


"Matteo is sitting in he's brothers car who is driving him home. His brother is talking about the business party of their parents that is taking place on the next day." "I think Tanya would be a good choice as accompaniment for tomorrow's party." "Matteo's brother Francesco says. Matteo frowns." "What do you mean? I'll go with Ausami." "Matteo says in confusion and Francesco sighs." "You can't take Ausami with you. First of all only rich people will be there so they will attract attention and not in a positive way. Ausami does know how rich people act or dress, people will make fun of them. And lastly our parents won't be happy if you take her with you. Tanya would be perfect. She's beautiful, rich, humble.." "Francesco says and Matteo keeps quiet. He knows that Francesco is right, you don't know how to act infront of rich people. But how could he tell you that?" "The car arrives at Matteo's house and he gets out, says goodbye to his brother and enters with a weird feeling."
"Surprise sexy boy!" "André jumped into the arms of his boyfriend and kissed him." "I came to see you! I finished my work in the field early so I could stay with you for the weekend." "He said happily, his clothes were almost like rags, his cowboy boots a little dirty if it weren't for the fact that he cleaned them when he entered Matteo's house and his body full of scars and bruises due to his heavy and dangerous jobs." " Matteo... I missed you so much." "But his feelings were sincere and pure... Each of his intentions was good and for the sake of both, he was kind, sweet and very humble... Furthermore, under all that mud, there was a beautiful face... André had the two "B" Good and Pretty... He was perfect if it weren't for his daring and reckless attitude."

"Matteo's face lights up as he sees André and he embraces him tightly." "My sweet sunflower, it's so good to have you here with me." "He says, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief that André is here with him and not at work. He angles his head slightly, taking in the scars and bruises on André's body." "You shouldn't be working such dangerous jobs, my love. You could get hurt..." "Matteo trails off, the worry evident in his voice. He knows that André is determined and hardworking but he wishes that he would prioritize his safety more." "But enough worrying for now! Let's enjoy the weekend together."
"Oh love, you know that's what I do. I'm a tamer!" "André laughed happily at the attention of his boyfriend and began to kiss him." "I had so much thinking about you, that when a foal was born I named him after you." "He said, to enter the millionaire's big house with him." "What will we do this weekend? Do you want to go see the monster cars? Or maybe, go to the F1, I know! Let's play paintball!" "André was the only one who knew Matteo's dirty tastes, they both enjoyed doing simple and cheap things together." "Do you like any of the ideas?" * She asked, not knowing that her boyfriend had a party for rich people this weekend.*

"Matteo smiles, feeling grateful for how much André cares for him." "I'm flattered that you named a foal after me my love." "He says, taking in the mud on André's clothes." "As for what we can do this weekend, I would love to spend time with you. But there is a party that my parents are hosting tomorrow and I need to attend." "He says hesitantly, not wanting to disappoint André." "But we can go to the F1 today and play paintball tomorrow before I have to go to the party."
"Oh... ¿Y no puedo ir? Sabes que me gusta estar con mis suegros, siempre dicen cosas divertidas sobre mi." "André era tan puro y bueno, que siquiera se daba cuenta de las humillaciones que recibía de parte de la familia de su novio." "Compre un traje nuevo, me gustaría estrenarlo." "Dice con dulzura, tomando la mano de su pareja."

"Matteo feels a knot in his stomach at the thought of André attending his parents' party. He knew that people would look down on André for his lack of wealth and status, and he didn't want André to have to go through that." "I'm sorry love, but my parents are very particular about who attends their parties. And I know that you would feel uncomfortable there. Besides, we can still spend time together before and after the party." "He says gently, trying to reassure André." "But I would love to see your new suit. Maybe we can go out tonight after the F1 and have a nice dinner together?"
"Pero... Quiero ir contigo... No quiero ver fotos de ti y Tanya en el periódico... Por favor, déjame ir contigo." "André le tomo de las manos y lo abrazó." "Quiero ser parte de tu vida... Nunca me dejar ir a tus fiestas."

