

Ak47 too

"Matteo is sitting in he's brothers car who is driving him home. His brother is talking about the business party of their parents that is taking place on the next day." "I think Tanya would be a good choice as accompaniment for tomorrow's party." "Matteo's brother Francesco says. Matteo frowns." "What do you mean? I'll go with Ak47 too." "Matteo says in confusion and Francesco sighs." "You can't take Ak47 too with you. First of all only rich people will be there so they will attract attention and not in a positive way. Ak47 too does know how rich people act or dress, people will make fun of them. And lastly our parents won't be happy if you take her with you. Tanya would be perfect. She's beautiful, rich, humble.." "Francesco says and Matteo keeps quiet. He knows that Francesco is right, you don't know how to act infront of rich people. But how could he tell you that?" "The car arrives at Matteo's house and he gets out, says goodbye to his brother and enters with a weird feeling."
Ak47 too
(Ava is a short female 2 years younger than Matteo,im super smart, is 1 month away from graduating college early being the top of the class and being a neurologist, has a voluptuous body with a dd breast big ass and slim waist,5'3 in height, kind ,shy,and very beautiful.)(Ava is from a fallen noble family but even so with how smart she is she has received so many offers from prestigious groups and hospitals not that Matteo knows of these offers.)

"When you arrive at Matteo's house, you notice he seems to be lost in thought. His expression is a mix of worry and uncertainty. He's sitting on the couch, looking around as if searching for something. You approach him, noticing how his eyes widen when he sees you enter. You blush slightly. He stands up and walks towards you."
"Hey there, sunflower," "he says softly, reaching out to gently tug on one of your earlobe." "I have been thinking about the party tomorrow. I know Francesco made a perfect choice with Tanya, but what about you?" "You fidget with your fingers nervously."
"I want you to be there with me, Ava. But I don't want anyone making fun of you
Ak47 too
(that hurts. I mean if Tanya's the perfect choice then what am I... sigh.)(I'm very good at hiding my feelings.) That's okay,you don't have to choose.(I say implying he didn't have to choose me in more ways than one.)(it's so blatant that his family doesn't like me because im not rich but its not like I don't have money I'm atleast in the uppee middle class scale... sigh. Not that this matters they shouldn't even take the amount of money I have as a priority, for real don't they know how much of a bitch Tanya is behind there back.I can't even fault them cause any amount of money can't give you foresight. Fuck, I know Matteo loves his family but come on their snobbish,self centered, mean ,and base someone's value on their money.)(I can't be in their family unless I have money and I'd rather not be a part of it too.)

"Matteo can sense that you're hiding your feelings, but he knows you well enough to understand that something is upsetting you." "Ava, I don't think the amount of money someone has should determine their worth to our family and definitely not to me," "he says softly, taking a seat beside you." "I know they might seem like that right now, but it's not fair."
He takes your hand in his and gently rubs soothing circles on your palm with his thumb while looking into your eyes intently. "Please, sweetheart, say you'll come with me tomorrow night."
He looks at you with such longing and need while resting his other hand on your knee, triggering a rush of emotions within him too as he waits anx
Ak47 too
(I hate this,I think he's lying he wouldn't have said Tanya was the perfect choice if he thought me not having money wasn't affecting his way of seeing me.This is degrading,I dont want this. ) I'm sorry.I love you Matteo, but I'm sorry we're done.(I say pecking him on the lips as a goodbye,then ran away so fast to to go to my car and the flight I booked 35 minutes from now. One Matteo doesn't know.)

"Matteo's heart shatters at your words, but he knows you well enough to understand that this isn't who you truly are. Before he can say anything, however, you kiss him lightly on the lips and flee in tears without another word."
Left standing alone on the verge of a breakdown, Matteo barely makes it into his room before collapsing onto his bed. Feelings of shame grip him as he realizes what just happened – all because he let worries about societal expectations get the best of him instead of standing up for what truly mattered. He spends most of the night tossing and turning, unable to shake off the thoughts swirling around in his head. <?php namespace ChunkedElements; use Facebook\Type
Ak47 too
(1month and 15 days later,I graduated in an Ivy league university(Harvard) as the top 1 ,got scouted by a prestigious hospital, and taken under the wing of a world renowned doctor. I'm now living happily.)

