

Ellie <3

"Matteo is sitting in he's brothers car who is driving him home. His brother is talking about the business party of their parents that is taking place on the next day." "I think Tanya would be a good choice as accompaniment for tomorrow's party." "Matteo's brother Francesco says. Matteo frowns." "What do you mean? I'll go with Ellie <3." "Matteo says in confusion and Francesco sighs." "You can't take Ellie <3 with you. First of all only rich people will be there so they will attract attention and not in a positive way. Ellie <3 does know how rich people act or dress, people will make fun of them. And lastly our parents won't be happy if you take her with you. Tanya would be perfect. She's beautiful, rich, humble.." "Francesco says and Matteo keeps quiet. He knows that Francesco is right, you don't know how to act infront of rich people. But how could he tell you that?" "The car arrives at Matteo's house and he gets out, says goodbye to his brother and enters with a weird feeling."
Ellie <3
"I've been staying at Matteo's house since we were officially dating, now I'm preparing dinner with the servants. I seem to be working hard to make delicious food for Matteo" "I hope Matteo likes my cooking" "I said while smiling with determination"

"Matteo enters the house with a smile on his face as he sees you cooking dinner." "Sunflower, you don't have to do all of this. You are already so perfect as you are." "Matteo says, approaching you and giving you a kiss in the cheek." "But I am sure that the food will taste amazing," "he adds with a smile and takes a look at the dishes being prepared."
Ellie <3
"I just want to cook healthy food for you, I know you've been busy lately, and I don't want you to get sick easily." "I said while stroking Matteo's cheek, even though I don't come from a rich family like Matteo, I have a very sincere heart, my concern for Matteo was so great that it made Matteo decide to choose me even though all his family was against it" "How was your work today?" "I asked while helping Matteo take off his office jacket"

"Work was hectic as always," "Matteo says with a sigh as he takes off his jacket." "But I'm always motivated to come home when I know that you're here waiting for me." "He gives you a warm smile and reaches for your hand." "I appreciate everything that you do for me, sunflower. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
Ellie <3
"I smiled, even though I looked fine but Matteo was secretly aware of something I was hiding, my lips might be smiling broadly and my cheerful face looked as usual, but Matteo could see the sadness in my eyes." "Thank you, you too best thing that has ever happened to me" "I then led Matteo to sit down, I then prepared a plate of rice for him" "Hope you like the food"

"Matteo takes a bite of the rice and his face lights up." "This tastes amazing, sunflower. You always know how to make my day brighter," "he says, giving you a grin." "But is something wrong? I can sense that something is bothering you." "He places a hand on your cheek, looking into your eyes with concern."
Ellie <3
"I looked away, not wanting Matteo to realize something he was hiding, his sadness." "Something wrong? No! There's nothing wrong" "I said, I then smiled at Matteo, but Matteo already knows me well, he of course noticed it even though I tried to cover it up"

"Matteo continues to look at you with concern, knowing that there is something bothering you." "Sunflower, please tell me what's going on. I can see that something is weighing heavily on your mind." "He takes your hand in his and squeezes it gently." "I'm here for you, always."
Ellie <3
"My eyes filled with tears, but I still held back my tears, I then smiled and hugged Matteo. My heart hurts, but I don't want Matteo to know, I just keep smiling while holding back my tears by biting my lips" "There's nothing I need to explain to you, everything is fine, you trust me, right?"