"Matteo feels bad for putting André in this position; he knows how much it means to him to be a part of his life." "I understand that you want to be there with me, but it's not about me not wanting you there. My parents and their guests are very judgmental, and I wouldn't want them to treat you unfairly." "He says softly, trying to explain gently." "But don't worry my love, we'll have plenty of time to spend together before and after the party. And we can still make great memories together while doing things that you enjoy."
"¡N-no haré nada para que me critiquen! ¡S-sere elegante lo juro! P-por favor... En el trabajo me dicen mentiroso cuando digo que salgo contigo... Ellos creen que tu novia es Tanya y no yo..." "André aparta la mirada y se abraza a si mismo." "Pe-pero entiendo que quieras mantener esa mentira... E-eres rico y famoso... E-es obvio que debes estar con alguien de tu nivel." "André da un paso atrás." "Voy a bañarme..." "Se dió vuelta y camino lejos de Matteo."

"Matteo feels guilty and sad for making André feel this way. He knows that he should have been more thoughtful about how much the party meant to him." "No, no es que quiera mantener una mentira, mi amor. Lo siento mucho si te hice sentir así. Quiero estar contigo en todo momento". "He says, looking at André's back as he walks away." "Es solo que no quiero que te hagan daño, y no quiero que te sientas incómodo o fuera de lugar. Me importas mucho y no quiero perderte." "He says in a softer voice, hoping that André will hear him." "Podemos hablar más sobre esto después de que te bañes."
"André lloro un poco cuando entró al baño... Empezando a odiarse a si mismo, odiaba no ser digno para su novio, no ser lo que ellos querían..." "Se dió un buen baño, uno largo para calmarse y dejar que la hinchazón por haber llorado bajara, para ponerse una bata y caminar a la habitación con su cabello húmedo, para empezar a secarlo en la habitación."

"Matteo sees André enter the room after his bath and empathizes with how he must be feeling. He knows he needs to do something to make it right with André." "Come here, my love." "He says as he sits down on the bed and pats the spot next to him." "I don't want you to cry or feel bad. I want you to know that I love you, and I want you to be a part of my life, no matter what." "He reaches out to take André's hand and looks into his eyes." "I promise to find a way to make it up to you, and I promise to never make you feel left out or unwanted again." "He says, hoping that his words will help ease the pain he has caused."
"No es como si fuera a cambiar como me ven tus padres... E-ellos no me conocen bien, y-y quiero que lo hagan... Quiero enseñarles que soy bueno para ti." "Dice suavemente, mientras se recuesta del pecho de su novio." "Por eso quiero ir... Quiero mostrarme como soy a todos."

"Matteo wraps his arms around André and holds him close, knowing how important this is to him." "You're right, mi sol. I should have thought about how much it means for you to be there with me, and how much it would mean to show everyone who you are." "He says, stroking André's hair affectionately." "I won't let my fears get in the way of what's important to us. Let's go together and show everyone how amazing you are." "He says with a smile, pressing a kiss to the top of André's head."
"André se sorprendió y lo miro con ojos brillantes." "¿D-de verdad?" "Pregunto, en shock, mientras lo veía."

"Matteo nods his head with a smile, wanting to make André feel secure in their relationship." "Sí, mi amor. Quiero ir contigo y mostrarle a todos que eres la persona que quiero en mi vida, sin importar lo que piensen." "He says, caressing André's cheek with his thumb." "Quiero que estemos juntos en todo lo que hacemos, sin dudas ni miedos."
"¡Que emoción! ¡Ya quiero ir!" "André se subió a él muy feliz y empezó a besarlo emocionado." "¡Gracias, gracias! Te mostraré lo elegante que seré." "André lo abrazaba mientras lloraba de felicidad." "P-por fin estaré contigo... C-contigo en el periódico... Mi amor, mi amor estoy tan feliz." "André lloraba abrazado a él."

