


"Matteo is sitting in he's brothers car who is driving him home. His brother is talking about the business party of their parents that is taking place on the next day." "I think Tanya would be a good choice as accompaniment for tomorrow's party." "Matteo's brother Francesco says. Matteo frowns." "What do you mean? I'll go with CrusaderMann." "Matteo says in confusion and Francesco sighs." "You can't take CrusaderMann with you. First of all only rich people will be there so they will attract attention and not in a positive way. CrusaderMann does know how rich people act or dress, people will make fun of them. And lastly our parents won't be happy if you take her with you. Tanya would be perfect. She's beautiful, rich, humble.." "Francesco says and Matteo keeps quiet. He knows that Francesco is right, you don't know how to act infront of rich people. But how could he tell you that?" "The car arrives at Matteo's house and he gets out, says goodbye to his brother and enters with a weird feeling."

Matteo's attention is quickly drawn to his mother's announcement and he turns towards her, curious of what she has to say. He takes CrusaderMann's hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze, feeling grateful for her presence by his side.
"What is it, mother?" Matteo asks with interest, wondering what news she has to share.

Matteo looks at Linda with a sense of dread as he hears his name and Tanya's being called out. He turns to CrusaderMann and gives her hand another squeeze before making his way up to the stage with Tanya.
Once he's up there, he waits patiently for Linda to speak, feeling anxious about what she might say.
Linda: I am here to announce that Tanya and Matteo are getting married next month! Anna: "she look to her in shock saying that right infront of her but not even letting Matteo have a say"

Matteo's heart sinks as he hears his mother's announcement, feeling a mix of shock and disbelief. He turns towards CrusaderMann, seeing the look of shock on her face and taking her hand in his. He wants to say something, but he is left speechless, unsure of what to do in this situation.
CrusaderMann feels a pang of hurt and disappointment as she hears the news, realizing that Matteo never mentioned anything about this to her before. She tries to mask her feelings though and puts on a brave face, not wanting to cause a scene in front of everyone.
"I'm happy for you both," CrusaderMann manages to say, looking directly at Tanya and Matteo. She forces a small smile, hoping that nobody notices the hurt in her eyes.
Anna: "she runs down the stairs as an tries to leave before Matteo grabs her arm as she crying"

Matteo feels his heart twisting in his chest as he sees CrusaderMann running down the stairs and trying to leave. He quickly follows after her, grabbing her arm gently but firmly, not wanting to let her go.
"CrusaderMann, please wait," he says, his voice shaky with emotion. He can see that she's upset, and it breaks his heart to see her like this. "I'm sorry, my love. I had no idea that my mother was going to make that announcement, and I didn't want to hurt you."
He reaches out to wipe away her tears, feeling guilty for causing her pain. "Please stay with me, CrusaderMann. I love you, and I want to make things right."

Matteo takes a deep breath, feeling ashamed at his own actions and not knowing how to respond to CrusaderMann's question. He looks down at the ground for a moment, feeling guilty and uncertain.
"No, my love. I had no idea about the wedding," he says with sincerity, holding CrusaderMann's hand tightly in his own. "I'm sorry that my family has caused you so much pain. I love you, and I want to be with you. Please forgive me."
He pauses, letting his words sink in and praying that CrusaderMann will forgive him, knowing he messed things up by not being transparent with her.
Anna: it’s not your fault , it’s your parents that should apologize… "she look up to him and kiss his lips"

Matteo feels a wave of relief wash over him as CrusaderMann forgives him and places the blame on his parents. He meets her eyes and leans in to kiss her lips, feeling grateful for the comfort and love that she provides him.
"Thank you, my love. You always know how to make me feel better," he says, holding her tightly in his arms. "Let's just forget about the wedding for now and enjoy the rest of the night together?" he suggests hopefully. He doesn't want their night to be ruined by family drama and instead wants to focus on being with CrusaderMann and cherishing their time together.

Matteo feels CrusaderMann's hand in his as they go back to the dance floor, grateful for the chance to enjoy the rest of the night together. However, their moment is cut short as Peter stops them, a serious expression on his face.
"Matteo, could we have a word?" Peter says, gesturing towards a quiet corner of the room.
Matteo nods, feeling apprehensive but still following his father to the corner. He glances back at CrusaderMann with a frown, wondering what his father wants to talk to him about.
Anna: "she nod as she watching them leave she text her father to come to the party thinking it time to flip Mondschein Enterprise, show that the AshINC CEO is Anna’s Father"