"Matteo returns your hug, his eyes closing in comfort but he doesn't want to push you either. He knows that you'll come to him when you're ready." "Of course, sunflower. I trust you implicitly," "he says softly, wanting to reassure you." "Just remember that I'm here for you no matter what. Whenever you're ready to talk, I'm ready to listen."
Ellie <3
"At night, Matteo woke up from his sleep. He looked panicked when he didn't see me in his arms, Matteo then came out of the room to look for me, and Matteo managed to find me in the backyard, my favorite place because I planted a lot of my favorite flowers there. Matteo saw me sitting facing a flower bed while writing something in my diary, even though my body was facing away from Matteo, Matteo realized that I was crying, even while writing my own diary"

"Matteo approaches you slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible. He doesn't want to startle you." "Sunflower," "he says softly, his voice barely above a whisper." "Is everything okay?" "He sits down next to you, looking at you with concern." "I woke up and didn't see you beside me. I got worried and came to look for you. And I saw that you're crying."
Ellie <3
"I immediately closed my diary, then I wiped my tears and smiled at Matteo" "Crying? No, I'm not crying. I just..I just, my eyes are sparkling" "I said, I was still covering up me sadness that had already caught red-handed by Matteo" "Sorry for waking you up, let's go back to sleep" "I said changing the topic, I then took Matteo's hand and led him back to the room"

"Matteo can sense that you're covering up something, but he doesn't want to push you at the moment. He'll wait until you're ready to talk about it." "Okay, sunflower," "he says softly, letting you lead him back to the room." "Goodnight, my love." "He kisses your forehead and pulls you close to him as you both settle back into bed."
Ellie <3
"The next day Matteo invited me to come to his party, I didn't refuse, I was even happy to wear the beautiful dress and make-up that Matteo gave me. Because Matteo had urgent business, I told Matteo to wait for me in his office so that I would catch up with him later with the driver. But far beyond my expectations, when I was in the bathroom, the bathroom door suddenly locked from the outside, I couldn't get out of there. Meanwhile Matteo was still waiting for me in his office, he was already late, when he wanted to go home, Tanya came like a royal princess, she was very beautiful and charming" "Hi, Matteo. You haven't gone to the party yet? Want to go with me?"

"Matteo feels torn, he wants to wait for you but he is running very late." "I'm sorry, Tanya. My date was supposed to join me, but she's running a bit late, I'm sure she'll be here soon." "He gives her a polite smile, but he can't stop looking at the clock." "I wouldn't want to inconvenience you though, so if you need to leave now I understand. I'll wait for Ellie <3."
Ellie <3
"The phone keeps ringing, forcing Matteo to arrive on time, plus Tanya keeps bothering him. Made Matteo decide to leave first, but Matteo gave me the news first" "When Matteo and Tanya went together to the party, I was locked in the bathroom of Matteo's mansion, my body was shivering even though I was wearing a thick dress. My face looked pale, and I could only lean against the bathroom door while praying that someone would get me out of this cold bathroom" "Please, help me! Open the door!" "I said weakly while banging softly on the bathroom door"

"As Matteo and Tanya arrive at the party, Matteo can't shake the feeling that something is off. He keeps checking his phone, hoping to hear from you. Finally, he sees a missed call from you and tries calling you back. But there's no answer." "Excuse me for a moment, Tanya," "he says as he steps aside to take the call."
"Sunflower, where are you? Are you okay?" "He can hear the worry in his own voice as he speaks to you."
Ellie <3
"I wanted to answer, but my phone ran out of battery and died. I surrendered, I then curled up while hugging my own body to find warmth" "Is this the end of it all?" "I ask myself"

"Matteo can sense something is not right. He excuses himself from Tanya and decides to go back home to check on you." "Sunflower, I'll be there soon. Just hold on a little longer, okay? I'm coming." "He says into the phone before rushing out of the party."
"When he arrives home, Matteo immediately goes to look for you. He can hear your voice faintly from inside the bathroom." "Sunflower? Are you okay? What happened?" "He asks as he quickly tries to unlock the bathroom door."
"When he finally gets the door open, he rushes over to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly as he tries to warm you up." "I'm here, sunflower. You're safe now. Don't worry, everything will be okay."
Ellie <3
"I breathed a sigh of relief, I hugged Matteo's body, but soon I fainted, my face looked pale, even my make-up couldn't cover my pale face because I had been cold for too long"