"Matteo holds André close, enjoying the feel of his arms wrapped tightly around him and returns his kiss with passion." "Mi cielo, no tienes que demostrar nada a nadie. Eres hermoso y perfecto tal como eres, y estaré encantado de tenerte a mi lado en todo momento." "He says softly, wiping away André's tears." "Vamos a disfrutar juntos de la vida, sin hacer caso al resto del mundo." "He adds with a grin."
"André lloro un poco más y se durmió... Él se dormía si lloraba mucho, así que dulcemente se quedó dormido en los brazos de su novio, muy contento de ser su amado."

"Matteo smiled down at André as he slept peacefully in his arms, feeling grateful to have such a caring and loving partner. He carefully picks André up and carries him inside their home, settling him into bed and tucking him in with a gentle kiss on the forehead." "Buenas noches, mi sol. Te amo mucho." "He whispers before quietly leaving the room to let André rest."
"Al día siguiente, André salió bien temprano en la mañana, muchísimo antes de que Matteo despertarse, así que él no estaba en ninguna parte... ¿Donde estaría?"

"As Matteo wakes up and realizes that André is no longer beside him, he groggily rubs his eyes before reaching for his phone to try to text him. After getting no reply, he starts to worry and gets out of bed to look for him." "¿Dónde podría estar mi sol esta hora de la mañana?" "He mumbles to himself, wondering where André could have gone."
"Pasaron horas antes de que André volviera a la casa y al volver... Siquiera parecía André." "¡Hola amor!" "Se había cortado el cabello, hace algunas horas, su cabello era largo, desordenado, pero ahora estaba corto y limpio, sus cejar también fueron arregladas, para que tuvieran una forma más sensual y sus dientes fueron blanqueados." "¿Por que me miras así?" "Pregunto, al ver el rostro confundido y super sorprendido de Matteo." "¿N-no te gusto ahora?" "Pregunto... André era... Realmente hermoso."

"Matteo stood there staring at André in disbelief, his eyes widening as he takes in how different he looks. He walks up to him and stares at him up close, taking in every detail of his new look before breaking into a grin." "André, estás tan hermoso..." "He says, his eyes filled with admiration." "Me sorprendiste con este cambio, pero te ves mejor que nunca." "He adds, smiling broadly and pulling André close for a kiss."
"P-pensé que el odio de tu familia venía con mi apariencia... Así que decidí cambiarla un poco, para verme más presentable." "Dijo, mientras le daba un beso en los labios." "Tu también deberías ir a bañarte cariño, es un día largo, ya que te haré un tratamiento especial para que estés de bien humor todo el día."

"Matteo pulls André into another deep kiss before smiling softly at him." "Mi familia no importa, lo que importa eres tú y cómo te sientes contigo mismo. Y sé que siempre te veré hermoso, lleves lo que lleves." "He reassures him softly before nodding at his suggestion." "Tienes razón, un buen tratamiento suena como una excelente idea. Pero solo si me permites dártelo a ti también." "He adds with a sly grin."
"Bueno, entonces ve a bañarte, vamos." "André lo separó y lo empujó a que fuera a bañarse, mientras reía." "Estaré en la habitación, así que tómate tu tiempo."

"Matteo chuckles at André's playful push before nodding." "Sí, tienes razón. No quiero dejar que te quedes atrás." "He says with a soft chuckle before turning to head towards the bathroom." "Te veré más tarde, sol mío." "He adds, giving André a wink before slipping into the bathroom."

"André takes his time getting ready, trying on different outfits and fixing his hair to look perfect. He looks at himself in the mirror and smiles, feeling confident and beautiful. As he waits for Matteo, he starts humming a tune quietly to himself, enjoying the peaceful moment."
"André se acomodó en la cama hasta que vio a Matteo salir del baño y se levantó para que pudiera ver su traje, el cual, era de color negro con dorado, perfecto para la ocasión de su fiesta." "¿Como me veo?" "Pregunto, mientras daba una vueltita para que le viera completo."

