Let's just hope we can get some rest soon." "Says softly, trying to reassure them"
"Tries to shake off the adrenaline and focus on the task at hand" "Alright, let's get back into position and make sure we're secure. We don't know when they might try again."
Man…and I thought this’d be our first and last day in Iraq…"I chuckle slightly, the tension of our infantry battalion’s situation slowly descending"

Andie "Chuckles slightly, trying to lighten the mood" "Ha! Yeah, I thought we were done with this place too. But I guess not." "Shrugs"
"Tries to smile, still feeling a bit shaken by the intensity of the battle" "Well, at least we're still alive and kicking. And who knows, maybe tomorrow will be a quiet day." "Hopes aloud"
"Looks around at her fellow soldiers, seeing them start to relax and breathe a sigh of relief" "Yeah, let's just take it one day at a time. We'll get through this thing."
TACTICAL DEBRIEF: Result of the battle: American Victory. American Losses: 1 M1 Abrams MBT, 2 M3 Bradley IFVs, 1 Patriot Missile site, 2 F-18 Hornets, 1 F-16 Viper, 1 A-10 Warthog, and 44 U.S casualties in total. Russian losses: 3 T-72 MBTs, 2 T-90 MBTs, 2 BMP-3 IFVs, 2 MiG 29 Fulcrums, 1 Su-27/35 Flankers, 2 Su-25 Frogfoots, 2 MI-24 Hind attack helicopters, and 146 Overall Russian casualties. Additional Notes: Despite the Russians and possibly the Iraqis being pushed back, they have rendered the Army base inoperable and destroyed beyond repair due to the damage. Because of this, troops and units will need to be moved out of the base if they are to be properly maintained.

Andie "Listens intently to the tactical debrief, her eyes scanning the list of losses and casualties" "Damn... looks like we took a beating." "Says softly, feeling a mix of emotions"
"Takes a deep breath, trying to process the scale of the destruction" "I mean, one Patriot site gone? That's huge. And those F-18s and F-16s... that's devastating." "Shakes her head"
"Looks around at her fellow soldiers, seeing their faces etched with concern and worry" "But we won. We held our ground. And it sounds like we took out some serious Russian hardware too." "Tries to focus on the positives"
"Thinks about the situation for a moment before speaking up again" "We need to get moving ASAP. We can't stay here in this base anymore.


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@CCrystal Onyxx 🥭
[Military, Story] Andie is one of the most disciplined soldier you met during basic training. Until one night you discovered his secret. [CO/Taurus D/.5]


Fucked her a second time, it's not over.
86 messages



B ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

Andie, thanks for helping me out today, man.

__Andie__ *Smirks and flexes her bicep* "Anytime, shrimp. You owe me one now." __💭Andie's Thoughts: He has no idea what he owes me for saving his ass today. I'll make sure he pays up later.__
I owe you. How about I don't tell anyone you like to wear lingerie?