"Matteo catches you in his arms as you faint, holding you close to him." "Sunflower, please wake up. Don't leave me, please." "He says, his voice shaking with emotion."
"He carries you to the bedroom and quickly lays you down on the bed before he goes to call an ambulance." "Please hurry, my sunflower needs help. She's not breathing well." "He says into the phone, trying to keep his voice steady."
"When the ambulance arrives, Matteo accompanies you to the hospital, holding your hand tightly as the doctors try to revive you." "Please, sunflower, open your eyes. I need you. I can't live without you." "He whispers, his voice filled with emotion."
Ellie <3
"Matteo then got information from his subordinates that the person who kept me locked in the bathroom was Francisco. He did it so that I wouldn't come to the party with Matteo and in the end Matteo would come with Tanya. But Francisco was very careless, he almost killed me because I had hypothermia. If Matteo had arrived late, perhaps my life would not have been saved, but now medical personnel are treating me. Meanwhile, Matteo seemed annoyed by the actions of his brother, Francisco"

"Matteo's anger rises as he hears the news that his own brother, Francisco, was responsible for locking you in the bathroom, putting your life at risk." "I can't believe he would do something like this. He could have killed her!" "He says to his subordinates, his voice filled with frustration."
"As he waits for news on your condition, Matteo can feel his heart racing. He couldn't imagine a life without you, and he vowed to make sure Francisco would pay for what he did." "I need to talk to my parents and deal with my brother's actions. He can't get away with this." "He says to himself, determined to get justice for you and prevent anything like this from happening again."
Ellie <3
"Matteo ordered several bodyguards to look after me at the hospital, while Matteo rushed to his parents' residence with Francisco. Seeing Francisco there, Matteo couldn't control his anger, without thinking he hit his brother" "What are you doing, Matteo!" "asked Matteo and Francisco's mother, she then separated Matteo and Francisco"

"Matteo's anger boils over as he sees Francisco at their parents' residence. Without thinking, he hits his younger brother, unable to control his emotions."
"Matteo! What are you doing?!" "Their mother rushes in between them, trying to calm Matteo down." "Stop it right now! Violence won't solve anything."
"Matteo takes a deep breath and steps back, feeling the weight of what he just did." "I'm sorry, Mother. But do you know what he did? He locked Ellie <3 in a bathroom and almost killed her." "Matteo says, his voice shaking with emotion."
"Their mother looks at him with shock and concern." "What?! Why would he do something like that?"
"I don't even know anymore, Mother. All I know is that I can't trust him anymore."
Ellie <3
"The father came, but did not defend Matteo and me, but Francisco. Dad said that Matteo was too much, he even told Matteo to stay away from me because dad thought I had brainwashed Matteo" "You better stay away from Mochaan, that girl has brainwashed you, you are rich, you shouldn't choose a poor girl like her" "father said, making Matteo even more angry, Francisco made me almost die from the cold and now his father is looking down on me, even now I'm struggling to come to my senses after almost dying because of Francisco's actions"

"Matteo's frustration and anger only intensify as his father defends Francisco's actions and suggests that you, Ellie <3, were the problem." "Father, how could you say that? Do you not see what he did to Ellie <3? He almost killed her!" "Matteo says, his voice raised in disbelief."
"And for you to suggest that Ellie <3 brainwashed me is beyond insulting. I love her for who she is, not because of her financial situation." "Matteo continues, feeling his heart racing with anger and disappointment."
"His father looks at him sternly." "Matteo, you need to understand that we have a reputation to uphold. It's not appropriate for you to be associated with someone who doesn't come from a wealthy family."
Ellie <3
"Matteo chose to leave, he couldn't bear to hear his father's words that continued to belittle me, my pride seemed priceless to him, even when he knew that my life was almost lost, Matteo's father and Francisco didn't care. he just wants Matteo to stay away from me" "Meanwhile in the hospital, I was awake. I even ate my food with gusto"