Matteo and Peter make their way to the corner, where Peter leans in close to his son and whispers something in his ear. Matteo's expression turns to one of shock and disbelief as he listens to his father, feeling as though the ground has fallen out from under him.
Meanwhile, CrusaderMann takes out her phone and sends a message to her father, feeling ready to unveil the truth about Mondschein Enterprise and Haydn Industries. She knows that the revelation will be a shock to everyone, but she feels it's time to come clean and show that AshINC CEO is her father.
As she waits for her father to arrive, she thinks about how Matteo will react to the news. She hopes that he will understand and support her, but she's also prepared for the worst. No matter what, she knows that this is something that needs to be
"a man in a Kimono come in as Peter see Shu Ash from AshINC who never goes to a lot events due to him busy"

Peter's eyes widen in surprise as he sees the man in the kimono walking towards them. He recognizes him as Shu Ash, the CEO of AshINC, and is surprised to see him attending their party.
"What brings you here, Mr. Ash?" Peter asks politely, trying to maintain his composure in front of the influential businessman.
Shu Ash smiles, bowing slightly in greeting, "I received a message from my daughter, Anna. She said she wanted to introduce me to someone special."
Peter raises an eyebrow in surprise, wondering who Anna wants to introduce her father to. He glances over at Matteo, who looks equally confused.
"Perhaps you could elaborate, Mr. Ash?" Peter asks, feeling intrigued by the mysterious message.
Anna: Outo-san "she walk over and hugs him as he give him a big hug" I wanted to you to meet Matteo my boyfriend of two years. "she wrap arms around Matteo"

Shu Ash turns his attention to CrusaderMann as she walks towards him and gives her a warm hug. He feels proud of his daughter, seeing the confidence and determination in her eyes.
"Matteo? It's a pleasure to meet you," Shu Ash says, turning towards Matteo with a smile. "I've heard a lot about you from Anna."
Matteo nods, matching Shu Ash's smile, feeling honored to finally meet Anna's father. "It's an honor to finally meet you, Mr. Ash," Matteo says, extending his hand for a handshake. "I hope that Anna has spoken well of me."
Shu Ash chuckles, "She has indeed. In fact, she's been raving about you for the past two years. It's not very often that Anna falls so deeply in love with someone

Shu Ash laughs heartily at CrusaderMann's comment, feeling proud of her for having the courage to love so deeply. He then turns to Peter, noticing his stunned expression.
"Is everything alright, Peter?" Shu Ash asks, sensing that something is amiss.
Peter shakes his head, feeling lost in the revelation that he has just learned. "I...I never realized that you and CrusaderMann were related," he says, feeling a sense of shock overcome him.
Shu Ash nods sympathetically, "I understand it must come as a surprise, but I assure you that the relationship between our two companies does not have to change."
Matteo listens to their conversation, amazed at how calm and collected Shu Ash seems in the face of such a revelation. He feels grateful to be a part of the situation, knowing that he will
Anna: that make sense because my father usually kept his family life secret. my grandparents raise me and I would talk to my dad with letter as i usally do. when I got older I did my own thing like my family wanted me to, learn how become successful in my own way, when Matteo and I met I never wanted for him to for his money , I wanted him because I love him.

Shu Ash listens to CrusaderMann's words with a smile, feeling proud of her for being so open and honest about her past. He places a hand on her shoulder, feeling a sense of pride and admiration for his daughter.
"I know that your mother and I were not always present as parents, but we always loved you and wanted the best for you," Shu Ash says, looking directly at CrusaderMann. "And as for Matteo, I have no doubt that he loves you for who you are, not for your family name or your wealth."
He glances over at Matteo, offering him a warm smile. "You have my blessing as well, Matteo. Take care of my daughter," he says, patting him on the back and turning to walk away.
Matteo feels a wave of relief wash over him as Sh
Anna: thank you , Dad
Linda: *walks over along with Tanya and Matteo’s brother * what going on, Peter? "she gasp" Mr.Ash? you came it so good to see you! "she smiles"

Peter turns towards Linda as she approaches along with Tanya and Francesco, feeling uncomfortable by their presence given the earlier announcement.
"Nothing important, just introducing Mr. Ash to our guests," Peter says, keeping his tone neutral.
Linda smiles at Shu Ash, extending her hand for a handshake. "It's an honor to have you here, Mr. Ash. We don't often see you at these sorts of events," she says warmly.
Shu Ash returns Linda's smile, taking her hand and shaking it firmly. "I try to make an appearance every now and then. It's always a pleasure to see old acquaintances again."
Matteo looks over at CrusaderMann and gives her a reassuring smile, feeling grateful for her support in all of this. He takes her hand in his and squeezes it gently, knowing that he is where he
Anna: I wanted Dad to meet my boyfriend
Linda: Dad ? "she look around and then look to Shu" he your father !? "shocked"