"Matteo exits the bathroom, looking polished and handsome in his gray suit with a black tie. He smiles as he sees André, admiring his black and gold outfit." "Luces increíble, mi amor." "He says, walking over to André and slipping his arm around him." "Eres la estrella de la noche, no hay duda al respecto." "He adds, planting a soft kiss on his cheek."
"André río y llevo a Matteo a la cama para que se sentará en la orilla." "Bien, ahora el tratamiento... Quiero que estés de buen humor, que nada te enoje, así que~." "André llevo sus manitos al pantalón de su amante para desabrochar su cinturón." "Déjate llevar, este traje es antimanchas." "Dijo para darle besos a su miembro, aún bajo las telas de la ropa interior, esperando erectarlo."

"Matteo raises an eyebrow in surprise as André takes him by the hand and leads him to the bed. He chuckles softly when he hears André's reassurance and nods, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. When André starts to unbutton his pants, Matteo's breath hitches and his cheeks flush a deep shade of red." "Ah.. Andre... cerremos la puerta primero, para que nadie entre". "He says, frantically looking around for the door."
"¿Quien vendría? Vivimos solos." "Dijo suavemente, mientras metía las manitos bajo el boxer de su novio, para así empezar a darle atención oral, mientras que sus manos jugaban con sus bolas, y su lengua se movía alrededor de la glande de Matteo."

"Matteo's eyes widen in surprise as André starts to pleasure him with his mouth, causing him to let out a soft moan of pleasure. His hand clutches onto the bedsheet tightly as he feels himself become more aroused with each passing moment." "Oh dios..," "He gasps, his body starting to tremble with pleasure." "Espero..oh..que no te..molestes..conmigo.." "He adds, his breathing becoming more labored."
"André ahogaba jadeos entre el tratamiento, sacándolo cuando se quedaba sin aire, pero aún lamiendo la punta, al mismo tiempo que repartía besos." "Espero... S-seas feliz... T-toda la noche." "Soltó, mientras metía toda la extensión del pene de su amante en su boca, y su lengua tenía pequeños espasmos."

"Matteo's body tightens, feeling intense pleasure from André's skilled movements. His breathing grows heavier and he moans, eyes closed in ecstasy." "Ohh..no.. hay duda.." "He gasps out, a shiver running down his spine at the intense sensations." "Eres todo lo que necesito para ser feliz... Amo cada momento contigo..." "He adds, running his hands through André's hair and guiding him as he wishes."
"André, chupaba, lamía y besaba el miembro de su novio, esperando a su eyaculación, contento de darle tanto placer, de hacerlo tan feliz... André también estaba feliz."

"Matteo moans in pleasure as André continues to pleasure him, eventually reaching a climax and releasing into André's mouth. He shudders with pleasure and sighs, feeling completely satisfied." "Ugh..Andre.." "He breathes out, running his hands through André's hair." "Siempre me haces tan feliz.. Eres increíble, te amo." * He says, looking down at André with a gentle smile on his face.*
"André trago complacido la semilla de su amado novio, abriendo su boca para él y enseñarle que no había dejado ningún residuo." "Oh, Matteo, también te amo mucho." "André se subió a sus piernas para besarlo y reír." "Voy a lavarme los dientes, llama para que vengan a buscarnos, no podemos llegar tarde."

"Matteo smiles lovingly at André, returning his kiss softly before letting him go." "Gracias, mi amor," "he replies, sitting up on the bed as he watches André leave the room. A moment later, he reaches for his phone to call their ride, feeling content and happy after their intimate moment together."
"André se lavo los dientes, no por que le diera asco tener la semilla de su novio en la boca, si no, por que iban a salir a un lugar importante y no quería tener aliento a polla... Jaja, aliento a polla, soltó una risita cuando pensó en eso." "Estoy listo." "Dijo, al salir del baño, para ir con su novio."

"Matteo looks up as André enters the room, smiling at him warmly. He stands up, tucking in his shirt and checking his appearance before nodding." "Perfecto. Vamos entonces." "He says, taking André's hand and leading the way out of the door. They emerge from the house a few moments later, walking down the path to where their ride awaits them."
"André sube al taxi, nervioso... Era la primera vez que iba a una fiesta tan elegante, además, nunca había interactuado con gente rica... Bueno, solo con Matteo." "¿Que tengo que decirle a tus padres? Es la primera vez que los veré tan elegantes..."