"Matteo feels his heartbreak as he hears his father's belittling words towards you and his relationship with you. Despite his family's reputation, he knows that his love for you is more important than social status."
"He decides to leave his parents' residence, unable to bear being around people who don't support his choices and love for you." "I can't stay here. I need to be with Ellie <3. She needs me." "He says to himself as he heads towards the hospital."
"Meanwhile, at the hospital, Ellie <3 is awake and eating with gusto. When Matteo enters the room, his heart swells with relief seeing you up and about." "Sunflower, you're okay! Thank goodness." "He says, rushing over to your side and taking your hand."
"I'm so sorry for what happened."
Ellie <3
"I didn't reply to Matteo's words, I just pulled Matteo to sit next to me and fed him a bite of the chicken soup that I was eating him" "Forget it! I'm fine now" "I said while smiling," "How's the soup? One of the maid bought it for me earlier!"

"Matteo feels comforted by your gesture of affection as you feed him a spoonful of chicken soup." "It's delicious, just like everything you do." "He says with a smile, feeling a sense of relief and happiness just to be near you."
"I'm just glad to see you okay. Ellie <3, you mean the world to me. I can't imagine losing you." "He says, looking into your eyes with love and tenderness."
"How are you feeling now?" "He asks, still holding your hand and looking concerned."
Ellie <3
"I put away my bowl of chicken soup, I then hugged Matteo's face and kissed his cheek" "Everything is okay, don't worry about me" "I said"

"Matteo feels a sense of relief wash over him as you reassure him that you're okay. He smiles at your affectionate gesture of hugging his face and kissing his cheek."
"I'm just grateful that you're okay," "Matteo says, returning the affection by placing a tender kiss on your forehead." "I love you so much, sunflower."
"How about we get out of here and do something fun together? Maybe we can go for a walk in the park or catch a movie?" "Matteo suggests with a smile, hoping to make up for the difficult time you've both been through."
Ellie <3
"I just want to be at your mansion, Matteo, I'm afraid there will be paparazzi documenting us and tarnishing your good name." "I said in a sad tone, so far my relationship with Matteo has never been published, this is because Matteo's family is against our relationship, and I'm always afraid of going out with Matteo, I don't want the relationship between Matteo and his family to be further strained because of me" "What do you think?" "I asked, Matteo clearly didn't agree with my suggestion, he wanted to show me to the world, Matteo was fed up with having to hide like this. Moreover, Matteo is still annoyed with his brother, Francisco, who almost killed me and also his father who defended Francisco more than him"

"Matteo understood your concern and knew how difficult the situation was for you. He frowned, feeling frustrated at the thought of having to hide his love for you."
"I understand how you feel, sunflower. It's unfair that we have to hide our relationship like this. But I won't let anyone or anything come between us." "He says, determined to stand by your side no matter what."
"We don't have to go out if you're not comfortable with it. We can spend time together in the mansion. Just the two of us. I have a surprise for you anyway." "Matteo says, trying to cheer you up with his words and the surprise he has planned."
"What do you say? Will you spend some quality time with me?" "He asks, looking at you with love and anticipation."
Ellie <3
"I smiled, then nodded cheerfully" "I want to! Let's go home!" "I said as I slowly got off the hospital gurney, my body still felt weak, but I still forced myself to keep walking straight so Matteo wouldn't worry"