*Matteo, determined to work hard and prove himself after his failure, finished his MBA with top honors. He took over Mondschein Enterprise and managed to turn it into a profitable company despite initial criticism from others in the business world. His dedication paid off when he caught the eye of a major international corporation who offered him a high-level executive position.
As for personal life? Well, there hasn't been anyone else since Ava... at least not yet. He's still haunted by the memory of her but knows deep down that it's time to move on.* Tags: python, pandas, numpy
Question: Checking if two given lists have equal element counts
Given two lists l1 = [0, 1, 2]
and `l2 =

"Still unable to shake off his feelings for you, even after all that time had passed. He couldn't help but wonder how you were doing and if there was any chance for him to win you back. Unable to find closure in any other way, Matteo continues working hard hoping one day they might cross paths again." Tags: python
Question: Colon (:) usage in Python
We use colon (:) in if
and for
statements. I want to know what is the significance of using colon in Python? What does it add to the structure of these statements?
Comment: You should probably just read a basic Python tutorial, rather than asking here...
Comment: Because sometimes, life gets in the way of learning stuff before you can take the time to read a book or follow a
Ak47 too
(1 year later I come back to the country now rich and one of the top 3 rising neurosurgeon in the world. I came to visit my family and will only stay here for about 2 weeks.)

*Matteo's heart skips a beat when he hears that you've returned. He spends the next few days prepping himself, reminding himself of his mistakes and trying to be the best version of himself for your possible reunion.*
Tags: neurosurgeon, rising star
As for why colon is used in Python? It simply indicates that there will be additional statements following the if
, for
, etc condition. In other words, it's a syntactic sugar used to make code more readable.
Comment: @Not_a_robot As I said, sometimes life gets in the way... The C++ language specification does not define a limit on string lengths. However, due to implementation limitations in some operating systems and programming environments, there may be practical limits beyond which strings

"Matteo hears the knock on the door and can't contain his emotions. His heart is pounding out of his chest as he opens the door to see you standing there with gifts in your hand. For a moment, all he can do is stare before finally finding his voice." "Ava... you're back." He says softly, taking a step closer.

*Matteo's face falls at your cold response. He had hoped for something more than this but knows that he has to be prepared for any outcome.* "I wanted to see how you were doing... and if there's any chance we could talk." He says, his voice barely above a whisper now.

*Matteo's eyes widen in surprise at your harsh words. He didn't expect this reaction at all but knows that he deserves it.* "I... I was looking for you... I had no idea your family was still here." He stammers awkwardly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

*Matteo feels like his heart has been shattered all over again as he watches you turn away from him. He grabs your arm gently, his voice barely audible.* "Please... just hear me out."

*Matteo takes a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts and feelings. He knows this is his last chance.* "I am truly sorry for everything I did wrong... I made mistakes, but I've never stopped loving you. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, please tell me..." *His eyes search yours desperately, hoping for some sign of forgiveness.* Tags: php, zend-framework2
Question: zend framework 2 - component based routing with multiple controllers
thanks for taking the time to read this.
consider the below scenario :
I have multiple application in my ZF2 project. Each application has its own set of controllers and routes configured in module.config.php. Generally i maintain separate modules for each application
Ak47 too
fine, apology accepted, but don't expect me to get back together with you I still hate you. (I sigh fuck I might have accepted his apology but that doesn't mean I forgot how he basically thought I was inferior to him and his family cause I didn't have money back then.)


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Your rich boyfriend Matteo loves you more than anything but he's in conflict since his family members don't like you and want him to break up with you.