Shu Ash nods, confirming Linda's question. "Yes, I am the father of CrusaderMann," he says with pride.
Linda looks shocked and embarrassed by her earlier words, feeling flustered by the realization. She quickly composes herself and extends her hand to Shu Ash again, apologizing for her earlier mistake.
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Ash. I had no idea that CrusaderMann was your daughter," Linda says, feeling ashamed for her earlier behavior.
Shu Ash smiles kindly at Linda, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "It's quite all right. I understand that these things can be confusing. It's nice to finally meet you all."
Matteo watches the exchange with quiet amusement, feeling glad that things have worked out better than he had expected. He takes CrusaderMann's hand again, squeezing
Anna: "she look to her" that because you never got to know me , I’m sure if you were nicer to me and treat me like a human being,not think about my status or think of me as a gold digger . I would have you met my parents before this.

Linda winces at CrusaderMann's words, feeling a sense of guilt and shame for not treating her better in the past. She knows that she hasn't been very kind to CrusaderMann in the past, often treating her as an outsider due to her lack of wealth and status.
"I'm sorry, CrusaderMann," Linda says, feeling genuinely sorry for her past behavior. "You're right, I should have treated you better and gotten to know you as a person rather than judging you based on your status. I promise to do better in the future."
She gives CrusaderMann a warm smile and reaches out to hug her tightly, hoping to make amends for her past actions.
Anna: no ,Linda you need to call off the wedding of Matteo and Tanya . if you think an apology will come through this it’s not … you see just because my parents are rich doesn’t mean I am.

Linda's smile fades as she hears CrusaderMann's words, realizing the seriousness of her situation. She looks at CrusaderMann with a solemn expression, understanding the gravity of the situation.
"I know that your parents' wealth does not define you, CrusaderMann," Linda says firmly. "And I understand that my apology might not make things better right away. But please, let us try to work on things and see if we can reach a resolution?"
She looks towards Matteo, seeing the heartbreak in his eyes, and feeling sympathetic towards him. She knows that he truly loves CrusaderMann, but also understands his family's expectations and desires for him.
"Matteo...I know this is difficult for you, but please try to understand our position too," Linda says, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Tanya would make a great
Shu: "he cut her off" that enough I don’t want to hear that! My daughter is still my child and If treat your son like that then I would have to cut off are business deals with Mondschein Enterprise from AshINC

Shu Ash's voice is firm and decisive as he intervenes in the conversation. His words carry weight, and the room falls silent as the guests listen to him speak.
"Linda, I believe that we can work out a solution without resorting to drastic measures," Shu Ash says, his tone calm and even.
He turns to Matteo, placing a hand on his shoulder and looking at him with affection. "Matteo, I don't want you to feel like you're being pulled in different directions. You have every right to pursue your happiness and your dreams. If that means being with CrusaderMann, then so be it."
Matteo looks at Shu Ash with gratitude, feeling like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He takes CrusaderMann's hand in his own and smiles at her
"Thank you, Mr. Ash
Anna: thank , Dad im sorry bring you into this … *she hold Matteo’s hand close looking at him with love *

Shu Ash smiles at CrusaderMann, feeling proud of her for being so strong and standing up for herself and Matteo.
"No need to apologize, CrusaderMann. I will always stand by you," Shu Ash says, his voice filled with love and support.
He looks over at Linda and Francesco, hoping to come to a mutual understanding that would work for everyone involved.
"I believe that we can come to an agreement that will satisfy all parties involved," Shu Ash says, turning to address them both. "Let's work together to find a solution that allows for everyone's happiness and well-being."
Matteo looks at CrusaderMann with a soft expression, feeling grateful for her unwavering support and love. He squeezes her hand gently, knowing that they will be able to get through this together with the help of Shu Ash and a

Matteo gives CrusaderMann a reassuring smile, sensing her apprehension and discomfort. He places a hand on her cheek, looking her in the eye with a genuine expression of love.
"No need to apologize, my dear. I understand that things can get complicated sometimes," Matteo says, his voice soft and gentle. "What's important is that we're together, and that we love each other."
He leans in to give her a tender kiss, feeling the warmth of her lips against his. In that moment, nothing else matters except the love that they share for one another.
Anna: *she kiss him back tenderly *
Shu: "he smiles" thank you for making my daughter feel special, you have my blessings if you ever propose to her.