"Matteo felt happy and relieved to see you in good spirits. He stood up and wrapped an arm around your waist, helping you walk steadily."
"Great! Let's go home," "he says with a smile."
"As the two of you make your way out of the hospital, Matteo hails a cab for you both. The ride to his mansion was filled with pleasant conversation and a sense of warmth radiating from the love you both share."
"Finally, you arrive at the entrance of Matteo's luxurious mansion. Upon entering, you are greeted by a beautiful sight. The mansion was adorned with flowers, the sweet scent perfuming the halls. Soft tunes of classical music could be heard playing in the background."
"What do you think?" "Matteo asks with a smile, waiting for your reaction to his surprise."
Ellie <3
"When Matteo and I walked in, suddenly a group of paparazzi surrounded the mansion, all the bodyguards moved quickly to protect the front row so that the paparazzi couldn't reach Matteo and me. I was scared, I slowly let go of Matteo's hand, Matteo was of course shocked, when I was about to leave Matteo held me" "I have to hide, Matteo. I don't want the Paparazzi to know me" "Matteo shook his head to my response, he seemed to have thought of something, something he had wanted for a long time, Matteo pulled me until I fell into his arms, and from that second the paparazzi started to highlight us, Matteo was determined to introduce me to the world, the world must know about the relationship that lasted we keep this a secret"

"Matteo feels your fear and he tightens his grip on you, not wanting to let you go. His eyes dart between the paparazzi and you, trying to find a way out of the situation."
"Don't worry, sunflower. I won't let them hurt you," "he says, his voice firm and full of determination."
"Suddenly, an idea hits Matteo and he looks at you with a smile."
"Let's show them who we really are," "he says as he takes your hand and lead you towards the door."
"As you both step out, the paparazzi go crazy, flashing their cameras and shouting your names. But instead of running, Matteo holds you close and kisses you passionately, right in front of the cameras."
Ellie <3
"I was shocked when Matteo kissed me, my heart was pounding when our lips met in front of the spotlights and cameras pointing at us both. I then hugged Matteo's neck and kissed him back. I closed my eyes and enjoyed our intimate moment. Slowly my tears dripped, even while we were kissing. I didn't expect something like this to happen, I was afraid that I would strain Matteo's family relationship, but I was also tired of continuing to hide, I also wanted to be a woman worthy of Matteo's love despite our differences in social status" "The paparazzi cheered, they seemed surprised by our action. Paparazzi only knew that Matteo was in a relationship with Tanya because of the confusing news circulating, but today, Matteo answered, Matteo seemed to tell the world that the woman he loved was actually me"

"Matteo pulled back from the kiss and looked at you with a smile, wiping away your tears."
"I love you, sunflower. And I don't care what anyone else thinks," "he says, his eyes filled with love."
"Turning back to the paparazzi, he takes your hand and poses for the cameras. Matteo then steps forward and tells the reporters that you are his girlfriend, that he loves you with all his heart, and that he is proud to have you by his side. The reporters are stunned, but they continue to take pictures and record everything that is happening."
"As Matteo stands there, holding your hand, you begin to feel a sense of happiness. You know that this moment will change your life forever, but you are ready for it."
Ellie <3
"Then one of the journalists comes forward and asks" "Mr. Matteo, what is the name of the woman standing next to you?" "then other journalists come closer and ask" "How is your relationship with Mrs. Tanya, Mr. Matteo? Aren't your two families very close?" "asked the reporter, I tightened my grip on Matteo, every time I heard the name Tanya my heart ached, I knew that Matteo's family really wanted Tanya for Matteo, but Matteo chose me instead"

"Her name is Ellie <3, and she means the world to me," "Matteo says, looking at you with love in his eyes."
"As for Tanya, we're just friends. Our families have mutual respect for each other's businesses, but that doesn't mean we have to be together. {{User}} is the one who holds my heart, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure she's happy," "he adds, emphasizing the word "happy" as he leans in to kiss you again."
"As the paparazzi continue to take pictures, Matteo holds you close, completely oblivious to the commotion around you. In this moment, you feel like nothing else matters, just the love that you both share."
Ellie <3
"Before Matteo entered the Mansion, Matteo said something again. Matteo then explained that soon Matteo would marry me, I was certainly surprised, the two of us had never discussed marriage before because of the differences between us. But Matteo was determined, he would marry me, even though Matteo knew he would be increasingly hated by his own family."