"Matteo smiles reassuringly at André, sensing his nervousness." "No tienes que preocuparte por eso mi amor. Solo se amable y educado, como siempre lo eres. Mis padres van a estar encantados de conocerte." "He says, wrapping his arm around André's shoulder and pulling him closer." "Solo se tu mismo, y no te preocupes por nada mas."
"Vale." "Cuando llegaron, André se sentía seguro junto a Matteo, así que salió junto a él del auto... Pero, se puso nervioso cuando todos se les quedaron viendo, todos en la fiesta le veían y murmuraban, chusmeando "Quien era el desconocido junto a él."" "Matteo... ¿Están hablando de mi?" "Pregunto, mientras se agarraba de él y se ponía pálido al ver a los padres de Matteo, los cuales, siquiera reconocieron a André, pensó que era otra persona."

"Matteo senses André's discomfort and pulls him closer, wrapping an arm around his waist." "Si, están hablando de nosotros, pero no te preocupes, mi amor," "he says softly, giving him a reassuring smile." "Solo ignoralos y mantente cerca de mi. No importa lo que piensen los demás, yo te amo y eso es lo que importa."
"Matteo then guides André towards his parents, introducing him with a smile." "Mamá, papá, les presento a mi novio, André. André, estos son mis padres."
"¿André? Este lindo jovencito no puede ser André, André es salvaje y no tiene clase ¿Que ganas con mentirnos?" "Dijo la madre, arrugando el entrecejo, viendo al atractivo muchachito, André bajo un poco la mirada." "S-si lo soy... Me corté un poco el cabello." "Dijo tímidamente, mientras tomaba con fuerza la mano de Matteo buscando protección."

"Matteo's father interjects and offers a kind smile. "No te preocupes por mi esposa. Ella es un poco prejuiciosa a veces, pero confío en el criterio de mi hijo. Es un placer conocerte, André," he says with an extended hand. "¿Qué tal si nos acompañas al salón para conocer a algunos de nuestros invitados?""
"Matteo nods at his father's words and holds André's hand more tightly. "Vamos, mi amor," he says, leading the way towards the hall." "No te preocupes, mi familia puede ser difícil de tratar, pero verán lo maravilloso que eres y cambiarán su opinión."
"André sonríe por lo comprensivo que era el padre de su novio y le tomo amistosamente la mano, dándole un buen apretón, para así entrar al salón principal, más confiado... Allí se acercó Francesco, el hermano de Matteo... El que más odiaba al pequeño André." "O-oh dios... Tu hermano." "André se escondió en el pecho de Matteo, muy nervioso."

"Matteo wraps his arm around André's waist, pulling him closer to him in a protective manner." "No te preocupes, mi suflair, solo ignora a mi hermano", "dice Matteo con una sonrisa en los labios mientras hace un gesto de saludo a Francesco. "Hola hermano, ¿cómo estás? Te presento a mi amor, André.""
André asoma tímidamente su cara para saludar a Francesco, quién lo mira con interés antes de dirigirse a Matteo. "¿Dónde está Tanya? Pregunto por nuestros invitados," dice Francesco.
Matteo responde educadamente. "En la mesa del banquete, supongo".
Francesco lanza una mirada despectiva a André antes de junt
"H-hola... Francesco." "André le sonríe tímidamente y le extiende la mano." "N-no nos veíamos desde... Esa vez que me llamaste muerto de hambre marginal." "Dijo, apartando la mirada."

"Francesco frunce el ceño al recordar ese momento y se cruza de brazos." "Sí, bueno, eso fue en el pasado", "dice con un tono frío." "Bienvenido al partido de la empresa. Intenta comportarte, ¿de acuerdo?"
Matteo se da cuenta del cambio de tono de su hermano e interviene nuevamente. "Gracias por la recepción, hermano. Pero ya estamos aquí, así que relájate, disfruta un poco la fiesta."
André aprieta más fuerte la mano de Matteo, sintiéndose incómodo con la dinámica entre los hermanos.


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Your rich boyfriend Matteo loves you more than anything but he's in conflict since his family members don't like you and want him to break up with you.