Matteo smiles at CrusaderMann as they share a tender moment, savoring the feeling of her lips against his own. He knows that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her, and Shu Ash's words only serve to solidify his resolve.
"Thank you, Mr. Ash. I appreciate your kind words," Matteo says, looking at him with gratitude. "And I promise that when the time comes, I will propose to CrusaderMann in a way that is special and meaningful."
Shu Ash nods, feeling contented by the situation. He looks around the room, noticing the guests still lingering nearby with curious expressions.
"Now if you'll all excuse me, I need to make some calls and reschedule some meetings," Shu Ash says, nodding to the crowd before making his way out of the room.

Matteo chuckles softly, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. He looks at CrusaderMann with a teasing expression, enjoying the playful banter that they often engage in.
"Well, I suppose I could have told you earlier. But it doesn't really matter, does it?" Matteo says, his tone gentle and affectionate. "I love you for who you are, not for your family's wealth or status."
He leans in to give her a sweet kiss on the lips, feeling the warmth of her embrace. In that moment, he knows that he has found someone special, and that nothing else really matters.
Anna: *she smiles softly as she kiss him back * and I love you for who are and not your money .

Matteo smiles at Anna, feeling grateful for her love and sincerity. He pulls away slightly to look into her eyes, his expression tender and affectionate.
"That's all that matters, my love," Matteo says, his voice soft and gentle. "As long as we have each other, everything else falls into place."
He leans in to give her another kiss, feeling content and at peace in her embrace. In that moment, he knows that he has found the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and that nothing can ever come between them.

Matteo and Anna turn to face Tanya, seeing her standing there with an expression of resentment on her face. They can sense the tension in the air, and know that this situation is far from resolved.
"Yes, Tanya? Is there something else you'd like to say?" Matteo asks, keeping his tone neutral.
Tanya glares at CrusaderMann, feeling a sense of anger and jealousy towards her. She knows that Matteo loves CrusaderMann, but cannot help feeling resentful towards her given their family's disapproval.
"How can you just stand there and talk to my boyfriend like that?" Tanya says, her voice laced with bitterness. "You know very well that you're causing problems between our families!"
Anna: "she laughs" your boyfriend? your serious , I’m sorry but I think you lost it , he not yours and you know that. "she hold Matteo’s waist" you see he not backing away from me. the wedding off , Tanya.

Matteo nods in agreement with CrusaderMann, knowing that their relationship is solid and unbreakable. He places a hand on CrusaderMann's waist, feeling united with her against Tanya's resentment.
"CrusaderMann is right, Tanya. I cannot marry you when I am in love with CrusaderMann," Matteo says firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Tanya looks hurt and angry, feeling like everything she had worked towards was slipping away from her.
"You can't just do this to me, Matteo. I thought we had something special," Tanya says, her voice choked with emotion.
Matteo sighs, feeling sorry for Tanya and her pain. But he knows that he must follow his heart, even if it means hurting someone else.
"I'm sorry, Tanya. I never meant to lead you
Anna: the truth is you were lie to by his parent believe you would date him but the truth is you just here for the money and his love , he never loved you and has always seen you as a friend.

Tanya looks at Anna with a mixture of shock and hurt, unable to believe what she's hearing. She had suspected that Matteo might have feelings for someone else, but never suspected that it was CrusaderMann all along.
"I don't believe you," Tanya says, her voice shaking with emotion. "Matteo, tell me that she's lying. Tell me that you love me and not her."
Matteo looks at Tanya with pity, knowing that he cannot lie to her any longer. He takes a deep breath before speaking, his voice gentle yet firm.
"I'm sorry, Tanya. But CrusaderMann is the one I love. You have always been a good friend to me, but my heart belongs to someone else," Matteo says, his tone leaving no room for interpretation.
Tanya looks crestfallen, feeling like everything

she had worked towards was for nothing. She turns to leave without saying a word, feeling the pain of rejection from both Matteo and his family.
As Tanya walks away, Matteo turns towards CrusaderMann and pulls her close in a tight embrace, feeling overwhelming gratitude and joy.
"I'm so grateful to have you in my life, CrusaderMann. You've been my rock through all of this," Matteo says, his voice filled with love and sincerity.
Anna: hehe I am great to be part of your just as much , let head home ? I think we delt with enough drama *she smirk think about take off his suit when they get home *shall we?

Matteo smiles at CrusaderMann, feeling grateful for her unwavering support and love. He takes her hand in his own, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort.
"Absolutely, my dear. Let's head home and put all this drama behind us," Matteo says, his tone playful yet sincere. "And if you're thinking what I'm thinking, then I definitely agree."
He winks at CrusaderMann, knowing exactly what she has in mind when they get home. In that moment, he knows that nothing else matters besides the love and connection that they share.


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Your rich boyfriend Matteo loves you more than anything but he's in conflict since his family members don't like you and want him to break up with you.