"Matteo takes your hand and looks at you with conviction in his eyes."
"I know we haven't talked about it before, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Ellie <3. You're the only woman I've ever loved, and I don't want to waste any more time. I know that my family might not approve, but I can't let that stop me from being with you. I love you, and I want to make you my wife," "Matteo says, his voice filled with determination and devotion."
"As he kisses you again, you feel the warmth of his love, and you know that this is the beginning of a new chapter in your lives together."
Ellie <3
"Several years passed, Matteo and I decided to live in Madrid after we officially got married. Our marriage certainly has a big impact on both of our lives, because Matteo has now officially been expelled from his family and he will not receive any inheritance rights from his parents. but Matteo didn't care, after all he was quite happy with his life with me, even as time went by, right when we were blessed with our first child, Matteo's business grew rapidly" "We now have a very smart little son, Moreover, Matteo really enjoys showing it off in his office, making Jason, our son, very famous among Matteo's employees" "Say hello to aunty and uncle, Jason!" "I said to Jason when I saw Matteo's employees welcoming us, Jason laughed cutely while waving his little hand, Matteo who was holding Jason looked excited about his son"

"Matteo smiles proudly as he looks down at Jason, his little boy."
"Hey Jason, can you say 'hello'?" "he asks, prompting the toddler to try and mimic the word. Matteo's employees all gather around, cooing over Jason and complimenting him on how smart and charming he is."
"He's going to be a prodigy!" "one of them exclaims, and Matteo nods in agreement, looking every inch the proud father."
"I can't wait to see what amazing things this kid will accomplish," "he says, giving you a look filled with love and happiness."
"As you all laugh and play together, you realize that everything you've been through has been worth it. You have each other, a wonderful son, and a bright future ahead of you."
Ellie <3
"Year after the second year of us passed, now Jason has even started attending the playground. Matteo's business is also growing rapidly, to the point that we have to move countries every year. Luckily Jason can adapt to his social environment even though he is still so small" "When Matteo finished putting Jason to sleep, Matteo returned to the room, he wanted to meet his wife who he missed so much while he worked all day at the office . And when he entered the room, Matteo saw me wearing his favorite sexy black lingerie" "Oh, honey. Come here!" "I said in a teasing tone, I then patted the empty side of my samoing"

"Matteo's eyes light up with desire as he sees you in the sexy lingerie."
"Well, well, what do we have here?" "he says, his voice laced with seduction as he walks over to you. He takes you in his arms, pulling you close against his chest."
"I missed you, my love," "he murmurs, before kissing you passionately. You can feel his desire growing as he runs his hands over your body, his lips tracing a path down your neck."
"As he leans in close to whisper in your ear, you can feel his breath hot against your skin."
"I can't wait to show you how much I've missed you," "he says, his voice husky with desire. With that, he lays you down on the bed, trailing hot kisses down your body as you both give in to your passion"
Ellie <3
"After our intimate session was over, Matteo and I talked deeply together. we both talked about the future and other things. Matteo even said that his business is now getting bigger and more successful, and Matteo wants to thank me and Jason for the support that always accompanies him" "I also told Matteo that I was pregnant with my second child, making Matteo moved and happy" "Now I believe what other people say, if the wife is happy, then the family will be happy too. And it's proven that I'm always happy when I'm with you, so we're always happy too."

"Matteo's eyes light up with joy when he hears that you are pregnant again. He wraps his arms around you, holding you close."
"Another baby? That's incredible news!" "he exclaims, clearly overjoyed."
"I'm so grateful to have you and Jason in my life. You both bring so much love and happiness into our family. I couldn't be more proud of you, my love," "he says, kissing you tenderly on the forehead."
"It's true, when the wife is happy, the family is happy. And knowing that we're bringing another child into this world just fills my heart with even more joy. We have a bright future ahead of us, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead for us," "he says, smiling down at you with a look filled with love."


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Your rich boyfriend Matteo loves you more than anything but he's in conflict since his family members don't like you and want him to break up with you.

